Stories have been told of the great ancient city Troy. Most are myths and legends. But recent discoveries prove that this great city once existed. In Greek mythology, the Greeks waged a war agaisnt the city of Troy after a Trojan prince, Paris, stole Helen, wife of Spartan king Menalaus. The ten year war is narrated by Homer in his poem the Iliad. Many terms and idioms have been taken from this story. Popular among the lot are ; Achilles heel( a person's vulnurability), and Trojan Horse( a computer virus or anything meant to mask harm with gifts). You can read more about the Trojan War from Wikipedia here
My interest in history and literature of different cultures led me to discovering this story. I wrote a short poem on this rather beautiful story; whether it is myth or history. And today, I would like to share it with the world of Steemit.
By the high walls of Troy
was no beach-rock lapping joy
But an army of thousands
that made camp on the beach sands
Their voyage from Greece
was not one of peace
It was a rescue mission
Or was it a treacherous vision
of the ambitious Agamemnon
and his Greek heroes and minions
to take the beautiful Helen hand
or to loot and destroy the blessed land
Many a hero fell
but only time would tell
And when the truimphant Greeks left the shore
the walls of Troy stood no more
This sonnet kind of narrates the whole story in sixteen lines, giving a summary of Homer's Iliad..haha
I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you dear😊
Hope we enjoyed it ?
It's a masterpiece!
Inspiring me always bro. Thanks