I think it mostly comes down to the fact that they buy the mainstream medias bs...which isnt necessarily because they are dumb or anything. Its more likely they project their OWN good hearts onto others. Kind of a thing where "if i'm trustworthy most people are probably trustworthy" attribution error.
Combine this with the manipulation of cognitive biases and behavioral heuristics, a team who knows what i'm talking about (because they are likely Doctors in Psych working in Psych Warfare) and their use of propaganda to manipulate decision making through sheer repetition and framing, and you can see that it is hard for someone who hasn't woken up to the realities of the world.
I was one of these naive, hopeful souls once...until I got a wicked strong hunger to understand how social constructs and mastery of psychology for can manipulate the masses. What a rabbit hole...
If you want to read a bit about it ^^https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heuristics_in_judgment_and_decision-making
If you want a short explanation though: Propaganda works...
Great response. Psychological warefsre and manipulation. I am reading a great book about persuasion "methods os persuasion" i highly recommend it!