[ENG] HiQ №31 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | CraftInk Lore - "CraftInk Championship Tournament", SlothBuzz, Ecency Decks, HiveChat a.m.m.m.

in #hiq2 years ago

Info für deutsche Leser:hier.) Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie

By: @smooms


Sometimes you don't have any luck, but then bad luck comes along. That's exactly what happened to some of our editors this time, which delayed the release. But what lasts long and all that, eh?

And yet here we are again, starting our new issue fresh and lively with familiar categories. First and foremost of course, with the MVP, with which we have made a great catch this time, we would like to think so anyway.

Many of you probably already know what comes next. This category has become an indispensable part of HiQ. We are talking about "THE column". In this issue, our editor, @mary-me, who is popular with the entire editorial team, dealt with the summer slump while trying not to sink into it herself. Mission accomplished, danger averted and article published.

As our first cover story, we present to you the continuation of the CraftInk Lore. The Beninging is now over. What comes next will be unsurpassed in epicness. We don't want to anticipate too much, so you'd best read it for yourselves. Will be naisu.

The second cover topic is SlothBuzz, the smoking sloth. What sloths have to do with Marie and Johanna will certainly be revealed in this article. (Editor's note: Maybe not, but still no less worth reading. So what are you waiting for?)

Things are also heating up in the Apps & Tools section, for which we have to go back a bit in history. We once had a strange editor at HiQ who always wanted a Holo Deck. It's difficult, but both are available separately. There are CraftInk Holos and Ecency Decks. We report on the latter in this issue. Awesome? Awesome!

But let's digress into the wide world of Web 2. and To Twitter, to be precise. There's something fine there, too. How could this be interesting for Hive? That's what we asked ourselves and researched it for you. You can read about the results in this issue.

But there's no stopping there folks, WHOOP. Because we dug up some treasures - Treasures of Europe, so to speak. We sent our temporary intern community officer to the Treasures of Europe community for you and she came back too. Luckily she did because she brought back a solid article for this issue.

Our temporary trainee community representative was then given another not so secret mission. In this mission, she scoured the forests and came across the Hive Memorial Forest. You can find out what's going on in this forest in an exclusive report here.

The end of the issue is as you would expect: last month's gossip garnished with a pinch of Hivestyle for Hivians. Of course, the letters to the editor full of lyrical effusions from our readers must not be missing. But what must also not be missing is our...

... because what you should also definitely do is fomo into the Commentary Discount Sale 2/4. With a discount of 30% on the current HIVE price of HIQS (Editor's note: 0.511 SWAP.HIVE). That means you can buy up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.358 per HIQS. Write the following

!HIQS HereYourDesiredAmount

in the comments. After 2 days, we will publish a post at @hiq.shares handling the sale. By the way, if the demand is high enough, we will increase the amount of HIQS to 540 HIQS, so that English-speaking and German-speaking readers can get their HIQS. We've done that before from time to time, but hardly anyone noticed. LOOL

PS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL!

Buy CraftInk Packs and now have fun reading on! ★


  ➁ The Column - Summer slump - but we stay  ➀ HiQs MVP - @enginewitty

Cover Story
  ➂ CraftInk Lore - "CraftInk Championship Tournament"
  ➃ Sloth & Doobie merged

Apps & Tools
  ➄ Ecency Decks - Killer App?

  ➅ HiveChat on Twitter
  ➆ Treasures of Europe
  ➇ Hive Memorial Forest

  ➈ Gossip
  ➉ Hivestyle for Hivians
  ➀➀ Readers' letters ★


By: @smooms

➀ HiQs MVP  

"Pimp my Blockchain!". That's certainly what this month's MVP thought. Most Valued Poster? Read for yourself what else MVP stands for in this issue.

This user on Hive caught our eye not only as a fan and supporter. We were also taken with his projects. His token on Hive Engine is worthy of its name. But it is not only the token that is pimped.

On his Discord Server he regularly organises meetings where users can present their projects. He also made this stage available to us because he thinks we're so awesome. @enginewitty is definitely our Most Valued Pimp.

But also as a CraftInk Fomoist from the first minute, he is officially the first Hivian with a complete collection of CraftInk cards. Now all that's left for him is to get all the Holo cards. We wish him every success and keep on pimpin'.★

By: @mary-me


Even if we go out in between to smoke touch grass, we are still the baddest FOMOists. The summer slump is omnipresent - but what is it really?

The term "summer slump" describes a period of time when there is less news or events, typically during the summer months. The summer slump results from the fact that many people go on holiday or otherwise relax.

After the pandemic madness, this is the first summer when people are going out again without sparing a second thought. It's not only the gastronomy industry noticing this, but also the internet. German-language Youtubers have recorded 40 % fewer views in recent weeks. Accordingly, there is very little happening on Hive.

In addition, crypto prices are also in a slump, which always results in little interest in the topic. Currently we are experiencing the complete opposite of a hype, which shows quite well who is really behind Hive and who is only there because of FOMO, LOOL.

Nevertheless, even the basement kids, who otherwise only hang out on the net, should go out and soak up some sun. When, if not now? This hiatus in cryptospace offers an opportunity to deal with topics that are otherwise often overshadowed.

