Would ye?

For the purpose of this post.
Let's say you can without any negative effects on your health.
The only things that you can change are related to Hitler.
Your actions or speech are the only things that can make those changes.
Your physical presence has no effects.
You are limited on your travel to Pre WWII.
The question is.
Would you kill Hitler prior to the war?
I ask that question. I have had so many people ask me the same question. To which I was a complete bastard, each time I said no.

Probably many would say, Not doing so wold make you as guilty as Hitler. Truth be told. If history did not play out the way it did. The souls alive today would be different souls. Many souls of today and perhaps the soul that speaks out for the killing, would not be here should they travel and kill Hitler.
Quite simply. There is a greater chance the parents never meet.
But let's suppose you did and all of the same things that happened outside of the war still happened. The only difference made is the prevention of needless loss of life. So we have an extra 50 60 million people on the planet than there is now? What else would have changed? Would we still have the same technology advances. The same medical advances. (Funny how they can biologically manipulate the DNA to sort out an ever changing virus and can do nothing for cancer. Unless you consider the fortunes made for some by the existence of).
In killing Hitler you might jus create a worse world to live in. Save 60 million and damn 7 billion. Yea, great choice making on your part eh?

Well, if you are still determined to travel and do the deed. We have a present day Hitler. Over there in the Divided States of America. Biden he is doing much worse than Hitler intended.
Hitler did not just happen. There was big finance behind Hitler. From the early days of Hitler, he had backers. He did not rise to that position purely on his own thought. The finance put him in the position he gained.
At the end of WWII. Scientists and other people of knowledge were, so called recruited by various organisations of the then known as United States of America. At the same time. The finance also moved along with its agenda. The movement of finance is not as easy to see as the movement of people. The financial interests were never shown.
That is the time infiltration to deep parts of the American intelligence. The door was opened by invitation. They brought the same utopian agenda with them. That is the times we are living in now. The western world is at war by proxy. The war is for the resources of the land. That is all, to control the resources. If Ukraine falls to the west, it will surely be worse off. The only chance Ukraine has is agreement on neutrality.

So we have a Hitler situation again in my mind. Where are all the voices from the past?
People will say much a do about what they would or will do. But! until people will pool to a community their resources. Outside of a government department. Build the structure themselves for local amenities and services. Things will not change. The topic of what is wrong and who is to blame will change. Unless a new type of motor for society is made, the changes run on the old motor.

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Id talk to him and try to convince him to defend Germany against Poland liberate the Danzig and stop there, take care of his country because if he goes further he will eventually go crazy and lose the war against the bankers, just focus on Germany development, and keep it great! If he doesent agree, well, i shoot him!
Changing history does not mean a better world. Only a different one to the one you know now.
When I look to the world now. I see Hitler leading the United States.
How do we prevent the same thing in the future?
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@daisyvu2 you have Hive power in tour wallet.