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RE: The Chuck Wagon: A Spot of Comfort on the Trail.

in #history6 years ago

That's just it, though. Mine aren't that big. They generally fall in around 1000 words. Ideally, they would be somewhere in the 800-1200 range in order to cover a substantial topic and not overwhelm the reader with words. Beyond that, especially if it's technical, a reader will get bogged down.

I think you need to feel like you read something, though. That there was thought and care and information provided. I suppose everyone is diferent and has their own way of going about things.

Mine aren't that technical, and while I'll throw in a vocabulary word here and there, I do try to keep them readable. So no zoning out!

There are a few, though some of them aren't writing so much any more. I probably average a little higher on the word per post scale, but some people either make it up with volume, or come close to it. Anyone doing three or more posts a day that are more than just photos or short video summaries will outdo my post volume.

Comments can be another story, but there, my word count can be all over the place. :)


wow @glenalbrethsen now you make me wonder if I'd doing enough writing, like my post today about the Chuck wagon, I have no idea how many words that is, is there an app or something that tells you or does Steemit tell you somewhere?
maybe mine are too short, I thought the one today was a little short.
I think your's are about right, some people's go on forever, can I name names? I guess it doesn't matter.
your's are maximum for a redneck, lets put it that way!

No, Steemit doesn't have a word counter. That would be nice. I'm more or less eyeballing it, but there are sites on the web that you can paste your post into to see word count length. Or Word or some other text editor on your computer could do it (Word for sure).

I thought the length of the article was just fine. Really, you want to cover the subject with the information you have, and overdoing can be worse than not having any information at all, so I think you covered the subject well.

Another thing is style. If the post is compelling, people will read more. If it's not, length wouldn't matter anyway.

So, there's always more to consider, but it's not just rednecks that might have issues with attention spans. :)

ok Glen, thanks for all your help and advice!