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RE: #NewSteem is Live

in #hf216 years ago

I guess it seems a lot of older users are upset and annoyed with the price of steem being so low and are lashing out as if this specifically is a reason for that... Idk.

As someone new to steem, for a major change to have been able to be rolled out within a day or so, that seems fairly impressive to me. I've seen businesses that are far more successful take far more time to do far less.

I can't attest to the performance of any past situations on steemit inc.'s part, but from my perspective, I think things went pretty smoothly and nothing is perfect... but the idea that the team was smart enough to put in failsafe mechanisms to halt the chain in case of bugs seems highly intelligent to me. Bugs are inevitable and as they stated... working things in a simulated environment isn't the same. Sometimes the only way to actually spot a bug in the first place is to put it into play on a larger scale.

I think a lot of the people talking about how poorly done this was, how bad this has been, etc... are people who couldn't even understand or fix those bugs themselves. It's easy to place blame and send out hate, but how about we take a second to appreciate the fact that anyone at all is even trying to make things better or implement change? In an atmosphere where so many do not, we are lucky to at least have some hope that things can get better. I've seen projects come and go. Gain life and die quickly. I don't see that happening here because there are so many people here who care. People who've become invested with time and/or money. That's why it'll never die and things will recover. Only a matter of time. The world economies need to start recovering before we'll see any substantial change... just be patient. lol.

Anything less than 8-10 years old is still a fucking baby anyways, as far as tech/internet goes. A large portion of you seem to want instant gratification, instant returns, you aren't even looking long-term. Chill. Things will get better. :)

If you bought in when it was really high... well... that's your fault for making a dumb decision. Don't get mad at the system because you chose an inopportune time to get in the game. You bought high and now things are low. That's not the game's fault. That's on you. If you bought in at even a moderate amount and are complaining, still, you haven't even given this enough time to reach it's potential. The idea alone will flourish even if those orchestrating things are not the best ones to be in charge, in your opinions. This isn't their decision alone, it's a collective decision among top witnesses. Those who are investing the time and effort the most are the ones who want to see it succeed the most. We may not be able to see the vision clearly, but that doesn't mean it won't be realized with time.

Patience is a virtue. Don't forget. :)