I´m 28 years old from Slovenia, based in Berlin, Germany, since 2012.
I work in management in production for a broadcaster and like to read/talk on branding, promotion and film/TV.
My biggest passion is travelling/hiking combined with photography (so original, right?!).
Check my instaprofile here: https://www.instagram.com/trakulja/
welcome to steemit!
Welcome to SteemIt.
I am a trip leader based in Mumbai. I do hiking in Himalayas.
Welcome! Nice intro and post! Enjoy your stay. Just upvoted and followed. Follow me back it would mean a lot! :)
I do films, blogs, and mobile photography. Check it out sometimes! :)
Nice - I just checked your first post - very cool stuff! Keep it up!
welcome @trakulja666 ! Nice Post ! Please upvote & keep following
Thank you:)!
Hi Mia and welcome to Steemit!
If you have any question you can turn to me.
Followed you.
Thanks a lot! Will do.
Pa še Slovenka si. Ni čudno, da rada hodiš v hribe. :)