Source Foto Kerangka Robur yang tinggal rongsokan
For you who had studied or had been a student of the 80's until mid-2003, may still remember in the memory of Robur. This kind of bus is very familiar among school and college students, and also for general public.
Cheap and crowded with passengerss are characteristics of Robur. When I was a college student in early year of 2001-2004, Robur tariff was still around Rp 200 to Rp 500.
Source Foto Salah satu penampakan stir bus Robur yang sudah jadi rongsokan.
Robur was always be a unique and cheap mass transportation. The route was also very strategic.
Usually Robur hung around the Great Mosque Baiturrahman to Darussalam and vice versa.
So no wonder if Robur with a passenger load of more than 60 people or if more crowded could reach until 100 people were very popular with students. At least, there were about two to four Robur's that operated everyday.
Passengers feel hot for the sake of having to smell each other's sweat, and the musty smell of her chair that begins to take out the foam. Sometimes a lot of unique stories happened along the way.
There were passengers standing up, and the luckier ones were able to sit on the lounger. At other times there were also who must be willing to hang on the edge of the entrance because the passengers were already spilling.
Occasionally the "kernek" of Robur rang the bell of the bus wall that made sound like "ting ... ting..ting ..." using coins in his hand.
It was a sign that the driver must stop or continue the journey. Once every day, except the week Robur did not operate.
But unfortunately, this legendary old bus is no longer exist. Maybe its fate is now very heartbreaking and of course has been eaten by age.
Now that the times have advanced, Robur has displaced with Transkutaraja and online transportation.
Now the story of Robur is only a memory for those who had felt it at its time.
But one that will always last forever, the existence of Robur transportation with all the stories had changed the lives of thousands passengers to be bachelors and success people. Mainly, in two major campus in Darussalam, Unsyiah and UIN Ar Raniry. [*]
Cerita Robur, Si Tua yang Berjasa Mengantarkan Ribuan Mahasiswa Jadi Sarjana, Kini Nasibnya Menyedihkan
Bagi Anda yang pernah kuliah atau menjadi pelajar tahun 80 an sampai medio 2003, mungkin masih lekat dalam ingatan tentang Robur.
Mobil jenis bus ini sangat melegenda di kalangan para pelajar dan mahasiswa, tentu saja masyarakat umum.
Murah dan selalu disesaki penumpang, adalah ciri khas Robur. Sewaktu saya masih kuliah awal 2001-2004, tarif Robur masih berkisar Rp 200 sampai Rp 500.
Robur memang selalu menjadi alat transportasi massal unik dan murah. Rutenya juga sangat strategis.
Biasanya Robur mangkal di sekitaran Masjid Raya Baiturrahman menuju Darussalam dan sebaliknya.
Maka tak heran Robur dengan muatan penumpang lebih 60 orang atau kalau lagi ramai bisa mencapai 100 orang sangat digemari para pelajar dan mahasiswa.
Setidaknya saat itu ada sekitar dua sampai empat Robur yang beroperasi setiap hari.
Para penumpangnya rela berpanas-panasan demi sampai tujuan walau harus saling mencium bau keringat, dan bau apek kursinya yang mulai mengeluarkan busa.
Terkadang banyak pula cerita unik yang terjadi di sepanjang perjalanan. Ada penumpang yang berdiri, dan ada yang lebih beruntung bisa duduk di bangku.
Di lain waktu ada pula yang harus rela begantungan di pinggir pintu masuk karena penumpangnya sudah meluber.
Sesekali si kernek Robur membunyikan bel..."ting...ting..ting..." menggunakan uang koin di tangannya. Itu tandanya sopir harus berhenti atau melanjutkan perjalanan.
Tinggal kenangan
Begitu setiap hari, kecuali minggu Robur tidak beroperasi. Namun sayangnya kini Robur, si bus tua legendaris ini sudah tidak diketahui lagi keberadaannya.
Mungkin nasibnya kini sangat memilukan dan tentu saja sudah dimakan usia.
Sekarang zaman sudah maju, Robur sudah lenyap berganti dengan Transkutaraja dan transportasi online.
Kini cerita Robur hanya tinggal kenangan bagi mereka yang pernah merasakan.
Tapi satu yang akan selalu abadi, keberadaan transportasi Robur dengan segala ceritanya ini telah mengubah hidup ribuan penumpangnya menjadi sarjana.
Terutama di dua kampus besar Unsyiah dan UIN Ar Raniry. [*]
Baca juga
robour teringat masa2 kuliah, dulu hanya bayar Rp 25
Hehehe...iyhaa bg Ampuh waktu saya ongkosnya udah naek jadi 200 rupiah...ting...ting...salam, salam...hehehe
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