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RE: Unsolved Mysteries of History That Will Make You Think

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Woah...Every story has its own taste in it. The second story was wonderful to read. Exceptionally well. They never stopped dancing until death, it shows how frustrated they were and they felt too blissful while dancing and finally they embrace death.

The very last story: I was expecting that suitcase would have no bomb and that man would turn out to be a joker but I was proved wrong. He definitely survived that jump; Look at his dedication. I understand path was wrong but dedication has no affinity for the path. It can be shown in both ways.
Wonderful Mate, The way you have presented in your words. :-)
Lots of love


Yeah, I tried to choose mysteries that were vastly different to one another. Thanks for the kind words :)

Yeah wonder how frustrated they were, to literally dance to their deaths. Or was it something else? Who knows!!

Yup, from what I've read, he seemed like a smart man and he very well could have survived the landing.

Dance is also one of 103 forms of meditation as invented by adiyogi. My Master says " Dance like Shiva and you can traverse the path ". Indeed, those women were at the highest potential of being human. Dance to their death or their liberation, Who knows?
Lots of love