Great Flood. Part 2. Archaeological evidence of the Flood.

in #history8 years ago (edited)

Archaeological evidence of the Flood

In India, where several versions of Flood Myth exist, according to archaeological science there is ample evidence for it. For example, in Shanidar Cave.
“What is unique here is that this place was continuously inhabited by ancient people. The oldest cultural layer belongs to 65,000 - 60,000 years ago, the latest one attributed to 11,000 BC. ... the human species known as “homo sapiens” ceased using the cave for accommodation purposes right in 11,000 BC... But the main discovery was that the cultural layers in Shanidar intermingled with strata of silt, sand, shells and fine pebble. Imagine this happened in the cave which had never been a seabed! Archaeologists discovered the pieces of evidence of four disasters that had come not only on the cave itself but were also experienced by the human beings living in there... It was the final Flood which flushed the ancient people from then natural roof of Shanidar into primitive round-shaped dwellings...” (V. Batsalev, A. Varakin, Secrets of Archeology).

In another region where exist own versions of Flood Myth, in South America, scientists also discover the evidence of similar cataclysm dated back in 11,000 BC, too.

“In the Andes mountains of South America, geologists have found traces of marine sediments at a height of 12,150 feet! In the same region, some ruins at Tiwanaku (altitude 13,000 feet) have been found swamped under six feet of mud from an unknown source of flooding” (A. Alford, Gods of the New Millennium).

“...fragments of human and animal skeletons had been found lying in chaotic disorder among wrought stones, utensils, tools and an endless variety of other things. All of this has been moved, broken and accumulated in a confused heap” (G. Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods).

"It had been a terrible catastrophe indeed that had overwhelmed Tiahuanaco... it took place more than 12,000 years ago” (ibidem).

Similar pieces of evidence are found across the continent.

“All over South America, too, Ice-Age fossils have been unearthed, in which incongruous animal types (carnivores and herbivores) are mixed promiscuously with human bones. No less significant is the association, over truly widespread areas, of fossilized land and sea creatures mingled in no order and yet entombed in the same geological horizon” (ibidem).

It should be noted that the so called Ice Age was over at the same period, 11,000 BC. The nature of unearthed fossils, however, does not agree with a smooth change in the global sea level occurring during gradual ice melting at the end of the Ice Age (according to generally recognized theory). This is more reminiscent of the effect by a vigorous flow of water, very concise in time, and more like a cataclysm rather than a gradual variation of weather conditions.
The similar picture can be seen in Europe:

“...fissures in the rocks on the tops of isolated hills in central France are filled with what is known as “osseous breccia”, consisting of the splintered bones of mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses and other animals. The peak of Mount Genay in Burgundy is capped by a breccia containing remains of mammoth, reindeer, horse and other animals” (ibidem).
But the most impressive evidence left by a disaster from the same period is found elsewhere in the North.
“The Alaskan muck in which the remains of animals are embedded is like a fine, dark-gray sand. Frozen solid within this mass, in the words of Professor Hibben of the University of New Mexico: “...lie the twisted parts of animals and trees intermingled with lenses of ice and layers of peat and mosses... Bison, horses, wolves, bears, lions... Whole herds of animals were apparently killed together, overcome by some common power... Such piles of bodies of animals or men simply do not occur by any ordinary natural means...””

“Throughout the Alaskan mucks, also there is evidence of atmospheric disturbances of unparalleled violence. Mammoth and bison alike were torn and twisted as though by a cosmic hand in Godly rage. In one place we can find the foreleg and shoulder of a mammoth with portions of the flesh and toenails and hair still clinging to the blackened bones. Close by is the neck and skull of a bison with the vertebrae clinging together with tendons and ligaments and the chitinous covering of the horns intact. There is no mark of knife or cutting instrument [as there would be if human hunters, for example, had been involved]. The animals were simply torn apart and scattered over the landscape like things of straw and string, even though some of them weighed several tons. Mixed with piles of bones are trees, also twisted and torn and piled in tangled groups; and the whole is covered with a fine sifting muck, then frozen solid” (ibidem).

“The destruction of these animals in Alaska was so sudden that their bodies were instantly frozen without decomposing, as evidenced by the tendency for local people to thaw the carcasses and use them for food” (A. Alford, Gods of the New Millennium).

The nature of unearthed fossils of animals and trees, and especially the conditions in which they are found explicitly speak for the fact that these had been caused by a tsunami of extreme power, which absorbed the material altogether and thrown it away in the area of intense cold (which is entirely possible in case the wave is sufficiently strong).

“Much the same picture emerges in Siberia where catastrophic climatic changes and geological upheavals occurred at around the same time” (G. Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods).

“A similar story unfolds in Siberia, where the remains of numerous species, the majority from temperate climates, are found buried beneath the frozen landscape. Once again, we find the animal bodies mixed with uprooted trees and vegetation, amid signs of an unexpected and sudden catastrophe... The mammoths died suddenly, in intense cold, and in great numbers. Death came so quickly that the swallowed vegetation is yet undigested...” (A. Alford, Gods of the New Millennium).

“The northern regions of Alaska and Siberia appear to have been the worst hit by the murderous upheavals between 13,000 and 11,000 years ago. In a great swathe of death around the edge of the Arctic Circle the remains of uncountable numbers of large animals have been found— including many carcasses with the flesh still intact, and astonishing quantities of perfectly preserved mammoth tusks. Indeed, in both regions, mammoth carcasses have been thawed to feed to sled dogs and mammoth steaks have featured on restaurant menus in Fairbanks” (G. Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods).

So, archaeological excavations give the evidence of a disaster of 11,000 BC, not less horrifying that the picture of the Flood painted by the mythology. The extent of the event can be approximately shown with the map below. This was developed based on mythological and archaeological data (see picture).


It's unbelievable. I look forward to continuing

long darkness....(((((

Thank you for such an interesting post! You should write for the history channel. :)