The summer slump can encourage us to awaken our curiosity and pursue new interests, whether it's reading an inspiring book, discovering music or exploring hobbies you've always wanted to try. Instead of looking at the summer slump as an empty void, we could use it as an opportunity to broaden our horizons and develop ourselves.

So, enjoy the time until the next bull run - it will be stressful enough. Go out, meet friends and discover new things to be prepared for a time that won't be so relaxed. (Editor's note: And it will come for sure. At the latest when we produce the print edition for HiveFest8. LOOL) ★


By: @smooms


CraftInk - The game of the ancient Maya. Delivered by magic and continued in the present. We are now in the year 2025 and the games are in full swing. But read for yourself.

Chapter 1 - The Tournament

The tournament was in full swing. The entire city of Inkopolis was full of people from all over the world who came together to play in this tournament to find out who will be the best CraftInk player in this world.

The aim was to collect points. There were 7 days to qualify for the knockout tournament. All you had to do was win a lot of fights by getting a score higher than your opponents. The best 16 players would then compete against each other. But what would the winner get?

The winner would get the opportunity to play against the HiQuarters Top 4 after winning the tournament. This consisted of the 3 creators of the game, @mary-me, @quekery and @smooms. However, no one knew who was 4th and last. There were speculations among the participants. There was talk of a player so good that he was even allowed to skip the tournament and was directly included in the tournament as the ultimate finalist. After all, it would have come down to him being in the final anyway. Others claim that it was a kind of CraftInk robot controlled by an AI that is unbeatable.

But all these speculations were futile. The only thing that remained was to win the tournament and defeat the 3 CraftInk makers and thus reach the ultimate final. Besides the title of "CraftInk Championship Tournament Worldchampion for Life", there was also a hefty prize money: INK worth 100,000 Inkopolis Dollars. But most people only wanted the prize money.

But not all of them either. And here begins the story of @bubblegif, who took part in this tournament with her dog Henry, the cocker spaniel with the dangerous scar on his nose, which he got in a nasty fight with a dangerous greyhound, to eventually meet the top 4 and thus the makers of the game CraftInk in person. @bubblegif was a luminary in her field. She had already delighted many people with her drawings and she hoped to offer her services to the CraftInk team and help design the images for the cards in the future.

CraftInk was her passion. She got her cards about 2 years ago in the form of Booster Packs as payment for a job she performed. At first she was disappointed, of course, because cash is a fine thing, but when she looked at the cards more closely and played her first games of CraftInk, she was hooked. She studied the games of the pros, put together her deck and started playing herself. In the meantime, she became one of the favourites for the title of CraftInk Championship Tournament Worldchampion for Life. She was only 5 points short of making it into the top 16.

So she wandered through Inkopolis looking for players who had not yet challenged her. Tournament matches were held on every corner of the city, but no one wanted to compete with her. The game was "best out of 3". That is, out of 3 games, one had to win 2 to get the point. In one game she stopped. One of the two knew her from a Twitch stream. It was @bechibenner, who competed with a Hacker/Dev deck. His officer card was "smooms". @bubblegif immediately recognised the fat circles under his eyes and the tired look on the face of the character on the card. However, she did not know his opponent. Who had the upper hand in this fight, however, was immediately clear.

The fight was already in the second round and @bechibenner was leading 1-0. The second round he was leading 10-2 when someone tapped @bubblegif on the shoulder. She slowly turned around and could not believe her eyes. The person tapping her on the shoulder was none other than....

Who is the mysterious person? Will @bubblegif still manage to get the points together? Will she be able to realise her dream of becoming a designer for characters on CraftInk cards? Find out all this and much more in the next chapter of the CraftInk story "CraftInk - The CraftInk Championship Tournament". ★


By: @tengolotodo


Are you a Sloth or do you Buzz, or do you both, or maybe you even alternate between both? What is it with all these sloths running around our Hive? Find out as we explore Sloth.Buzz.

If you are an alert or even an inquisitive Hivian (Editor's note: Here at HiQuarters we are always alert. LOOL) then you might have noticed that over the last six months on Hive a new tag #slothbuzz has sprung up on some posts. Also you might have noticed that some Hivians were leaving !SLOTH as a comment on some posts. Were you such a Hivian we wonder!

So what is this Sloth.buzz?

Simply put Sloth.buzz is a Hive outpost with a buzzing community (Editor's note: Yes they have their own Discord server.) and Hive Witness.

cryptoradio.fm!)It's the brainchild of @slothlydoesit & @patlebo. Slothlyd reckons that he is the community man or the social sloth. He's the one behind most of the posts for Slothbuzz. Patlebo is the Dev and he's the one making sure the witness node keeps running (Editor's note: Here at HiQ we know about that too. LOOL), he's the one working on the website and he's the one that's pushing all the awesome updates that come through sloth.buzz (and

One could say that Sloth is the Sloth and Pat is the Buzz! Or more accurately Sloth breaks everything and Pat fixes it! It sounds to us that Pat is the one who actually does the work! LOOL

How does Sloth.Buzz help Hive?

@slothlyd and @patlebo have been hanging around the cryptoverse for a few years but it was only at the end of last year did they really realise what Hive has to offer and vice versa and so they jumped in with both feet. (Editors note: Do Sloths have feet or just toes on a paw?)

