Origin of stanford university

in #history5 years ago

Many years ago, a woman wearing a faded gown and her husband dressed in worn out suit, came to a big private hospital and demanded they wanted to see the owner of the hospital. The Secretary in her mind was saying:

" what will this village people want with our Chancellor? Probably they just want to beg some money"

She frowned and asked them:
What do you want to see the doctor for, because he'll be busy all day...
Ok, we will wait.. the wife replied!!
For hours, the Secretary ignore them, hoping they will be tired of waiting and go away.. they didn't.
The Secretary couldn't ignore any longer and offered them some money, so they could leave the office..
The husband smiled..
Young lady; we don't want your money... we just want to see the chancellor.
The Secretary more irritated had to go to the office to disturbed the chancellor..
Sir, please you need to come and see this village couple... I even offered them some money but they still refused to go away and I'm tired of seeing there old face!!
May be, if you see them for some couple of minutes they will leave...
The chancellor finally agreed..
The chancellor came out with a sterned-face and arrogantly asked them what they wanted?
The woman began to speak: we had a son that attended your university. He loved your university and was excited to be here. About a year ago, he was killed by cancer..
The chancellor mockingly asked; was he here by scholarship because considering the way you both look, you can't afford the fees here!!
The wife ignored him and continue speaking, "the reason we came to see you is that my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him somewhere in the campus."
The president wasn't touched. "Madam" he said condescendingly, we can put up a statue for everyone who attended this university and then died. If we did, here will be like a commentary"
"Oh no," she explained quickly. We don't want to erect a statue, we thought we would like to give a building to your university in honour of his name..
The Secretary eavesdropping at the conversation burst into laughter
The chancellor rolled his eyes and stared at this village couple looking at there faded gown and her husband worn out suit.. "A building!! Do you know what it cost to do a building?? We have almost 1 billion dollars in the building in this university..
For a moment she was silent, the chancellor was pleased he could finally get rid of them. But she turned to her husband..
Honey!! since that's all it cost to start a university why don't we start our own? Her husband nodded and they left.
The president face clouded in confusion and bewilderment; the couple worked away and travelled to there home town where they establish a hospital that bear there name, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.
The president and his secretary judge them by there covering and missed and enormous opportunity. This story points out how important it is to see people as God sees them and not to judge them by what they wear, where they live, what they drive or how they speak. It really is God's idea to care for people regardless of what they can give or how they appear. In life; everyone deserve respect and kindness.
Never judge a book by the cover

Image: https://www.google.com/searchbyimage/upload


Wow, this story is so touching. I never knew that was how Standford University came about. Really we shouldn't misjudge people. Long time here. How are you doing