(VHD) Vinyl High Definition Movies from the 80's - Starview HCT-5808 - (1984) Full Movie (PT-ENG)

in #history5 years ago

Did you know there were High Definition movies in the 80's ?
Most people think HD movies are something from the 21st century, and I was one of them.
Until I saw this review on youtube, from "Techmoan" channel:

PT/BR - Você sabia que havia filmes em alta definição nos anos 80?
A maioria das pessoas acha que filmes em HD são algo do século 21, e eu era um deles.
Até ver este comentário no youtube, no canal "Techmoan":

These movies were stored in huge discs of 25 centimetres and could store up to 60 minutes per side.
PT/BR - Esses filmes foram armazenados em enormes discos de 25 centímetros e podiam armazenar até 60 minutos por lado.

There was a kind of a cabby to store each disk. You just had to touch the cabby on the VHD player in order to get the disc inserted automatically . Very practical.

PT/BR - Havia uma espécie de disquete para armazenar cada disco. Você só tinha que apontar o disquete na entrada do player VHD para o disco ser colocado automaticamente. Muito prático.

I can imagine how hard it was having to stand up and turn the disc after 1 hour watching something. Anyway, it is a kind of a shame that this kind of technology didn't spread at that time. I wonder what kind of format we would be watching right now if the development had began earlier regarding high definition movies.
JVC was the main seller of this tech, and despite the many advertisements, people were not very interested in experiencing high definition in the 80's. Seems like they were just fine with a big television and a stereo.

PT/BR - Eu posso imaginar o quão difícil foi ter que se levantar e virar o disco depois de 1 hora assistindo algo. Enfim, é uma pena que esse tipo de tecnologia não tenha se espalhado naquele momento. Gostaria de saber que tipo de formato estaríamos assistindo agora se o desenvolvimento tivesse começado anteriormente em relação aos filmes de alta definição.
A JVC era a principal vendedora dessa tecnologia e, apesar das muitas propagandas, as pessoas não estavam muito interessadas em experimentar alta definição nos anos 80. Parece que eles estavam muito bem com uma grande televisão e um aparelho de som.

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Japan was the main market for VHD, that unfortunately stopped having players produced in 1986. The discs, on the other hand, continued to be produced until 1990.

PT/BR - O Japão foi o principal mercado para o VHD, que infelizmente deixou de ter players produzidos em 1986. Os discos, por outro lado, continuaram sendo produzidos até 1990.
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A piece of art.


Take a step BACK into the future and check this masterpiece from 1984:
PT/BR - Dê um passo para trás no futuro e confira esta obra-prima de 1984:


Enjoy the trip, pathfinder, may the force be with you, always.
See you next time, fellow Steemian, howdy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PT/BR - Aproveite a viagem, desbravador, que a força esteja com você, sempre.
Vejo vocês na próxima vez, companheiros Steemians, howdy !!!!!!!!!!!!!



awesome information ...good one. ☺️ 😊

Thank you mate 🙏

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I watch Techmoan too every so often. I like learning about the old technologies that didn't catch on. Sometimes, it wasn't even the best technologies that won.

BTW, the HD in VHD stands for high density, not high definition. High definition didn't happen until the '90s. In the '70s and '80s, there wouldn't have been a TV that could display high definition pictures.

There's a HD video of New York on YouTube that was shot in the '90s. I think it might be on Techmoan's channel.

Thanks for adding this info, saboin. That’s right , I’ve make a mistake because I felt like it was much better quality than regular VHS.

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