Aruan of Udo, The Giant of Benin Kingdom.

in #history7 years ago (edited)

This story is a well known story in Benin and has been retold to generations of kids by parents for ages. Benin Kingdom is located in Nigeria, West Africa and is said to be the second largest kingdom after the British kingdom. it is established that when the Europeans first arrived the shores of Benin they met a great civilization operating with an exiting and effective system of government led by the King or Oba.


This story starts in the time of Oba Ozolua who died in the year 1504. The Oba had two heirs born on the same day. Prince Aruan born in the morning to Queen Ohonmi. He grew up to be a giant in size and is reputed for sweeping the kingdom of benin with a palm tree and also for creating the moat which is a defensive trench around Benin with his feets.


Prince Esigie born to Queen Idia in the afternoon. As is customary in Benin kingdom only the prince that cried first after birth was received as the first child. Aruan was born strong and healthy but didn't cry while Esigie was frail but cried and was thus accepted as the first son.

Oba Ozolua loved Aruan because he was strong and accepted him more as the first and bestowed on him the royal necklace and a Magical sword which only created jealousy between the queens and it is believed that Queen Idia who was a strong sorceress had a hand in the events that followed after the death of the king which plunged the Kingdom into war between both brothers. But on the other hand Esigie grew up to be smarter but not as strong as his brother Aruan.


Aruan who was the first born had settled in a kingdom called Udo which he intended to make the capital of Benin but was confronted by war with his brother Prince Esigie and Queen Idia after the death of his father. Before the death of his father he had made a promise to bury his father at Udo but was deceived by Esigie who stole the body of the King and buried it in Benin. Thus Aruan had created an army at Udo to match on Benin and seize it.

Queen Idia the mother of Esigie was also raising an army in Benin and is known as the first Queen to have matched into battle. Through her charms and sorcery she and Prince Esigie were able to defeat Aruan who had left Udo with a large bell tied to his waist and an instruction to his household that if they hear the bell ring that they should know he had fallen in battle.

During the battle the bell mistakenly slips and falls and the house of of Aruan thinking he had fallen and not waiting for their fate jump into the Udo river and perish. Aruan loses in Battle and returns home to meet the lose of his family and goes to the Udo river where he made a vow that the waters will never be good for use for anyone.

He takes of the royal necklace and hangs it by a tree and buries the sword and goes into the river where he is never seen again. King Esigie was made king of Benin Kingdom and ruled along side his mother the warrior queen.

Queen Ida is known for her command of magic and as a great warrior and she is represented by the symbol of FESTAC (Festival of Arts and Culture).
