
How can any lawyer worth his salt let them win a case like that? No injury photos, doctor's reports...nothing...?

well I had two different attorneys and they both said that the odds of a jury trial were terrible and too big of risk to take so I had to settle out of court, made a deal with their lawyers, I didn't have the time or money to try and fight it in court or going to trial.

Sounds like you had two darned lazy lawyers. Sad. So sorry that happened to you, mate.

thanks. well, it took me a few years to get back in profit so it was an expensive deal but then we got out of that business and things got much better fast!
just got disgusted with lawyers because they were supposedly on opposing sides and then would go out to lunch or drinks and be the best buddies outside the courtroom.

Exactly. Lawyers look out for only one person, ALWAYS (and with very few exceptions) ...numero uno.

and almost all politicians are lawyers so right there it makes me suspicious of them!

Right. We need a Constitutional Amendment to make it illegal for lawyers to run for Congress...and, of course, anyone who has ever belonged to (or lobbied for) a foreign government, or secret society..or lobbied for a for-profit corporation.