in #hidup7 years ago

Hai teman-teman tidakkah kita sadar kita seperti "HIDUP TAPI MATI", digambar itu menjelaskan bahwa yang dekat terasa jauh dan yang jauh terasa dekat, ketika hal itu terjadi berarti kita hidup seperti halnya dengan difoto, apakah kalian pernah berkumpul?coba lihatlah sekeliling kalian pasti anda akan melihat hal "HIDUP TAPI MATI", dengan masuknya zaman modern kita harus siap menerima akan hal ini, ketika kita berkumpul dengan keluarga dan semuanya sibuk dengan handphonenya masing-masing karena dia lebih nyaman dengan dunia luar ketimbang di sekelilingnya, yang pasti kita harus lebih menjaga rasa kebersamaan karena kalau tidak yakin saja hal ini akan menghinggapi didalam kehidupan kita.

Semoga berguna yah teman-teman,,jangan lupa dukungannya


Hi friends do not we realize we are like "LIFE BUT OFF", drawing that explains that the near feels far and far away, when it happens we live like the photographed, have you ever gathered? Just look around you surely you will see the "LIFE BUT OFF", with the entry of modern times we must be ready to accept this, when we gather with the family and everything is busy with their respective handphonenas because he is more comfortable with the outside world than around him, surely we should be more to maintain a sense of togetherness because if not sure it will descend in our lives.
Hopefully useful yah friends ,, do not forget the support


Hey @andiheri, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

Oke thanks @exxodus,,I have follow, do not be bored stopover well on my blog