The "white knight" could have done a better transfer all 23 mill Steem to his account and then ask from those 65 accounts to send him their Steem wallet addresses and send the Steem via the exchange, instead sending it to Bittrex...His intention wasn't to steal it...he could have done that easily...
Just brainstorming here...
I am pretty sure that exchanges are in a shitty situation. Especially Bittrex.
Maybe the white knight isn’t actually a white night and in order to press charges, Justin’s team needed their targets to be identified through KYC at bittrex because of course bittrex will not allow any withdrawals without proper KYC
Might be a trap to capture some of those users...
sending it to an exchange wallet changes everything: justin and his group of puppets would have to fork the chain to undo the fact that it's held in an exchange wallet, that would signal something huge to the exchanges and the rest of crypto (i mean, bigger than this already has)
if this was held on a nonexchange wallet those corrupt fucks would've already rolled it back into their hands; it was the safest move to hand it over to a neutral exchange