Sloth.Buzz is aimed at supporting small creators spread their buzz with a big emphasis on Fun!

Everyone feels a little sloth sometimes, whilst being full of buzz other times! Hence they amalgamated the two and created sloth.buzz.

Fair play to them, unlike so many of these bigger communities on Hive where you seem to be ignored until you are Hive famous, sloth.buzz actually treat you like part of the sloth family as soon as you start to socialise.

They are big on memes and seem to be continously running a meme contest either in their Discord or on Hive or both!

Move over Pulp Fiction, here comes Sloth Fiction. LOOL

They love hearing your stories, seeing your creative works and giving you some support doing what you love! They have their main discord community where they have channels set up to highlight the communities' tweets, streamers going live pings and they auto-share all the content posted to Sloth.Buzz! (Editor's note: And most importantly, there's even a CraftInk Channel, LOOL.)

What content can you post to Sloth.Buzz?

Sloth.Buzz's main focus is you! They like to pride themselves that their 'niche' is whatever makes a sloth buzz!

There are areas where they try to support small creators and in particular these are:

  • Art
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Gaming
  • Crypto
  • Memes + Fun

Get involved with the community and they and other buzzers will support you.

Tribe Infos powered by Smart Bot Ink

They were running a Zealy campaign during May where you could win HSBI and their HE Token SLOTHBUZZ let's hope they bring it back for June.

After all it will take a HiQ sloth a couple of days to find their way over to @slothbuzz! LOOL ★


By: @quekery


Will Ecency Decks be the next killer app for hardcore bloggers? Or is it much ado about nothing? We tested the new feature for Ecency's heart and kidneys.

It has become difficult to keep track of the Hive blogging experience. Keeping an eye on following, managing LeoThreads, monitoring alt accounts, and so on.

Wouldn't it be EPIC if there was an app that concentrated our Hive blogging experience into one place? "Bullshit" you say? One can still dream, can't one? Okay, we're just trolling a little bit. After all, this app already exists with https://ecency.com/decks. But can Ecency Decks really do everything the hivestyle heart desires?

What is Ecency Decks?
If you think you can use it to manage your CraftInk decks in the future, you're thinking in the wrong direction. (Editor's note: Or maybe not?) With Ecency Decks you can manage a part of your Hive blogging experience, so nothing with gaming or anything like that.

On the page you can see various columns that you can move, delete or add new ones. If you want to add a new one, it looks like this:

hiq.redaktion and click on Blogs. Then you can add a new column with Add new column and add your notifications.Since we as hivefluencers have an extremely large number of accounts, we also have a lot to manage. For example, if you want to stalk @hiq.redaktion's blog (Editor's note: Which we would definitely recommend.), then click on User, type in

In addition to All, you have many customisation options such as votes, replies or reblogs. (Editor's note: HIVESTYYYYLE) Ecency notifications can even show you Hive Engine transfers. (Editor's note: HAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNDDDYYYY)

With Waves you can display LeoThreads or dBuzz posts. This can save you a few tabs.

Of course, you can add communities, search queries and wallets. You can change the order of the columns, edit or delete them. The editing options depend on what content you have in the column. For example, if you have a blog in a column, you can change the content to Replies or change the type of notification in the Notification column.

Once you have decided which columns you want, you can save them in a deck and also jump back and forth between the different decks.

Overall, we liked the idea of Ecency Decks very much. The implementation is already impressive. There are also more features planned for the future that really make you want more. You can read a foretaste in the announcement post.

However, we also missed some functions in our test. For example, it is not possible to store your following feed in a column. This is a function that we definitely want to see and that we cannot live without. Also, during our test, "Topics" did not work, i.e. retrieving certain tags in a column. If you add "Topics" to a column and click on a tag, you are redirected to the Ecency page and do not see the topic in Ecency Decks.

Perhaps both functions can be achieved through a search query. But these are 2 important functions that we sorely miss. Of course, it is possible that we will soon be blessed with them. Nevertheless, we think that we need something like Ecency Decks and wish for quality-of-life updates that enrich the daily life of Hivestyle. We'll keep you posted on whether Holo Ecency Decks becomes even more stylish in the future. ★

Ad sponsored by @balte

By: @tengolotodo


We love Hive and we love to see the word being spread about Hive, even if it is on a Web2 platform. For three years there has been a tweetchat every Tuesday. We went to find out more.

Last month our proofreader and sometimes article author @tengolotodo hosted HiveChat. (Editor's note: here at HiQ we go that extra mile to keep you the reader satisfied, LOOL.)

What is Hive Chat and When did it start?

There is nothing more gratifying than doing some investagtive journalism HiQ style and so we sent @tengolotodo back onto the blockchain to delve into those dusty records to bring you the full picture.

Do you remember what you were doing on July 21st 2020? It was a date to remember! That was the date of the first HiveChat on Twitter!

A TweetChat is a public chat on Twitter on one or more topics. Typically it takes place for one hour and the hosts will ask several questions, which everyone participating can answer by tweeting a reply using the hashtag associated with the TweetChat.

poll@jeanlucsr was the driving force behing this TweetChat for Hive and made numerous posts. Two of them were polls! One was for the name of the TweetChat and this is where @hivepeople jumped on board.

