7 Important People Indonesia Helps Achieving Independence (author @paketkita.net)

in #history9 years ago


Indonesia has only just celebrated independence day on August 17 yesterday. It has been 71 years of Indonesian occupation free from foreign nations. Independence is already achieved this nation is not solely the result of struggles that instant. So many difficulties to be faced by the characters involved in the effort self-liberation from the hands of the invaders. Well, Loopers already knows yet who the hell wrote the figures behind the independence of Indonesia? Here it is important Indonesia 7 figures that help to achieve independence.

1. Ir. Soekarno

Everyone Indonesia, including surely already not the same familiar figure on this one. Men born June 6, 1901 This is the person most instrumental in the independence of Indonesia. ITVEST in the proclamation could not be separated from its involvement as chairman PPKI ( Committee for Indonesian Independence ). As chairman PPKI, he bravely met the Japanese authorities to talk about the independence of Indonesia and boldly proclaimed Indonesia's independence on 17 August 1945.

2. Moh. Hatta

Besides bung Karno, Bung Hatta role in the nation's independence is also very important. At the time of PPKI, he was an intermediary for the elderly and young people. He was a lot of dialogue with all young people on how to proclaim Indonesia. Additionally, bung Hatta also instrumental in drafting the Proclamation, signed and accompanied Bung Karno in the historic event.

3. Sayuti Melik 

Name Melik Sayuti will forever be embedded in the minds Loopers as one of the figures behind the events of the Proclamation. He is a young group representatives involved in PPKI well as one behind the events Rengasdengklok. Sayuti Melik known as a supporter of Sukarno, who is directly involved in the events of the Proclamation. Involvement in the preparation of Indonesia's independence is to contribute the idea of  change of words in the text of the Proclamation as well as a script typist Proclamation.

4. Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat

Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat was a physician who also had a role in the independence of Indonesia. His role as chairman evidenced BPUPKI ( Investigation Agency Efforts Preparation of Indonesian Independence ) formed by the Japanese. While serving as chairman, he was a lot of preparations to formulate what should be done to achieve independence.

5. Sutan Syahrir

Sutan Sjahrir is one of the most influential youth in an effort to liberate Indonesia. This struggle even been started since the age of 18 years! He is the man who kept urging Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to immediately declare independence. When the Japanese occupation, he was a man who rejected the idea of  Bung Karno and Bung Hatta to co-operating with Japan for the sake of independence without bloodshed. Syahrir time it prefers to fight through the ' underground ' and gather the spirit of independence of the masses.

6. Moh. Yamin

Moh. Yamin known as a highly religious but open-minded because western educated. Although schools abroad, the spirit of nationalism burning brightly. That he proved with his involvement in the preparation of the manuscript Pancasila which Loopers know today.  In the first BPUPKI, Moh. Yamin many play a role by delivering a speech basic proposal states that became the forerunner of Pancasila.

7. Ahmad Soebardjo

Ahmad Soebardjo probably is not present in the event of the proclamation, but his name will forever be remembered as one of the most instrumental in the historic event. His role of which is to formulate a joint proclamation bung Karno and Bung Hatta. He is also a member BPUPKI and often the bridge between the elderly and young people.

Follow author @paketkita.net


Thanks for posting this. Most of us in the west don't really know very much about Indonesia.

ok sir,,, the 7 figures that make Indonesia 's independence