Why did Hitler want to destroy the Jews?

in #history9 years ago (edited)

After watching movies about the second Word War I asked myself many times why did Hitler do everything to destroy the Jews. There were about 42 000 camps with Jewish prisoners in Europe at that time. I started to read about it and found some interesting information.

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Once little Adolf was walking along the streets of Vienna and his attention was attracted by a talarez and a man with black curly hair who wore it. The picturesque appearance left such a strong impression that Hitler decided to learn more about the Jews.
Early literature was very antisemitic and it sounds strange now but at first Hitler was appalled by the persecution of the Jews. But later the Fuhrer changed his attitude towards the Jews and it was one of hate.

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Different sources give different reasons.

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Political. Jews tried to attract neutral countries to an anti German alliance and the Fuhrer saw a threat of them destroying Germany intelligence. Hitler considered Jewish as smart troublemakers and he was afraid that they would start to subjugate first Germany and then the whole world.

Religious. He was taking revenge on the Jews for killing Jesus Christ.

Low race. Hitler divided nations into three levels: the highest - the Aryans, the medium - Slavic and the lower - Jewish and Gypsy.

Spread of syphilis. It is rumored that Hitler was infected by a Jewish prostitute with syphilis and he couldn't treat it. As most Jews propagandized commercial marriages, spouses were looking for love outside the marriage which led to the spread of venereal diseases.

Personal dislike.

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  • His father had Jewish roots and he was beating's Adolf's mother and little Adolf.

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Hitler's parents

  • Hitler had to hide his Jewish origins as at that time in Germany there was a negative attitude to the Jews.
  • Hitler's grandfather was a Jew and once he beat Adolf and damaged one his testicles.
  • His mother died because of malpractice by the doctor with Jewish roots.
  • The teacher of Adolf who humiliated him at school was a Jew.
  • Failure to enter the Academy of Art because of a Jewish teacher.

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Hitler's painting

Although some of these facts seem to contradict the fact that in the beginning Hitler was tolerant to the Jews and only later his attitude changed.

Volf Messing

Volf Messing, a very famous Jewish fortune teller who lived in Russia made a public announcement in Warsawa in 1937 that if Hitler turned to the East, he would lose. Messing was very popular and even Freud, Einstein and other famous people valued his opinion. Hitler was angry and declared Messing his personal enemy and even put a huge reward on his head.

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In any case Hitler took the real reasons of his hatred for the Jews to the grave and we will never know them.
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Yours, @aksinya.

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I also heard that the Jews controlled the financial system Germany and they manipulate the population through it. The Jews were extracting value through the financial system causing them to get richer and the Germans poorer. If there any truth in this, I don't know.
If you are interested in history, I have just published an ARTICLE on the novel by JRR Tolkien, The Hobbit.

i will check. thank you

Germany's economy post WWI was in the dumps, massive hyperinflation. Similar to how a loaf of bread costs trillions in Zimbabwe. As well as dealing with hefty sanctions from treaties signed after the war. His economic recovery is one of the reasons he was Times Magazine Man of the Year in 1938 I think

I also read that Germany under Hitler was constantly on the verge of bankruptcy because of military spending so invading more and more countries to loot became a necessity to stay afloat.

Controversial yet informative nonetheless. A whole bunch of unrelated people who had one similarity between them all can shape a person's worldview.
I think we should all consider why how how we hate the things we do?

He was a bad psycho :( He had many knowledge about the secrets of our world, but this didn´t justifies it deeds.

In one speech he warns of a countryless, stateless group of people who have no affiliation with humanity but to fulfill their greedy desires.
I'm sure his group had many discoveries that never made it to see the light of day to the public

That is crazy. I didn't know Hitler had Jewish roots and didn't know he picked up an STD. Great info!

Thank you. Me too. Before I started to dig it out

I didn't know Hitler had Jewish roots and didn't know he picked up an STD. Great info!

You didn't know that because this dumb cunt just made it up.

I beg to totally differ with your report my friend. Hitler was the only man in europe to try stop the jewish monetary control. they had ridden Germany with filth and degraded the society into a drug, sex and perversion haven. they controlled the education as well. There is no evidence whatsoever of the gasing of jews neither were there gas chambers. Have you read or searched about the Leuchter report? Why do people always conditioned into how hitler was bad and not ask about what the jews did to Germany? hitler cared about his people. If he had won, the whole world would have been free of the debt created fiat currency run by Jews. Did you know Jews controlled USA, hollywood, created the FED and ensured the whole world is enslaved by the dollar? Why was Gaddafi murdered by USA? He wanted to create a currency for africa backed by gold. How about every revisionist ends up incarcerated, tortured, bankrupted illegally and sometimes even murdered? Only an open mind can see the truth. the Jews manipulate the world finance, make americans and allies fight their fake wars to create unrest in the middle east and keep expanding Israel territory. Who cares about palestinians? If Jews suffered as you say, would they massacre palestinians, grab their land,kill their men and put them in concentration camps? Who massacred 100 million russians under bolshevism?JEWS funded by jewish american bankers, Do you know Trotsky, Lenin and Karl Marx? Who controlled and sold african slaves to americans for 400 years?Jews...So please my sir/madam, kindly stop indocrinating the world with this never ending hoax. The Jews coarse the whole world to keep tyranny going. Who created ISIS? Why havent ISIS attacked Israel or Saudi Arabia, there sworn enemies? Why is Phillipines now battling to contain ISIS terrorists killing their people? Is it because their President Duterte decided to quit the ever manipulative west for Russia and China? Who funded mao zedong? who killed Jesus? Who controls all history? They do love hiding beneath goyims (gentiles) changing their names and dividing the people into factions hence always surviving being noticed behind the curtains. One love my friend and peace to all humanity. We are ll one race. Just wanted to point some few guides for all to research and learn more for themselves. Do you know people like David irving and Ernst Zundel? or even others? Look them up and check their stories...truth shall out one day, and truth sets us free. so its better we forgive and embrace each other but SPREAD THE TRUTH. Hitler was a good, strong and ambitious man who wanted the best for his people. Just check Germany history before Hitler and immediately after. The said gas to kill jews, Zyklon B was an insecticide to kill lice.