HiveTweetChat, Hive5Chat, OpenHiveChat, HiveHour, HiveTweets and HiveChat were the choices.

HiveChat was the winner.

So the name was chosen, next up was the day. Another poll was set up and Tuesday came out the winner.

If you are familiar with HiveChat that then is why it is duly named and why it is on a Tuesday. I had seen it on Twitter and always did wonder why it was on a Tuesday.

The original HiveChat took place at noon GMT on 21st July 2020. The noon time slot was chosen to try to give as many Hivians as possible a chance to attend with all the different time zones that we are in. This has now changed and it is up to the host to decide what hour they want to schedule the HiveChat for.

That first HiveChat was hosted by @jeanlucsr asking the #HiveChat questions and @hivepeople scrolling through the tweets and responding to answers.

The purpose of HiveChat

To have fun of course! It is also a great way to get Hive trending on Twitter by having an intensified hour focusing on Hive. If we can pique the interest of non Hivians then it is a win-win for everyone!

The format of current HiveChats

HiveChat number 3@traciyork hosted and together with @epodcaster are the driving forces behind HiveChat now, and it was Traci that suggested @tengolotodo host the HiveChat assisted by our very own Scottish Matilda, she of @craftink fame.

There is a different host every week, which means that there is a different time for the HiveChat every week.

The jist of HiveChat:

  • The chat lasts an hour.
  • There is a new tweet every ten minutes.
  • There is an IceBreaker question followed by 5 questions.
  • Participants respond with #HiveChat in all their tweets.
  • You start your tweet reply with the appropriate A1, A2 etc so people know what you are answering!

With the aid of @traciyork, the IceBreaker and five Questions were perfected and Traci made the awesome visuals/gifs that were added to the tweets! @epodcaster explained how to add the visuals and crucially how to schedule tweets.

If you ever do host a HiveChat then quite simply put, you must schedule your tweets, otherwise you will be hopelessly lost.

The Icebreaker

This is the question that sets the tone for your HiveChat party, get that right and then the rest becomes fun mayhem.

Matilda is often an unwanted guest on the Talk Time with Tengo chat show, so many people had heard of her.

It was a great experience and we were delighted to see @jeanlucsr participating as that is not always the case.

recap post for further details of the five questions asked.If you think you could be and would like to be a host, then please do contact either @traciyork or @epodcaster. You can read @tengolotodo's full HiveChat

Hosting a HiveChat is a fun thing to do and a great way to build up Hive engagement on Twitter! ★

Ad sponsored by @reiseamateur

By: @themyscira


Whether you're a fan of Hive Raider, the secret of Hive Island or Hiviana Jones - you're sure to find what you're looking for in the Treasures of Europe community. Have fun treasure hunting!

Are you looking for lost treasures, but have never found gold, diamonds or other valuable objects? No problem, then you've come to the right place on the hunt for Europe's most precious treasures. LOOL

We have seen too much Hiviana Jones and therefore can't decide on which adventure we found the most valuable treasure in Europe. That's why we'll tell you here what there is to discover and what other users have found for you.

Many communities offer an extensive (head cinema) travel experience where users report on the places they have visited - but in the Treasures of Europe community, the search is specifically for treasures in Europe. We ourselves sit in the heart of Middle Earth, namely in Central Europe. Real heroic history was written here, which has more or less been forgotten and is hardly remembered.

@borjan https://peakd.com/hive-104101/@borjan/a-village-swallowed-by-the

What secrets the architecture and culture of these places conceal, what nature our homeland Europe offers us and which plants, animals, rivers and mountains have been miraculously telling their story for several thousand years is documented in this community. You don't just visit places, you feel them and listen to what they have to tell.

You can discover all this in the Treasures of Europe community and of course report on your own found treasures of Europe.

Don't be too lax and economical, because a decent amount of words is a prerequisite in this community. A two-liner would not be suitable to make a lost treasure sparkle. The preferred language is English and political topics are not welcome as they would not produce any treasure anyway. LOOL

We look forward to seeing the treasures you have found. A little tip: Watch Lara Hivecroft beforehand to increase the sense of adventure a little. LOOL ★


By: @themyscira


Memorials don't only exist in real life. Our community commissioner has also discovered a memorial on Hive for you. So get ready: It's about to get DEEP.

We enter the realm of deeply moving memories and take you to the Hive Memorial Forest, a community memorial for our loved ones and for the most moving feelings.

Often you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but this time the spark of light has rushed ahead of us to lead us to a great clearing full of bright memories, the Hive Memorial Forest - the communal memorial site for deceased ancestors, friends, relatives or even role models and beloved pets.

Here, a blockchain hiveotope of written-down feelings awaits us, reminding us that we are human beings and how we can express our individual humanity with feelings. And what makes us more human than emotions? But this is not about the emotions that make us boil, but emotions that put us in a soulful and gentle vibration and bring out a whole other side of us.


In this day and age, feelings have become so blunted that empathy is no longer sufficient for a functioning society and the "we" no longer seems to play a role. One of the reasons for this is that no one really dares to give free rein to their feelings any more.

