
No the world got behind vaccines because no one including medical professionals and scientist understood, clean housing, food, water, sanitization, and hygiene protocols stopped the plagues. The government and manufactures promoted vaccines as safe and they are not. Vaccines have killed and injured millions of people since Jenner used cow and horse pus mixed with all sorts of nasty stuff as a vaccination vaccine look nice and clean but they are still as nasty as the cow pus harvested for early vaccinations.

Vaccines we not invented to stop the plague, @reddust please review the history. It may be true that there was not a robust understanding of vaccines initially, but if you say we do not have that knowledge now you are deceiving yourself. The government does not manufacture the vaccines, that is just incorrect. Vaccines are safer than getting in your automobile and driving on the highway. Why do you argue against proven protective results ? I doubt you've ever had to see someone stricken with polio and paralyzed, or someone who lost their hearing to measles. We do not have to deal with these issues as much thanks to vaccines.

Government mandates vaccines.....automobiles and vaccines are completely different...define safe

And the government mandates safe levels of pollutants in the air and water, seatbelts, speed limits, etc. Safe = taking measures to reduce deaths. Vaccines have reduced deaths from disease by BILLIONS. Best bang for your buck.