I've never learned much about Hitler in school so I purchased a copy of Mein Kampf. The only place I could find it was at The Strand in New York City. It's an alternative bookstore selling publications out of print. From what I've read so far, Hitler did not believe in race but used the construct to further his own ambitions of making Germany powerful.

Almost everything we have been taught (brainwashed, actually) about Hitler is a lie. For most of my life, I believed the lies. Then, in my late 50s, I started questioning my programming. Would an entire nation vote to make Hitler Fuhrer with over 90% of the voters in agreement? Would any nation follow a madman psychopath in a global war leading to utter destruction? The Germans did both, and that didn't make sense. So I began investigating the real Hitler, reading two important books among a lot of other research. Hitler's best friend during his teenage years was August Kubizek, who wrote "The Young Hitler I Knew". I was looking for signs of psychopathy in the teenage Hitler, but found just the opposite - a caring, empathetic, honest, unselfish fellow of high moral character and values. Well that was a surprise, completely contrary to popular belief. Then I read Hitler's own writing from 1928, five years before becoming Fuhrer, in "Hitler's Secret Book". The man was brilliant, erudite, reasonable, diplomatic, caring, and totally focused on restoring freedom and equality to the German people, who had been so badly preyed upon by the victors of WW1. My other research uncovered a massive campaign of disinformation and propaganda all designed to vilify Hitler in the worst way possible. Something beyond belief has been occurring for over 70 years -- the suppression of the truth and the deliberate broadcast of a false history.

Yes, if you watch the movies, you get nothing but the false narrative of "the world's most evil man", Adolf Hitler. The truth, I dare say, is the exact opposite. But uncovering that truth will require some determined sleuthing, and "they" have done everything possible to prevent you from doing that.

As long as we parrot the lies we have been taught, we stay in the Matrix.

Thanks for the kind words bro.

Figuring out who is fork feeding the message of "the world's most evil man" will tell you all you need to know.

If you want to know the truth then you have to let go of the children's story that he wanted to kill jews for no reason other than he was insane and evil. The jewish issue goes back long before Hitler and the Nazis and continues till this day. If you want to do some research, stay away from wikipedia and look into these for a start: Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank, Kabbalah, Sabbateans, Donmeh, Crypto-Jews, Spanish Inquisition, Jesuit founders, Saturn worship, Israel and 911, USS Liberty, The Young Turks, Armenian Genocide, Karl Marx, King Solomon, Bolsheviks, Albert Einstein, The Rothschilds, .........

You will also have to have an understanding of the occult, without that you want be able to see the whole picture. Start with Saturn symbology, Star of David, and Swastika.

I think you should verify a number of your sources. First of all there's scant evidence that any of Hitler's grandparents were Jews. In fact, the entire idea is based on rumors and hearsay.

That's going to be difficult since it's all bullshit.

thank you

The real reason lies behind 500 years of German Lutheran antisemitism. Germans (like Muslims today) were brainwashed into hating Jews by 500 years of having heard Marthin Luther's racist and false claims against the Jews (after he pretended Jews recognize him as a new Moses, something to which they absolutely said no as they did with Mohammed, another false pretender). We mustn't forget that, before Nazism rise to power, Germany had the highest number of Nobel laureates in the world, and the worldwide leader in scientific research. The persecution of the jews caused a real disaster in Germany, a disaster from which Germany (or Europe for that matter), never recovered.

Hitler was wrong about Jews.
Hitler hated Bolshevism - Soviet Communism - and blamed Jews for it:

"During the 1920s, Hitler declared that the mission of the Nazi movement was to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism".[25] Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, pacifism and internationalism,[26] and that the Jews were behind Bolshevism, communism and Marxism."[27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism

Butr Antony Sutton, in Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, said Jewish international bankers hated Bolshevism because it was bad for Jews and Russia. Sutton proved that Jewish international bankers played a minor role in the Bolshevik Revolution, whereas gentile international bankers - like J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller and William Boyce Thompson - played major roles:

It is significant that documents in the State Department files confirm that the investment banker Jacob Schiff, often cited as a source of funds for the Bolshevik Revolution, was in fact against support of the Bolshevik regime.5 This position, as we shall see, was in direct contrast to the Morgan-Rockefeller promotion of the Bolsheviks. The persistence with which the Jewish-conspiracy myth has been pushed suggests that it may well be a deliberate device to divert attention from the real issues and the real causes.

The evidence provided in this book suggests that the New York bankers who were also Jewish had relatively minor roles in supporting the Bolsheviks, while the New York bankers who were also Gentiles (Morgan, Rockefeller, Thompson) had major roles.

What better way to divert attention from the real operators than by the medieval bogeyman of anti-Semitism?

Meh, close.

Both communist scum and jews are despicable in their own ways. Both are useful as a heating source.

"Hitler took the real reasons of his hatred for the Jews to the grave and we will never know them"

He was very clear about the reasons actually. Read Mein Kampf where he goes into great detail.

I just posted a letter he wrote on the subject, which is thought to be the earliest known record on this topic.

Cheers bro!

Complete bullshit.

I hate jews because they're the root of all evil. Look at America right now - all the Hollywood jews are getting caught out as the rapists they are.

Fingers crossed Trump mans up and finished the job for me.