In this sense, the Hive Memorial Forest would be the right community for memories that we think require a lot of courage and heart to immortalise here. The admins of the community will support you in your works and treat you with goodwill to encourage you further.

Take heart and let your most beautiful stream shine, the one that moves you in life. Think of all the poets and thinkers or the songwriters who put their best hits on paper from the heart. Except here we're not writing on paper, we're writing on the blockchain. LOOL

Perhaps a lyrical masterpiece will emerge from this and you will put us in a heartfelt state that will evoke more wonderful memories in us that we can write down and fomoen in the Hive Memorial Forest. Feel free and have lots of love in the process. ★

Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 5 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com. ★


By: @quekery & @mary-me


It's not only Hive that is in the summer slump right now. We could hardly find Gossip either. (Editor's note: Either that, or we missed juicy gossip, LOOL.)

The end for Marky?

thisIf you have been flagged by Marky recently, there is a reason for it. In addition to @newsflash (Editor's note: We reported.), Marky is also in a war with @xeldal. Both wars have resulted in Marky's posts often being flagged to 0 HTU. More recently, Marky has also flagged posts that were voted by @xeldal. Now he has announced that will be @themarkymark's last post. We will keep you posted.

Horse of Scam?

downvoted"resolved. Thanks for fix" but the downvotes remained and there were no upvotes either. LOOL@blockhorseracing was . "But why?" you are probably asking yourselves now. The pictures of the horses were from a well-known German toy brand and this caught the eye of two German-speaking users with an urge to protect the Blockchain from such dastardly deeds and scams. They pointed it out and promptly @blockhorseracing changed the horse pictures and apologised for the mistake. It was commented on with

Not just price crashes

What have we discovered on Web2. The popular hive rally car has crashed. We hope that no one was hurt.

And another little tip from us: Next time, please hire the professional rally co-pilot of HiQ to prevent such accidents from happening.

Leo Hack

Did you know this? You wake up in the morning and have over 9000 Discord pings in your mailbox? The reason for this was an account hack of @anomadsoul, who had mod rights on the Leo Discord. The hacker spammed a phishing link which lured unsuspecting users with an "airdrop". Users who clicked on this link and used Metamask on the site probably lost a lot of money in their wallet. The hacker also tried to stop all attempts to stop him. For example, he kicked users who wanted to warn against phishing. In the meantime, the Leo Discord is back on track and probably safe again. It can happen, LOOL. ★


By: @quekery, @themyscira & @bechibenner


Whether it's the summer slump, the bear market or an unfavourable moon phase (Editor's note: or Jupiter phase, LOOL.) we have stylish Hivestyle for you in the sombrero.

Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Tequila, Tequila, Tequila, Tequila, Aiaiaiaiaiaiaiiiii

Hivefest8 announcedOla Surfista.The time has finally come. @roelandp has the . It was rumoured early on that the next HiveFest will take place in Mexico. But we were still surprised that it will actually be in Mexico. This time, the HiQ editorial team will probably be in Rosarito, Mexico. From 22 to 26 September, between presentations, waves and tequila, we won't have much time for anything else. (Note from @smooms: I heard that balzing is legal in Mexico. So you forgot "balzing"). Then we'll make our first travel preparations and get started on the next special print edition of HiQ (Editor's note: And on time this time. We don't want Röland to have to go on another parcel hunt, LOOL). -


3Speak App

[3Speak fans take note]
announcement post you can find more details. (https://peakd.com/threespeak/@threespeak/3speak-app-now-available-on-the-google-play-store) (Editor's note: We're also paying attention. After all, the @hiq.smartcast is also available on 3Speak): In addition to the Google Play Store, you can now also find the 3Speak app in the iOS Store. (Editor's note: Hivestars will probably want to vlog, too. LOOL) No sooner had the app made its first official steps than stylish quality-of-life updates were released. In the

Freechain Movie

more infoAnd speaking of HiveFest. At the last HiveFest we were able to see some video footage from the upcoming documentary Freechain, which is being produced under the pen of the exceedingly petite @lordbutterfly. The film is said to be about 1/3 finished. This year at HiveFest in Mexico we are to witness the first screening of the full doc. We keep our fingers crossed that it will work out. If you want , keep an eye on @lordbutterfly's blog.

Peakd Chat

If you find the Peakd Chat as stylish as we do, you might want to take a look at the widget variant. Especially for website operators, this is certainly an interesting way to integrate Peakd's chat. We haven't yet found any app that uses the chat widgets, but what's not can still be.

Peakd is currently working on many features and tools, which are funded through proposals. If you want to help, Peakd even offers you the possibility to get paid for it. You can find more information in the corresponding post.


