The expansion of the Roman kingdom

in #history7 years ago

The Wars between Rome and Carthage

We know that the Romans were segregated into two classes. These two classes were the patricians and the plebeians. The patricians included the rich landowners and the plebeians included the workers. Although the patricians and the plebeians continued to combat between themselves, the people of both classes presumed that they would have to work jointly to make Rome strong. They jointly started the wars on the people of other empires and cities. The Romans soon captured the whole of Italy and ruled over them. Then they attacked a place called Carthage located in North Africa. Carthage had several good regions which were not available in Rome. The Romans mainly tried to capture those regions and rule over the Mediterranean. 

Image credit Carthage falls to the Romans from sea

Both Rome and Carthage had three great wars. In the second war, Hannibal, a famous general, led Carthage against Rome. Hannibal decided not to use the normal route across the Mediterranean. Instead he invaded Rome from the north end. He drove his army through Spain, across the high mountain ranges of the Alps into northern Italy. The Romans felt that no one could cross the Alps mountain ranges. Hannibal decided to go through this route because he wanted to take the Romans by surprise. He took the help of elephants to carry his army across the most risky rout and snow. Many of his armies and elephants lost their life when they were crossing the Alps. Ultimately, Hannibal was also defeated in the war. 

Image credit Hannibal was defeated

After Hannibal was defeated, the Romans invaded Carthage once more and this time, the Carthaginians got defeated entirely. The capital of Carthage was demolished and many of the Carthaginians were made slaves. Soon the Romans attacked and ruled over Greece, Syria and Egypt. Many people of the defeated countries were made slaves so that they could for the Romans. 

The Slaves and the Slave-owners

The Romans now segregated themselves into two new classes – the slaves and the slave-owners. The slave-owners became rich and spent luxury life. On the other hand, the slaves were treated very brutally. They often fought with each other or with wild animals to amuse the rich Romans. These fights were organized in a big open air theatre known as the Colosseum. The rich Romans used to live in beautiful villas. But the poor got small flats in big blocks of building. There was no facility of water in these flats. The main roads were large and clean, while the smaller roads were unclean and crowded with people, because they regularly sold various things there. Fire often erupted in these places. During the period of Emperor Nero, fire erupted and Rome burnt for three days. 

Image credit Roman slaves and slave-owners

Julius Caesar

As the Roman Kingdom started to grow, war became an essential matter. The importance of the soldiers who participated in the wars or the generals who directed the soldiers in a war also started to grow. People started to have a high regard for the generals who conquered the wars. As the popularity of the generals started growing, the importance of the senate and the council started decreasing. Julius Caesar was the most popular general of Rome. He became so strong and dominant that he made himself the king of Rome. Under his leadership, the Roman Empire expanded greatly and became so strong. He extended the Roman Empire right up to France. France was known as Gaul in those days. Then Caesar reached Britain. The senate in Rome was frightened that Caesar had become extremely strong. Finally, a group of senators assassinated Caesar, because they knew that he became very strong and was trying to become a ruler.  

Image credit Julius Caesar

Augustus Caesar

After the death of Julius Caesar, his nephew, Augusta Caesar held his place. He became the first King of Rome. He governed Rome intelligently for several years. Augustus made sure that the laws were obeyed. Even though he was an extremely strong emperor, yet he permitted the people to choose their leaders.  The senate was also permitted to work. He talk about various important matters with the senate and listened to their suggestion. He ruled wisely and peacefully and made development in Rome. The period during which Augustus governed is often known as Pax Romana. The meaning of ‘Pax Romana’ is ‘Roman Peace’.

Image credit Augustus Caesar

The strong Roman kingdom continued for several years. But it started declining when the armies from the north attacked and demolished it. 

Roman art and literature had powerful effect on the Europeans and their way of life. People have already known that the Roman language was Latin. Latin is known as the foundation of English language and several other modern European languages. The English alphabet is written in the Roman script. 

Romans – Engineers of the Ancient World

The Romans were very proficient in the art of building. They discovered a way to make concrete. They made huge buildings by using concrete. The Colosseum, which exists even today, is known as one of the good examples of their skills. They were also good engineers. They built canals which helped them carry water from the hills to the city of Rome. These canals were known as aqueducts. Soon, they build aqueducts all over the empire. Terracotta was used to carry water from the aqueducts to houses, public fountains and baths. 

Image credit The ancient monuments made by The Romans

The Romans made good and concrete roads which were very strong. The roads made the connection between Rome and the whole Roman Empire. These roads were made straight and such a way that the army could move easily. Merchants also utilized the road to deliver their goods from different regions of the empire to Rome.

The law of Rome

Rome had written a set of laws. These written laws were known as ‘Rome’s greatest gift to the world’. These laws covered all matters. This system made such a law which was common for everybody, and is also followed today by most countries. It is one of the essential things that we have learnt from the Romans. It is said that the law of most countries are made on the basis of Roman laws.

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The Roman Empire was so fascinating in how they strategically established their stronghold in every region they conquered.

another good one ........ upvoted with my team :D

Thanks for the history. As always I enjoy reading it. Unfortunately, I only read until Hannibal. You covered too much history in one article. Spread it bit out in different articles - (only my opinion)
Two things I picked up.
First, it was not the Roman Kingdom. The Roman Kingdom exist from 753 to 509 BC after which it converted to the Republic until about 44 AD (Ceasar's death). Hannibal fourth Rome from 218 to 201 BC. Your title should refer to the Roman Republic.
Second, Hannibal was not defeated in Italia. After they could not defeat Hannibal, the Romans attack Carthage, which forced Hannibal to go back. At Carthage, Hannibal was defeated.
Looking forward seeing more history articles :)

Thank you.