A letter from the king of Aceh on behalf of the Sultan Manshur Syah on the Thursday 15th of the month of Rabi al-Awwal 1265 Hijri (February 8, 1849 AD), published by Annabel Teh Gallop, Dr (Lead Curator Southeast Asian Studies British Library, UK). We noticed at the exhibition November 18, 2014 on the campus of UIN Ar-Raniry at Banda Aceh. This letter its content about the diplomatic missions to friendly nations are: the countries of the Arab nation, 'Ajam (Persian), Turkey, England, France and other countries that a friendship with the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam.
After being examined and juxtaposed with other documents, we got an answer on the diplomatic mission. The purpose is to seek the support of other countries for military incursions to the administrative center Netherlands Indie at Batavia (Java). This tension is caused Netherlands Indie, had taken control of several regions that were once under the control of Aceh Darussalam Kingdom.
This letter is closely related to the letters afterwards. (We will publish on other occasions)
Below we present the manuscript letter (repro of the banner) and Arabic text, it has been retyped by @keuudeip and an English translation by admin. Apologize if the wrong in translating.
[1] الحمد لله عز شأنه
[2] أقول وأنا السلطان منصور شاه بن المرحوم السلطان جوهر العالم شاه بن المرحوم السلطان محمد شاه الأفخم
[3] لما كان في يوم الخميس 15 في ربيع الأول سنة 1265 أرسلنا خدمنا العزيز المكرم محمد غوث سيف العالم شاه
[4] إلى الحرمين الشريفين ثم إلى غيرهما من البلدان بلدان العرب أو العجم أو الترك أو الإنقليز أو الفرنسيس
[5] وغيرهم ممن بيننا وبينهم معرفة وصحبة ولا سيما التجار والنواخذ والحجاج أهل الآشي وغيرهم
[6] فنحن نوصيكم على المذكور في كل ما يحتاج من الدراهم والأقوات قدر ما يكفيه ولو ألفين ريال أو خمسة ألاف
[7] أو عشرة ألاف ريال أو زاد منه فأنتم أعينوه وأعطوه مطلوبه كفاية واكتبوا عليه وعلينا ذلك سندا
[8] وأشهدوا عليه شهودا ومن يوم ما وصلتم إلينا بالسند نسلم لكم القدر المشروح فيه ولا تخافوا من
[9] شيء لأنه أدمينا والمنتسب منا ومرسول من عندنا إلى جهات مهمة وفي أمور مهمة جدا ولأجل ذلك
[10] ختمناه بالأمهار التسعة التي ما نكتبها في كل مكتوب إلا في المهمات فقط وصلى الله
[11] وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين آمين

All praise is due to Allah the most high
I say, and I was Sultan Mansur Syah son of Al-Marhum Jauharul 'Alam Syah son of Al-Marhum Muhammad Syah a glorious.
When on Thursday 15th of the month Rabi’ul Awal 1265 (Hijri) we are sending our waiter a glorious and honored Muhammad Ghuts Saiful ‘Alam Syah towards two haram land a noble and then to other countries, country- the land of the Arabs' Ajam (Persian), Turkish, English, French or others which among us and they have known one another and are friends, more particularly to the traders, skippers, pilgrimage of Aceh and other than them.
So we order for you all to fulfill all the needs of our waitress, whether it dirham (finance) and the amount a basic requirement that needed even if it amounted to 2000 Riyal, 5000 Riyal, 10000 Riyal or more. You all are expected to help him and give him anything he needed until sufficiently, and please write to us and to him a proof and present some of the witnesses in front of him. Later on the day you guys been up to us to bring the proof, then we will refund to you the amount stated in the proof it.
Do you all feel anxious, because the person concerned is our relatives and from my clan and the envoys of our party to the parties that are important and in order to implement the duties (missions) are extremely important.
For this reason, we have a letter stamped with the seal (cap) of nine (Sembilan), which we only to wear on the writings (letters) are important.
And blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions Amen.

Seal of nine (Sembilan) in the name of Sultan Mansur Shah, son of Al-Marhum Jauharul 'Alam Shah, son of Al-Marhum Muhammad Shah.
Detailed research had our publish at www.mapesaaceh.com (Indonesian language)

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