Wondering what to do with the HE token HELIOS in your wallet? We did too. But recently we were able to solve the riddle. Similar to Ecency Points, you can burn HELIOS to get HP, BEE or POB upvotes. All you have to do is own HELIOS and exchange them for upvotes on the Helios page.

dBuzz Proposal

proposal amounting to 145k HBD. The goal is to further develop DBuzz and make the code open source. If you want to support the hivestylers of DBuzz, you can find the link to the proposal here. (Editor's note: Who should actually do the DBuzz test this issue? LOOL)@dbuzz, the first microblogging platform on Hive, has published a

Ecency Decks

competition where you can win Ecency Points and up to 30 HBD. To enter, all you have to do is make a post about your best deck and post that post in the Ecency CommunityAs you hopefully read in this issue, there is a new feature of Ecency - Ecency Decks. To celebrate @melinda010100 has opened a . (Note from @quekery: Hey @melinda010100, please send the Ecency Points and 30 HBD to @quekery and not to the scammer @queker LOOL.)


proposal is about 75 HBD per day for 365 days. Well, all it needs is a few more votes and then it will work out with the Satsaktionen.The V4V proposal by @brianoflondon will expire in a few days. Since we love V4V and podping, we will of course support it. The

SPS Reward Changes

For some time now, you have been getting SPS instead of DEC as rewards while playing Splinterlands. In addition, you get the rewards in staked form and not in liquid form. However, Splinterlands is planning to change the rewards system again (according to the roadmap between 24 May and 1 August). The amount of SPS rewards will be linked to the SPS staked in the future. In order to receive the full rewards, you must have staked a certain amount of SPS.

image alt

If you have fewer SPS, the rewards will be reduced. However, the leagues in which you can play will not change. (Editor's note: Have fun saving, LOOL. )


DEC Burning

Another innovation is coming soon to Splinterlands. Soon the DEC will be replaced by guild points!!! This is currently happening via an event. You will need the guild points from 12.6.23 to upgrade buildings in a guild. Since it will no longer be possible to do it with DEC from 12.6.23. The guild points will be exchanged 1 to 1 for DEC, as you can see on the screenshotGildenpunkte.png

The good thing about the guild points is: If you change a guild or just leave the guild, you can withdraw 90% of the points invested in the guild again. The event is currently still running.

There you can burn your DEC to earn points for the 5-year event raffle. For every DEC you burn, you will be credited with points on a pro-rata basis from day one, increasing your chance of winning great prizes. However, these percentages drop with each passing day. Currently it stands at 2.76%. (Note: Example: You exchange 1000 DEC and currently get 2760 points for the event). You can see how your chances are by looking at the ranking list.

First Hive Meetup Bratislava

A little birdie told us about a new Meetup. The First Hive Meetup Bratislava will start at 7pm on Saturday 3 June 2023 to promote a nice and cosy get-together of the blockchain community at La Dominicana restaurant, Miletičova St. 27, 82109 Bratislava. If you live in the region and would like to sign up for this event, contact @awildovasquez to have your place reserved. Let's go to the first Hive Meetup Bratislava. (Editor's note: Ok, we are quite late for this news. But there may will be an other one.)

Berlin Web3

The biggest Web3 Conference of Europe will take place in Berlin from 10-11 June. If you still want a ticket at the last minute, you can contact @crimsonclad, @detlev, @guiltyparties, @arcange or @louis88 and take part in the event for free. And who knows, you might even meet one or two HiQ editors there.

Berlin Hive Meetup

If you still haven't had enough, there will be an after-show party. Real Hive stars are at work here and invite you to the Berlin Hive Meetup on 10 June at 6pm in the location Mauersegler Berlin Bernauer Straße 63-6 1335 Berlin. @tibfox and @alucian are organizing a great after show event together in the heart of Berlin and have a big surprise in store. This is just a little taste to get you excited for this Meetup. So let's go to Berlin.

Meetup Graz

Graz Meetup on 15 June at 6pm at the location Strauchergasse 13 8020 Graz. As always, bring along a good mood and a strong thirst for BEER. ★Even if it seems like these Meetup trips are planned last minute, nothing is left to chance here, of course. LOOL @reiseamateur invites you to its popular and benevolent

By: @quekery


This month, the readers' letters are full of congratulations with which our biggest fans have tried to spoil us. Unfortunately, you won't find out who won the battle here - but you can read the readers' letters. LOOL

@libertycrypto27 the real truther:

It is always a pleasure to read the most beautiful magazine on Hive!

Indeed! Now we just have to survive the bear market and the summer slump. LOOL

@andydoc7z knows what's good:

Dear hiq.magazine team great to see edition 30 a wonderful achievement for the team and accept my best wishes for the craftInk game may it do well and grow.

In any case, we will persevere through our tenacity. May THE Hivestyle be with us.

@alz190 knows that we have the longest:

30 issues is a great long and ongoing innings and congrats for the same hope you guys keep bringing out this great publication without interruptions, obstacles or breaks. Accept my congratulations for the CraftInk game too.

If you take into account our time on the you-know-what chain we mean, we've even managed over 100 issues. And if you count English and German editions separately, even over 150. You can deduct some Hivestyle points from our score, because in the almost 5 years we've been doing the Chain, we've also had breaks. But we are still here and we have the longest ... (Editor's note: ...post. Even though this issue was a week late, LOOL.).

@saggi07 rejoices over the right ones:

I enjoy every edition of @hiq.magazine specially the ones with some nice giveaway. Happy 30th edition to you and the entire team.

We were a bit hungover from the anniversary celebration. But we're glad you enjoyed it.

