Victory day of Bangladesh.16 Dce.

in #history7 years ago

December 16, Bijoy Dibosh, the victory of justice over injustice, I learned of the murder of Umraching Marma (Chabi), a student of class VIII. His throat was cut on December 15, allegedly by two Bengali settlers, Mohammad Nizam Uddin (19-20 years old) and Masud Rana (19 years old) from the Kaptai locality in CHT. She had worked on her family's farm and picked vegetables. The defendant confessed that she was murdered when she resisted the rape. entry of 2013 indigenous rural women CHT jummas, under article 14 of the CEDAW, noting that many indigenous women are sexually assaulted by non-indigenous men, raped and killed during daily activities such as going to and from work farms, Collect cattle hats, food and wood from the forest, collect water and go to school, markets and temples. He stressed that the sexual violence against the Jumma women by the settlers has intensified with the greater mobility of the settlers in the CHT after the Agreement. Indigenous women of all ages lose their freedom of movement in the CHT. Kapaeeng Foundation documented that in the last seven years, until April 2014, 96% of the alleged commission of violence against indigenous women in CHT was committed by Bengali settlers and 4% in application of the law. He argued that while sexual violence against CHT women was initially used as a "weapon of war", it was later used for land grabbing (sexual violence against indigenous women, The Daily Star, May 4, 2014). . Earlier this year, however, the alleged rape and murder of the mother of two 30-year-old children, Sabita Chakma, was treated differently. The police initially refused to present the case. Amnesty International noted that the Sabbath-murder "of the local police inspector when it was reported that there were no arrests, said that" the election of the Upazila parish was our first priority. The arrest of someone could have increased tensions in Bangalee-Pahari. Then we take our time. "Amnesty International added that" in cases where indigenous women report a violation by Bengali settlers, doctors are under pressure from the authorities to report any evidence of violation in their medical reports, arguing that a finding of violation are. contribute to tensions between indigenous peoples and Bengal. "(Livewire: Amnesty International Human Rights Blog, June 24, 2014) The well-known kidnapping of Kalpana Chakma in 1996 still awaits effective police action fact, the Courts of Prevention of Repression for women and children have been ineffective since they arrived at the CHT in 2009. In a CHT 2014 report, a total of 215 cases of violence against women registered from January 2010 to December 2011. Of these, 166 cases were treated with expense forms and only nine of these cases were tried without conviction. Human rights organizations speculate that the absolute impunity of the perpetrators remains the main reason for continuing sexual violence against indigenous women in the United Kingdom. The murder of Umraching was not the only news about Bijoy Dibosh. A national Bengali newspaper revealed that on that day the arson attacks against the indigenous peoples of the CHT in Bogachari, Rangamati, were allegedly committed by "a few criminals".