SPECTRIA & HISTOCRACY: building a trustless history

in #history7 years ago

For the timeliness of steemit is beyond prescient - it borders on clairvoyance.

One of the goals I wish to pursue with this network is to experiment with you on a hypothesis I have.

I started on this project, long ago (2011-2012) not pre crypto-currency, but drastically different than the current iteration we now live amongst, in this crypto-commodity paradigm.

Trouble was, I was working on writing a history book on one of my favorite human eras, The Enlightenment. Of my favorite times to study, it's relatively easy to explore sources, however, the conundrum of not knowing what one doesn't know became a variable best described as daunting. Daunting when it came to the problem I consistently ran into was source-nepotism.

In this example, source-nepotism could be defined as attributing a node of information, not with the oldest most reliable data-set (primary source), but instead a node of reference that attributes a colleague or peer of the same era, usually still living or at least over-lapping generation, but with the negative quality of also providing secondary/tertiary sources of their own. To my dismay, I did not want to be Alice in this Wonderland.

This particular daunt, in addition, lead to a trail of regression and/or recursion - a source, sourcing a source, a considerable amount of standard deviations removed from primary sources. You can consider, I assure you, as I take it into consideration as a caveat, that scholarship can simulate a primary source, but that is of course, that the work inundates the subject at hand with a flattering of the primary sources, relationships, and original engineers beyond the material in the first place.

I'm sure we've all succumbed to the frustration. When it comes to verifying a source, we are all too familiar with the modern malaise of information distribution. Perhaps what is more frustrating, perhaps, is the unimaginative attitude towards engineering a remedy for this pain-point. "Well, Google will fix it and make it all better." Alphabet, for all the accommodations and leisures its citizengineers hath bestowed to us, from a garage to Plex, let us consider them now as no different than a super-power, similar to the US or Russia in the 80's. Along with Apple, Amazon, & Facebook, these four horseman, as we are seeing all the time, despite how romantic we may want to see them, especially those of us who are old enough to experience the transition from a pre-www search, and otherwise (thanks again TB Lee, Vinn Serf, and the rest), have nation-state like problems now, which means they deal in politics - not because they want to, necessarily, but are obligated to, both internally and externally.

In short, they have agendas now to things that have a vested interest in The Wild West Internet not being wild any longer(aka de-centralized), which means, information, is a political commodity, whether verifiable or not. Politics is one thing, as I don't yet want to price myself out of the market of reasonability here - I am no Proudhon1. I will never tell you "intellectual property is theft".

That being said, I will hypothesize that information is becoming more and more transmogrified into a bureaucratic commodity. Cold information travels relentlessly across our networks, as each of us possesses more and more means to pull data our way, which means, more blue-shifts. The World-Wide Web, a grandiloquent cluster of science, logic, and mathematics, one of the best ever conceived by people, is responsible for now holding and distributing more illogical, unscientific, and subjective information the human race has ever come to witness.

"Things grow familiar to men's minds by being often seen; so that they neither admire nor are inquisitive about into things they daily see" ~Cicero, The Nature of the Gods2

Each of us is a planet of bias, adorned in a geology of smaller continents of biases, each with their own peeks and valleys, carved out over the years from our experiences and choices. Atop of the natural architecture, we each build palaces, cathedrals, and churches to celebrate our opinions., store our memories, and generate our output.

As a skeptic who is looking to renovate personally my own cities with less bias and more weight, I'm inspired by the translated words of one Ibn al-Haytham:

"The duty of the man who investigates the writings of scientists, if learning the truth is his goal, is to make himself an enemy of all that he reads, and ... attack it from every side. He should also suspect himself as he performs his critical examination of it, so that he may avoid falling into either prejudice or leniency." ~ http://bit.ly/2y7EDWg

As a celestial body, if you will, we each garner our own gravity and are garnered by gravity; we influence and are influenced by other bodies. Stardust, meteorites, and the rest slam into us daily, most we don't actively realize, as the abundance obfuscates our attention. Neutrinos pass through us with little regard to their quick visit - a bounty of interaction we visit only in our dreams, or in the distant future when a harmless vessel triggers a swell of memories not thought upon for years. That, or an unempathetic algorithm of Facebook's gestures up a painful collection of impulses from'st our Hippo campus.

Light - an indefatigable team of 7, the band which can never be broken up. Legend or factual, poking a bodkin in the eye or not, a quaint exercise opened a large world to Isaac Newton, straightening the rainbow and giving us the clockwork under the face. Each color a character in our visual theater - we will call the name of this company 3.1428571!

Our optical dramatis personae: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo. They populate the richness of 1/5 of our senses, dominate the alchemy of advertising, and govern our social media; each a character with their own rules, own weights, and measures. They also make for a good sorted impression upon our humane colors of learning.