@thetimetravelerz is working on his holo collection:

I would consider myself as quite a private person not being too inquisitive about other peoples lives but reading about the journey of @mary-me I have to admit I enjoyed it. Longing for more! These personal titbits of info about the team are most welcome. Who is next would it be dear @tengolotodo @bubblegif @ravenmus1c or someone else who would spill the beans!

We had your request in mind. But last week and this week were far too chaotic. But look on the bright side: anticipation is the best joy.

Regarding the part about buying more CraftInk packs I have to admit all the money I saved by way of using my Billa membership card would be diverted towards the card packs.
@mary-me might relate to this as she or any other member like @solymi who are in or around Austria and shops at Billa using the membership card for discounts and savings.

(Note from @quekery: Oh, I'll have to attend another Austria seminar at solymi or mary-me. LOOL)

Look at my state of despair despite me being such a loyalist I only have one @bubblegif card so far @maryme @tengolotodo and @ravenmus1c @balte @solymi @smooms (guy with a great voice ) all still not with me :(

You really need to work on your holo-addiction, it's not mature yet. True fans have us in Holo. (Editor's note: Or themselves. LOOL.)

Guys you are all putting in so much efforts and work into the publication and the game that every bit of it is commendable and I wish each one of you the very best and yes I would continue to add to my collection.
Even if it means trading my Milka bars ;)

We'll give you until ... let's say July, then we really need money so that we can afford the gig in Mexico. We'll pay for the tequila ourselves. ;)

@thatcryptodave THE real Liotstyler:

These issues are always so packed full of great stuff, I almost wonder if you would benefit from more frequent shorter posts... but I !LUV it either way. And I've been a happy Liotian for a while now, although I've never heard that term. So good. 😎

We have often discussed and thought about shorter posts, for example weekly. But hey, anyone can do a news blog. Only we have been creating a whole magazine for years. That was our vision from the beginning, even if we don't earn much from it. Nevertheless, we even have a podcast, 3 shorter news blogs a month, booster packs etc..

@arc7icwolf found the sub button:

I just found I wasn't a follower... argh, my bad! Now I won't miss anymore your posts :)

Did you miss a past HiQ or something?

@ph1102 celebrates with us:

Appreciate the transparency and writing about both sides of HIVE... (good and bad players) It is important to have a place where we can "see" things that someone would like to put under the rug...I will skip writing a poem this time (not a poem type person 😂), but I did read the whole HiQ issue! Thanks for the @liotes review and kind words...

Well spoken.

Great job guys and girls! Happy 30th edition and more to come!


@jfuji rhymes with emojis:

🎉 Look at this magazine numbered thirty
😘 It is so smart, stylish, and flirty
👀 Far as the eye can see:
☕ Sweet Hive tea and candy
🤓 This is totally my brand of nerdy!

Poetry Slam Contest passed! ★

Donors: @monkaydee293 550 DWSWT & oliverschmid bzw. @nextcolony 300 DWSWT, 200 HIVE, 75 USD & @balte 395 DWSWT, 1330 HIVE, 135 HBD, 1700$ & @captaincryptic 500 FUN & @platuro 15 DWSWT, 100 ENG, 1 Boosterpack, 9.99 DWSWTBD & @greece-lover 110 DWSWT, 3 DWSWTBD und temporäre Delegationen & @jeenger 10 DWSWT, 29.9 HIVE & @schlees 10 € & @quekery 20 DWSWT, 2 DWSWTBD & @powerpaul 0.101 DWSWT, 2.152 DWSWTBD & @chappertron 2 DWSWTBD & @remotehorst23 1 DWSWTBD & @meins0815 0.35 DWSWTBD, 0.179 DWSWTBD & @louis88 10 Hive, 5 SBI, 5 BEER & @detlev 24 BEER & @commentcoin 100CC & @muelli 3 HIVE & @condeas 498 SWAP.DOGE, 125 HIVE & @satren 132.87 HIVE & @fw206 10 HIVE & @lauch3d 5 HIVE, 6 HBD & @who-knows 0.22 BNB & Hewhoshallnotbementioned 10 HBD & @altonos 10 HIVE, 7 HBD & @miketr 3 HIVE, 1 SLICENSE & @reiseamateur diverse Powerups & @captaincryptic 500 FUN

Delegators: @balte 65962 HP & @photobook 105 HP & @fredfettmeister 101 & @captainglongo 31 HP & @carmate 5 HP

Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!

Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @tengolotodo, @themyscira & @bechibenner.

Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are awesome!


All writers' opinion are their own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by HiQ constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by HiQ be relied upon for any investment activities. HiQ strongly recommends that you perform your own indipendent research and/or speak with a quialified investment professional befor making any financial decisions. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted. HiQ does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and the offerings made by the third parties. If you are interested in placing an advertiseemnt with HiQ please refer to: hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com.

HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.

