Hello Steam friends from all over the world This time, I will share stories & stories, About a shred of hope in the land of Aceh.
ACEH: Is a province of Indonesia. Aceh is located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra and is the most western province in Indonesia. The capital is Banda Aceh. The population of the province is about 4,500,000 inhabitants. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and is separated by the Andaman Sea. Aceh is bordered by the Bay of Bengal to the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Malacca Straits to the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south.
Aceh is regarded as the site of the spreading of Islam in Indonesia and plays an important role in the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Sultanate of Aceh was the richest, strongest and prosperous state in the Malacca Strait. Aceh's history is colored by political freedom and strong resistance to the control of foreigners, including former Dutch colonialists and the Indonesian government. Compared with other provinces, Aceh is a very conservative region (upholding religious values) The percentage of Muslim population is the highest in Indonesia and they live according to Islamic law. In contrast to most other provinces in Indonesia, Aceh has self-regulated autonomy for reasons history.
Aceh has abundant natural resources, including petroleum and natural gas. Some analysts estimate Aceh's natural gas reserves are the largest in the world. Aceh is also famous for its forests located along the Bukit Barisan range from Kutacane in Southeast Aceh to Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park called Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) was established in Southeast Aceh.
-Aceh jugak There are various cultures & dances y One y there seudati.
-Aceh jugak There is a typical meal that is aceh stir-fry meat is very famous even to the overseas is Mie Aceh, a kind of wet yellow noodles formulated with spicy nan typical.
-If we discuss aceh did not escape also people are interested in what interesting tourism in Aceh ....?
Bayak wisat dancing in Aceh I will try to mensher y to all steem friends:
Baiturrahman Great Mosque-Located in downtown Banda Aceh.
Museum Aceh - also located in the city of Banda Aceh.
does have many historical relics. But unfortunately if the history can not be known by the descendants of Aceh community itself.

Sumber informasi masi terdapat dari berbagai sumber, Wikipedia, Google dll.
Terima kasih sudah melihat blog saya, salam steemit Indonesia 👍👏👏👏👏 Follow me @qadrisafriza