Women do not need to Maclay

in #history8 years ago

Who has not wanted to travel, to discover the world in all its colors and the wonder of its beauty and diversity. Perhaps, there is a man who from childhood not fond of stories about famous travelers, mysterious countries and unusual peoples inhabiting them. But there are among these pioneers of unknown lands and personality, totally unique, worthy of respect and admiration for his devotion to the cause of science, humanity and the common good for humanity.
About one of these people, who had a huge impact on the course of history and scientific discoveries, and I would like to tell in this thread.
Fast forward to the distant days of October 1871. Exotic island in the Indian Ocean. Night, the quiet rustle of the waves, dark tropical night silent, only occasionally broken by the cries of unknown animals and birds. And a small man-made hut on the beach.

It is resting after a long day man, absolutely not outwardly similar to the indigenous people of the Castaway island called New Guinea. But suddenly

"In the dream, I felt a slight tremor bunks, as if someone went to them. Wondering and surprise boldness of the subject, I reached out to see whether someone lay down beside me. I was not mistaken; but as soon as I touched the body the native, his hand grabbed mine, and I soon could not doubt that the woman lying next to me. I decided immediately to get rid of unwanted guests ... I got up and said that I want to sleep and not knowing still enough native language, said: "No gle, Maclay nangeli Emergency arenas" -you go, Maclay women do not need to. " Vprosonkah I heard rustling, whispering, quiet voices outside the hut ... The next morning, of course, I did not consider it appropriate to collect the certificate of the night ... but the episode may have noticed that many people knew about it and its results. They seemed to be so surprised, they did not know what to think, "- wrote in his memoirs, Nikolai Maclay, world famous Russian ethnographer, anthropologist, biologist and explorer

Papuans could not understand why a young 25-year-old man neglects beautiful girl, created for love. Perhaps now our contemporaries are fully confident that the direct descendants of the Maclay continue to live in the settlements of Papuan tribes. Meanwhile Maclay arrived in the New Guinea coast on an important mission, it is ruled out love affairs.
It was a time of scientific racism. Shortly after the sensational discoveries of Darwin his followers, and all who desire to justify the policy of colonization, often accompanied by destruction and enslavement of indigenous peoples, put forward the theory of original inferiority of certain nations. Representatives of the UK, France, Germany, Scandinavia, Russia and North America on other nations have advanced in science and production, subjugated to the political and economic sense, almost the whole world. Basically, the owners of the planet belong to the same anthropological type: fair-haired, tall, blue-eyed, white-skinned. Scientists maintain the popular theory dubbed a North European race "Nordic" and were inclined to regard it as the highest.
But how exactly to determine a person belonging to the superior race? External features of the representatives of the European race is significantly different. We needed a simple and clear criterion expressed in figures. That criterion was considered dolihokefaliya - elongated shape of the head, when the maximum width of the latter is not more than 76% of its maximum length. The vast majority of the representatives of the Nordic race - dolihokefaly. However, among them there are brachycephalic, or brahikefaly whose head width is 81% of the length and over. These people also consider themselves to be real Germans, Russian, Sweden. But where they have such a shape of the skull?
The theory explains the presence brahikefalov intermarriage with other races, but to prove it could only experiment. It was necessary to find a thoroughbred race in the world that has never been mixed with others, and measure at the largest possible number of its representatives the ratio of width to length of head. If a clean race consists of one or dolihokefalov only brahikefalov, it is true, and theories regarding different Europeans to "higher" or "lower" depending on the shape of the head.
Then all of the mixing of races and peoples Papuans defended the northeastern coast of New Guinea. They had never seen white, Malays, Polynesians, or even heard about them. The indigenous inhabitants of New Guinea rarely wander on neighboring village and its island and small islands within sight of land was considered only in the midst of the vast ocean. Therefore, the white they seriously mistaken for aliens: Maclay and the rest of Russian natives are called "people to the Moon", the British found it come from Venus, and the Germans - aliens from distant stars.
It remained to find a scientist who permanently dwell among the Papuans and enter them in the trust that they have allowed to measure their heads. Even better, he will gather a collection of skulls, at least several dozen. And besides, it coincides with their own libido that after other anthropologists could also experiment with thoroughbred race.
Thus a unique person, ready to plunge into the world of the unknown and risk their lives in the name of science, turned out to Maclay. He got to solve his scientific problems special grant of the Russian Geographical Society. But lacking the money for the purchase of gifts to the natives. To place an expedition, a young anthropologist mother sold securities and laid the family property. More than 3,000 rubles paid Maclay family for their Kohl moved from St. Petersburg to the Stone Age.
In September 1871 after a long sea voyage Russian corvette "Vityaz" finally managed to approach the shores of an unknown island. However, almost white alien landed, the natives made it clear that it is an unexpected guest. "At first, they strongly suggested me to leave, pointing to the sea - it was their constant gesture, invites you to go back where you came from. It got even to the point that they are almost a daily basis, for the sake of fun, shot arrows ... to see how I would react to such a fun on their part. " In response to such a joyless meeting Maclay came to the village unarmed and lay down to sleep on the street. He forced himself to sleep. Someone tried to unclench his teeth with a spear, but a stranger in a dream matyugnulsya, and the natives drew back, thinking they heard some terrible curse.

To easily do research and I had to go to the trick. Once in front of the guests Maclay poured into a saucer of water with alcohol and set fire to the mixture. The natives believe that they face a great magician who can set fire to the sea. Now Nicholas could easily move around the New Guinea alone. At a meeting with cannibals, he only feared that its hosting of the fed human flesh. And if you spend the night in the village, no one was coming in arms to the sleeping Maclay. Mines placed his hut galvanerami a corvette, and not useful.
With the implementation of the main task of collecting specimens of skulls also had problems. Skulls thrown their relatives Papuans near the huts without the lower jaw and the lower jaw are preserved suspended from the ceiling of the hut. Therefore, to get a holistic instances was quite problematic. Gradually, however, the problem was solved measurements. Men and women are allowed him to measure his head and gave the skull ancestors in exchange for nails and red tape.

(Some of the material is taken from the source: http://www.vokrugsveta.ru)

Papuans as the selection was dolihokefalami as considered "elite" Nordic race. In December 1872, when for the Maclay came clipper "Emerald" and the natives dragged the ship stretcher in exhausted by fever scientist, someone brought three of them the skull, which became the opening. They were found in a nearby village, and it was very real brahikefaly with wide cheekbones. This Maclay concluded: "... the skull dimensions give an important, but not decisive feature for distinguishing human races." If even among thoroughbred Papuans across brachycephalic, it is possible to be both wholly brahikefalom and German. In short, it is impossible with a ruler to determine whether or not the subject is "true Aryan". And, accordingly, the theory of scientific racism is a delusion more technologically developed nations, deliberately trying to justify their crimes against other nations.

It was just one of many scientific discoveries made by an extraordinary man, an avid traveler and scientist Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay. It is thanks to these people humanity evolves and moves to recognize themselves and their role on our planet.
In the mythology of the Papuans Maclay Coast image of the traveler has survived to our times. In this case it is perceived as "ancestors", who appeared among them, and then left again to go back.