If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @adoore-eu @akida @alex2alex @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @barmbo @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cliffagreen @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @coquicoin @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @eikejanssen @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @hivecurious @ifarmgirl-leo @industriousliv @ironshield @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @ivanov007 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @kirstin @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @levi-miron @libertycrypto27 @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @memess.fun @miketr @mima2606 @misan @monsterbuster @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @mypathtofire @neoxvoter @nessos @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @oscarps @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @rinchaelle05 @saffisara @saggi07 @sandymeyer @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @surrealworld @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @themyscira @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @umuk @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @willendorfia @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine

@quekery was involved in:

- Drill Sergeant
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Ecency Decks - Killer App?
- Gossip
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Readers' letters
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- COI - CraftInk Officer to Infinity

@smooms was involved in:

- "I'm Batmaaaan"
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater

- Editorial
- CraftInk Lore - "CraftInk Championship Tournament
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- COD - CraftInk Officer of Doom
- HiQs MVP - @enginewitty

Gracias amigo!

@mary-me was involved in:

- Emergency shelter + Munchie-storage
- What Hate Speech really is
- The Column - Summer slump - but we stay
- Gossip
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- COL - CraftInk Officer of Love

It was nice seeing Hive Memorial Forest and the ever-helpful @enginewitty featured in this edition! Great job! Also, THANKS for confirming that one's personal "Following Feed" cannot be added to @ecency's new DECKS, as I spent over an hour last night trying to add it and thought I was doing something wrong by not getting it to show. 😝

We are adding that in upcoming update! 👍

Hehe @quekery excitedly told us he crashed ecency while trying to add it 🤣

Yeah I spent some time looking for that feature myself, seems like an odd one to miss out, hopefully they will add that soon, would make decks much more viable for the majority to use.

@thekittygirl @slothlydoesit

I spent some time too and even crash my Deck with a "following feed search query" 🤣. But I asked @good-karma about it and they will add that feature.

So nice to see the kind and deserving @enginewitty on the cover! Sad to see that gorgeous rally car in such rough shape though. I hope they can get it back in the races soon!

@quekery? Do I have the spelling right? 😂Thanks for mention of the Ecency Decks Contest and for calling attention to Decks and Waves! Decks gives me everything I need and then some! Wait until you see all the new features Ecency will be adding in the next year!❤️ Great issue of HiQ. I will be looking forward to the audio issue. I always hear things I have missed. @themyscira article about Hive Forest is heartfelt and quite wonderful! All around good job everyone! 🎉

MVP??? Wicked awesome, thanks you all! Mad respect and love for what you all do in and out of the gamespace. I won't be heading to the Web3 bit, but will any of you be heading to Mexico for HiveFest? I may find myself down there lost in some dusty dusk til dawn wayside bar with some sexy vamps. 😝

[@quekery] Berlin was great. And I met a lot of !PIMP s like @flauwy there.

I won't be heading to the Web3 bit, but will any of you be heading to Mexico for HiveFest?

Yes, we want celebrate the birthday of @smooms. !LOL

Reveal spoiler

[And we want to make an other print issue for Mexico.]

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@hiq.redaktion just slapped you with , @enginewitty.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

The first time I got a universal remote control I thought to myself
This changes everything.

Credit: marshmellowman

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@enginewitty, I sent you an on behalf of @hiq.redaktion

Great post and what you guys do are amazing, and @enginewitty sure is the King PIMP and worth a mention and on the cover, he sure got all the cards fast and if Im not wrong almost cracked the system 😊 lol

Top notch work thank you very much for tagging me to keep me updated I really appreciate it. I really enjoy these alerts that allow me to keep up to date with what's going on here on this project!

Awesome job!

Nice to see all the meetups 🤩 We also had our meetup not long time ago 😉

I heard that you guys are in Berlin. I wanna stop by too !PGM !PIZZA

Thank you for a lot of interesting info. Always a fun read to keep myself updated.

!HIQS 270

One could say that Sloth is the Sloth and Pat is the Buzz! Or more accurately Sloth breaks everything and Pat fixes it!

It sounds to us that Pat is the one who actually does the work! LOOL

Hearsay! Sloth clearly does most of the slothing!

Lots of work to be done in the background though, there's no denying Pat does a lot more buzzing behind the scenes! Thanks for the awesome overview! Great edition of the magazine overall, PIMP is another great community on Hive! Ecency's new Deck feature is very interesting! So much is happening recently, it's hard to keep up!


Learn more about the SLOTHBUZZ Token at Sloth.Buzz


@hiq.magazine! Your post is buzzing, you were tipped 0.01 on behalf of @slothlydoesit. and consider sharing your post there or using the #slothbuzz next time

You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@slothlydoesit just slapped you with , @hiq.magazine.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I would like

!HIQS 35

How and when do I send swap-Hive. I've not purchased like this before.

this one.We will publish a post on @hiq.shares after this post is older than 48h. There you can find the details about your order. The post will be like


Thanks, I'll be watching for it!

I know a woman who owns a taser.
She is stunning.

Credit: reddit

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@melinda010100, I sent you an on behalf of @quekery

If you ever do host a HiveChat then quite simply put, you must schedule your tweets, otherwise you will be hopelessly lost.

Agree! #HiveChat flies by quickly. Not scheduling your questions means the opportunity to interact and respond to folks answering your questions is limited.

We do hope you will host another #HiveChat sometime in the future. Cheers!

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
quekery tipped melinda010100 @quekery tipped @coldbeetrootsoup

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Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2023
Announcing the Travel Reimbursement Fund for HiveFest⁸