RED = Mathematics. ORANGE = History. YELLOW = General Science. GREEN = Social Sciences (law, economics, psychology, etc). BLUE = Philosophy. INDIGO = Occult. VIOLET = Religion.

Now, from this taxonomy, two primary goals are to be pursued:

  1. Meticulous cataloging of content in order to build a robust and universal taxonomy for content.
  2. Apply Spectrum to a verification schema as a way to tag, track, and measure information types across the world-wide-web, IOT, and AI.

I've begun applying this process to historical content of various subjects, opposed to modern texts on subjects ranging mostly between the colors orange - indigo.

NOTE: I would also identify literature and fiction as indigo content, being, a lie. Literature, Cinema, Video Games, are imbued with considerable powers of absorption, although, the utility of its distribution is different (morally/ethically) than other types of cold content.

I have already released the first token, Aristotle's Politics. Being what we are doing here is both political scientific, as well as economic, providing historical holons on the subjects would be optimally prudent.

I will provide a white paper in the next week which further explains the spectria in terms of validation-types and how to manage them.


HISTOCRACY is a progeny of SPECTRIA, the purposes of HISTOCRACY are as follows:

A Visual Coding Management System

The purpose of this system is to provide a succinct, anti-fragile, and relational analysis for books, then assigning them a visual token and finally tethering that authentication to the Blockchain.

//I'm currently also investigating AR options to further add value to the tokens, and though I've come across a few sound solutions for citizenry here in America, I've yet to come across similar benefits for those globally. Stay tuned for updates.//

We integrate these tokens, tethering them to the blockchain via Ascribe, with each Histocracy token is issued its own unique ID, which can be looked up on The Blockchain.

With all these executions bonded together, a multi-faceted authentication system is created to assist researchers, historians, journalists, and other members of the fact-oriented industry. Another utility for this token could be used as a visual foot notation tool, across web, mobile, VR, and AR apps (the last signaling beyond what is currently being utilized now).

I will issue a post every 2 days, breaking down my reading of a historical work, then providing a summary framework of important, interesting, and/or relational information from that book. These will not be reviews either editorial or of epistemological shape, though, follow-up types of posts in different formats may occur from time to time, as a means to swarm relational tokens to reveal bigger concepts: a telemetry of ideas, or their strength of contagion.

It is also to note that I am indeed reading all of these works, and providing the filter to which I do, or do not include. As most of the books I will be posting about are ancient to old (defined by anywhere from 500 BCE - 1800 CE) and have arguably more robust half-lives on the value of their information than do modern works; if by any merit that is simply do to the nature of age comparing ancient to modern. We simply have no scale to judge the merits of new ideas much yet.


(1) In any instance where a book references another person, place, thing, or idea (generally follow the noun rule) tag them. (Examples: references to other books, authors, rulers, events, scientific proofs, theories, mathematical equations, etc)

(2) Time Stamp (date is important as a method to track the trajectory of an idea over time, or distance)

(3) Most works of non-fiction have a classification taxonomy, that is: chapter/section/book/sub-chapter in some capacity. Attempt to document something from each partition. Examining criteria byits importance, then to document should be a general knowledge quotient, that is an insight that is relevant to any era in time (i.e. case against slavery), or which catalogs an ancestor of an idea. This is important, as their is a detrimental lack of authentication amongst quote mill syndicates on the web.
I will issue at least two tokens a week.

This modeling is a practical application of the Spectria system I've developed, a prototypical process to which we can approach stress-testing information for it's accuracy, state of validation, and census of distribution.

My Bias: I am an English-speaking American, who is prepping and performing their toil on English translations of these works. I use Google translate and Home //hardware - software// to assist me in tasks accessing work further which wasn't originally written in English. I know some Latin and attempting to improve it more and more so that I may perform hard translations of many of the Western books that are of interest and importance. I gravitate most to the periods of Western Culture of The Enlightenment (1670 - 1800); The Renaissance (1460 - 1520); Tudor Period (1520 - 1600); Medieval Middle East (1100 - 1250); Ancient Mediterranean (600 BCE - 300 BCE); Era of Cicero & Josephus (60 BCE - 50 CE). Cold Fronts: American Civil War; 20th Century War History; Industrial Revolution (1840 - 1900); Age of Early Islamic history (650 - 900); Eastern History (The Orients, Russia); South American History after 1750; Middle and Southern African History after 1750. The nodes I gravitate most to are inventions, art, books, architecture, law. The nodes I have lessor gravity for: war, religious traditions, psychology.

1 Proudhon, P. J. (1840). What is property?: an inquiry into the principle of right and of government. In 2 vols. Retrieved from http://www.gutenberg.org/files/360/360-h/360-h.htm

2 Book 2, Section 38, circa 40's BCE
3 Our visible color spectrum is just 1/7 of the entive wave set, if you will, the rest being not visible to the human eye.


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