Africa Beautiful Africa – 13 by @mamabaman

in #hike7 years ago


Yes this is Africa.

Hiking in the High mountains of Lesotho - In some places the snow was a foot deep!

Snow in these mountains is not a rear occurrence.

It is a most beautiful sight.

This photo was taken about 10 km into Lesotho from the top of Sani Pass.

Sani Pass is a road link between South Africa and Lesotho over the Drakensberg Mountains.

The South African border post is at the bottom of the pass and the Lesotho border post is at the top. Between them is a 8km steep road with sharp bends that only 4 X 4 vehicles are permitted to drive. It is a lovely hike up. And this is what we decided to do. At the top of the pass there is a lovely Lodge with good food and accommodation to suit every pocket - Lodge - communal back packers lodge - camping. They say that they are the highest Pub in Africa.


At first it is very difficult to admit that it Africa lol

You know what, snow is my favourite. You can just have a lot of fun with snow and unfortunatley we don't have it here at my place and now I am jealous of you haha

I grew up in Rhodesia ( Now Zimbabwe). It never snows there, and quite honestly I never knew it snowed anywhere in Africa except for the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya. When I first saw photos of snow in Leshoto I was astonished. Since living in Johannesburg from 1991 I have experienced two heavy snow falls here in Johannesburg! Almost every year I see snow on top of the Drakensberg mountains, mostly it is not very thick on the ground. This experience in Leshoto in Aug 2015 was the first time I have hiked in snow.

Yeah, exactlyyy, I had the same perception but that's not true lol
Wow, you are lucky you have hiked in the snow. Still I have to do that.
What it feels like when you do hiking for the first time?

Woot. Well said!

Its really a beautiful sight. Good post. Thanks for sharing.

Very nice post i like it

And yes Africa is beautiful

Beautiful view of friends

At first glance, it is almost strange to see snow and Africa in the same picture. :D But mountains are mountains.

Damn never knew there is snow in Africa...Thanx a time mate for letting me know this..My motherland also recieves snowfall and that too huge...We gotta same feel with motherland

If and only if Africans would someday realise that they've got one of the best climate and horizons in the world.
They would cherish every nook and cranny of their environment instead running away as migrants to various continents where they are not always welcomed.

very beautiful photo dear friend
i have similar post with your post in iran

It requires great skill and effort to successfully hike on a high mountain when there is snow. The sight is very lovely and beautiful.

I thought its somewhere in switzerland.
In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. 😍

Wow. Beautiful :D

do they have a ski area?

Not in this area, but on the other side of Lesotho in the Eastern Cape there is a Ski Resort

that's cool, one does not think of skiing in Africa and yet they do.

Very nice place i like it

Yes beutiful africa.
Good luck @africaunited

this is the Africa people never see

skate well so you do not get stuck

Trekking and driving on snow covered roads is an amazing experience. Beautiful photographs clicked!!

Here is link of our film " Conquering Kedarnath: Hiking to the Heavens!":

The film traces the journey of a family undertaking the treacherous trek to Kedarnath and nearby villages, exploring the unexplored ancient sites along the way, ultimately uncovering the underlying truth. The film documents places which no longer exist & remains the last and only comprehensive documentations of Kedarnath.

An epic journey to the snow capped peaks of Kedarnath, the land as it was before the Uttarakhand floods destroyed the place. (The film is subtitled in English)