in #history6 years ago




Among the histories that have been forgotten by world historians, the story of a prayerful Prophet, namely Prophet Yusya 'bin Nun عليه السلام

Mentioned by the history of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as in the hadith narrated by Imam Al-Bukhariy in his Saheeh and Muslim Imam also in his Saheeh that when the Prophet Yusya 'عليه السلام wanted to do jihad against the infidels who controlled the Baitul Maqdis, then he give advice to all of his troops. Then he traveled in the fight against the infidels. When he saw the war was not over, the sun was about to sink, so he begged Allah ﷻ so that the sun would be held back. Finally, Allah ﷻ held back the sun until the Prophet Yusya ’عليه السلام completed the war and defeated the infidels.

Rasulullah ﷺ said,

إِنَّ الشَّمْسَ لَمْ تُحْبَسْ لِبَشَرٍ إِلَّا لِيُوشَعَ لَيَالِيَ سَارَ إِلَى بَيْتِ الْمَقْدِسِ

"Surely the sun has never been held for a human being, other than for the Prophet Yusya 'عليه السلام on the day he traveled to Baitul Maqdis". [HR. Ahmad in Al-Musnad (2/325) from Abu Hurairah. This hadith is shohihih by Syaikh Al-Albaniy in Ash-Shohihah (no. 202)]

Jordanian Hadith Expert, Shaykh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al-Albaniy -rahimahullah- said, "In this hadith there is a statement that the sun has never been arrested (by Allah ﷻ), other than for Yusya 'عليه السلام.
In this hadith there is a signal about the weakness of something that is narrated that it also happened to other than him. [See As-genealogy Ash-Shohihah (no. 202)]

The story of the Prophet Yusya 'bin Nun عليه السلام is strong evidence that many of the world's history are scattered and have been forgotten by humans. Stories that explain the power of God ﷻ as the only worship of mankind. However, because most world historians are from ignorant and atheist people, they are not or are reluctant to mention stories like this.

Incredible history, the sun is held by God ﷻ The Creator of all things. Such great beings are subject to the provisions of God.

The story above is a miracle of the Prophet Yusya 'عليه السلام, and this story is almost similar to the story of Sayyidina Ali kwj who when going to dawn prayer with the Prophet ullah, but on the way he met an old Jew, because he respected his Jewish parents he did not want overtake, therefore Allah uruh told the Angel of the dawn / sun to hold the dawn / sun not to rise, so Sayyidina Ali kwj could pray with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ,

Laa Ilaaha illallaah Al Malikul Haqqul Mubiin,
Muhammadur Rasulullah Shoddiqul Haadil Amiin,

Allaahumma sholli 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammad wa' alaa aalihii wa shohbihii wa sallaam,