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RE: The Story of Money 4: Markets, Metals, Coins, and Military

in #history7 years ago

Another outstanding post my friend.
Alexander is one of my favourite historical subjects, he was a fascinating and complex man.
The history of money is incredibly interesting however it seems to go under the wire of historical teaching. Your series is a brilliant way for many peoples preconceptions to be alleviated regarding the subject.

Anyone who believes in unlimited growth on a physically finite planet is either mad or an economist"

The above quote is interesting as I would have added the word 'Keynesian' before economist as they are a deluded bunch who cannot see beyond their flawed models based on the work of John Maynard Keynes.
If economic teachings were based on the Austrain school of economics I have no doubt the world would be a much happier and fairer place that it currently is.
Keep it up @itchykitten this is great work.