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RE: The Unknown Hero In Us All: Tank Man - Forgotten Freedom Fighters

in #history7 years ago

And you think you can base a society on an individuals knowledge of right and wrong?
Societal decisions are much more complex then deciding black from white.

If you think you can represent yourself then good luck with that.
Truth is you cannot. You are stupid about some things you have an opinion about. Even if its a strong opinion. Same goes for everyone else in this world. That is why you need some kind of leadership on subjects you either do not understand or that are important but you cant find to deal with. That is why you need representation.

What Adam is trying to sell is idealistic foolishness. Why people need to go into the extreme is beyond me. Moderation is the key.


Yes, you can base a society on an individual's knowledge of right and wrong. Because right and wrong is simple, it is black and white. All decisions are easy to make once you understand that violence-wrong, no violence used-right.