Many of you like myself met ranchorelaxo and his downvotes. I checked beginning of his wallet and I was thinking about this post. Here is how his wallet starts:
He started powering up from nowhere! Ned sent him memo directly to meet at a chat. For me that implies that he is one of the STINC inner circle, probably one of these devs mentioned in the post above. And what is more ironic he is destroying the community with his SP bullying for two years now. Like he can't understand that every user leaving the platform after got raped by his downvotes means decrease in platform's value and thus decrease in STEEM price.
Also in the beginning of ranchorelaxo's wallet some of people sending memos call him Craig. And ranchorelaxo published mind map of the crypto world where Craig Wright is one of the centers in that map. Could it be that this guy is Craig Wright?
You should check
Posted using Partiko Android
I think is much useful than steemd. It gives much more info.
It's easy to find old transactions with
He got SP from @blocktrades, no one can get power up from nowhere.
Wrong, he become active in December 2017 (first Haejin's post upvoted). He made first downvote on 27th December 2017.
Two years, over a year, big difference. He is a bully.
He can use his stake if he wants. This is censorship free platform where only stake matters.
And you think that when whales gang rape a minnow is beneficial for the platform?
I don't know why Busy interprets differently starting transfers here, and first from blocktrades is this one from June 4th.

You can power up STEEM directly to user and @blocktrades did this. @ranchorelaxo is not one of devs. His account is not only enough and why would he buy SP if he was minning?
Good point. You are right. But anyway he is tight with haejin, haejin is even his witness proxy. And both profiles are having negative impact on the community and active users count. There are literally hundreds of posts witnessing that.
Lol you guys are so clueless
We trying... :)
Posted using Partiko Android