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RE: Frankie Recovers And Becomes A Cowboy In Pecos County

in #history5 years ago

I am happy to hear that your hot weather is cooling down for you. It will be 42 degrees Friday morning here! I had to put a pair of socks on last night and today. I almost cried. LOL!

Oh, my kind friend. I am having a hard enough time about letting smithlabs furnish the herbs, so their is no way I could ever accept a computer!!! You guys are the best and it warms my heart just knowing how much you both want to help. Your friendship is all I need sir sir with love and hugs!


Oh man, 42 degrees! That it downright painful. Well maybe it won't start snowing for a long time. At least. lol. I don't want to laugh but it's a laugh or cry situation.

Thanks for the kind words, we're here to help if you ever want us to. God bless you Butterfly!

It was freezing cold this morning. I can't even say that dirty 4 letter word, s**w. LOL!
Thanks again jonboy. God bless you!

Darn..that's starting to suck already. It's been getting down to 73 or 75 here at night which is a nice relief but someday you're just going to have to move South!
You've probably seen enough snow to last a lifetime!