Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Threats have a tendency to orient attention, via the fight and flight system, and the Manhattan project that grew from Enrico Fermi succeeding to sustain nuclear chain reactions and into nuclear weapons, led to a technology that was so foreign that it put people overall in a state of terror, reflected in 2001, 56 years after 1945, as the "war on terror", projection, and a range of events before that, the coup in the USA in 1963, the Dream of Apollo by NASA and Stanley Kubrick in 1969, the "war on drugs" in the USA in 1971, and wars in Korea (1950-1953), Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, all projection of a feeling of terror from the atomic bomb in a process of integrating the technology into the human tool-kit.
The "red scare" was a memeplex rooted in the memetic archetype of the atomic bomb
The atomic bomb being "discovered", like fire before it, led to what can be understood as a religion, with rituals, beliefs, and norms that were rooted in fear of the bomb, a phobeplex, not fear of certain actors but the atomic bomb itself, a foreign and predatory influence. This religion came into existence in both the USSR and the USA which led to an escalation in conflict, and proxy wars in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Chile, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Cuba, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria.
The memetic archetype of the atomic bomb as a phobeplex
The atomic bomb seems to be the trigger of the continued existence of the OSS after world war 2 as the CIA, the classification of the Nazi Germany flying saucer technology (seen in the Roswell event in 1947), the coup in the USA in 1963, the Dream of Apollo by Stanley Kubrick in 1969, and the proxy wars in... everywhere, rooted in a "phobeplex" and fear-based behaviours, which was projected into the war on drugs in 1971 (psychedelic drugs kill phobeplexa or prevents them from reproducing, similar to how antibiotics act on bacteria), the war on terror in 2001 (projection of feeling of terror) and the proxy wars in... everywhere, as well as the CIAs current Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) program.
The atomic age needs state-technology such as Ethereum and BitLattice
A distributed ledger cannot be coerced, and so is resistant to threats of nuclear weapons, it is very open to the notion of nuclear deterrence theory, game theory, and similar things, and a natural step in the evolution towards panarchy, where voluntary organization outcompetes terror balances, because it is able to capture more attention.
This the biggest curse for humanity. If people use science in right ways we can make earth as living heaven.
no more a curse than the discovery of fire, tough it seems like it has taken quite some time to learn to live with