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RE: The History Of Vaccine Series

in #history7 years ago

Upvoted ty

To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.
Eventually you will get pimples - pus
And we will call the pus a virus (poison)
I'm going to collect all that pus and inject that into people to prevent pimples ?!
Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?
Think about it!
Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.
This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.

So this is how the con-game works. They make an animal sick in the lab. They take the infection which they call virus and inject that into another animal. If the animal survives, they claim the poison infection that they injected is the reason for survival. And if the animal dies they blame the animal.
This laboratory madness has NOTHING to do with the cause of NATURAL disease.

poison or virus? what is the difference?
Polio or chemical poisoning?
BHC, DDT, Paris Green , Lead Arsenate...


The more I learn about our immune system, digestive system, and endocrine system, vaccines are on the same par as blood letting.