The Origin of Aceh Name

in #history7 years ago

Aceh is the name of a Nation that inhabits the northernmost tip of the island of Sumatra which lies between the Indian Ocean and the Malacca Strait.

Aceh is a name with various legends and myths, a nation that has been internationally known since the establishment of a poly kingdom in Aceh Pidie and reached the peak of glory and the golden age of the era of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam during the reign of Sulthan Iskandar Muda until the end kesulthanan Aceh in 1903 in the time of Sulthan Muhammad Daud Shah.
And although in the 42 years from 1903 to 1945 Aceh without a leader, Aceh stood and continued to fight for independence from the hands of the Dutch and Japanese led by the nobles, hulubalang and Aceh heroes such as Tgk Umar, Cut Nyak Dhien and others, others and also Aceh has a huge share in defending this archipelago with the sacrifice of the people and assets that have not been counted value until Aceh joined Indonesia because of ignorance and ignorance Daud Beureueh consumed by sweet promise and tears crocodile Soekarno.

There are so many myths about the name of Aceh, Here are some myths about the name of Aceh:

  1. According to H. Muhammad Said (1972), since the first century AD, Aceh has become an international trade route. The Port of Aceh became one of the passers by the passers. In fact, some of them later settled. The interaction of various ethnic groups then made Aceh's face more diverse. Quoted by H.M. Said (The Author of Aceh Books Throughout the Ages) Thomas Braddel notes that, in the Greek era, Europeans got the Eastern spices from the Iskandariah merchant, the largest Egyptian Bandar on the Mediterranean coast at that time. However, the spices were not original Alexandria, but they were obtained from the Arab Saba. The Saba Arabs transported the spices from Barygaza or from the coast of Malabar India and from other ports. Before being transported to their country, the spices are collected in the Port of Aceh.
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  2. Raden Hoesein Djajadiningrat in his book The Sultanate of Aceh (Translation of Teuku Hamid, 1982/1983) mentions that the news of Aceh before the 16th century AD and about the origins of the formation of the Acehnese was very devious and diffuse.
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  3. HM. Zainuddin (1961) in his book Tarich Aceh and Nusantara, mentions that the nation of Aceh is included in the clan of the Malays, namely; Mantee (Bante), Pirates, Sakai Jakun, Semang (seafarers), Senui and so forth, originating from Perak and Pahang in the Malay Peninsula land. All the peoples are closely related to the Phones of Babylonia and the Dravida nation in the valley of the Indus River and Ganges, India. The Mante people in Aceh originally inhabited Aceh Besar, especially in Kampung Seumileuk, also called Gampong Rumoh Dua Blah. Place the village above Seulimum, between Jantho and Tangse. Seumileuk means a wide plateau. This Mante nation is the one who continues to develop into Acehnese Lhee Sagoe (in Aceh Besar) who later moved to other places. After the 400 AD, people began to call "Aceh" as Rami or Ramni. People from China call it lan, lanwu li, nam wu li, and nan poli whose real name according to Aceh language is Lam Muri. While the Malays call it Lam Bri (Lamiri). In Gerini's note, Lambri's name is the substitute of Rambri (State Rama) located in Arakan (between India's back and Burma), which is a change from the name of Rama Bar or Rama Bari.
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  4. Rouffaer, one of the historical writers, stated the word al Ramni or al Rami was allegedly the wrong pronunciation of Ramana's words. After the arrival of portuguese they preferred to call the Acehnese with Acehm.

  5. While the Arabs call it Asji. French writers call Aceh with Acehm, Acin, Acheh; The English people call it Atcheen, Acheen, Achin. Dutch people call it Achem, Achim, Atchin, Atchein, Atjin, Atsjiem, Atsjeh and Atjeh. The Acehnese themselves, at that time called it Atjeh.
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  6. Information on the origin of the name of Aceh is so diverse. In other versions, the origins of Aceh's names are more widely narrated in myths, old stories, fairy tales. Among them, it was said earlier, a Gujarat (India) ship sailed to Aceh and arrived at the Tjidaih River (read: ceudaih meaning beautiful, now called Krueng Aceh). The crew (ABK) then landed toward the village Pande. However, in the journey suddenly they hail and shade under a tree. They applaud the tree's hobbies, called Aca, Aca, Aca, which are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. According to Hoesein Djajadiningrat, the tree was named aceh-aceh in Kampung Pande (formerly), Meunasah Kandang. From the word Aca it was born Aceh name.

  7. In another version it is told about the journey of Buddhism to Indo China and the Malay Archipelago. When the gentleman reached the waters of Aceh, he saw a multicolored light on a mountain. He also called "Acchera Vaata Bho" (read: Acaram Bata Bho, what a wonderful thing). From that word came the name Aceh. What is meant by the mountain of light is the tip of the white rock near Pasai.
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  8. In another story mentioned, there are two siblings and bathing in the river. The younger sister was pregnant. Suddenly drifting a banana tree raft. Above him was something moving. The two girls then swam and took it. It turned out that the move was a baby. The older sister said to her sister "Give her to me because you are pregnant and I have not. "The request was granted by the younger brother. The older brother took home the baby. And, he kept silent on the halls under which there was a fireplace (madeueng) for 44 days, just like a newborn. When the baby was dropped off the house, the whole village became astonished and said: adoe nyang mume, a nyang ceh (Meaning is the pregnant sister, but the older brother who gave birth).

  9. Other myths tell us that in ancient times there was a king's son who was sailing, with a reason for his ship to sink. He was stranded on the beach, under a tree which the locals called aceh. The name of the tree was later named as Aceh.

  10. Talson recounted, at one time a Hindu princess disappeared, fled from her land, but her brother later found her back in Aceh. He told the people there that the princess was aji, which means "sister". Since then the princess was appointed as their leader, and the name aji was made as the name of the region, which later gradually changed to Aceh.

  11. Other myths that live among the people of Aceh, mention the term Aceh comes from an incident, namely the wife of a pregnant woman, then gave birth. By that time the inhabitants were called ka ceh which means they were born. And, from here the word of Aceh.

  12. Other stories tell about the character of the Acehnese character that is not easily broken. This is translated from a series of words a which does not mean, and ceh which means breaks. So, the word aceh means not broken.

  13. Among historians and anthropologists, the origins of the Asians are from the Mantir tribe (Mantee, Acehese language) living in the Aceh jungle. This tribe has a relatively small character and posture compared to the present Acehnese. It is suspected that the Manteu tribe has links to the Mantera tribe in Malacca, part of the Khmer nation of the Indies.


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