wow really clear footage of test drops of nukes.
they have a shot of the big b29's flying near the cloud - and it is unbelievable how big that cloud is. (3 min 9 secs)
there is also the rise and dissipation of the clouds as it expands and rises. 1:28 -- it left me chilled!!
I can not believe that human beings would be so crazy to create these things.
This is a good place where what should be said, and something be done...not by our idiotic leaders.
Every place on the earth is sacred life. This breaks the life it contacts for half a million years. Fukashima will poison the oceans permanently. Completely corrupt ego's are killing us. You can do something about it. We get our opinion aligned with reality or...we are part of the problem.
agreed, on all counts.
Wow amazing footage. Looked like an eye. Thanks for that
we have a whole bunch of tactical nukes and so do Russia, and lately we've been pretending like we're ready to start using them. I wonder why?
Is the economy so screwed they don't care anymore?