
I'm still not convinced this 'bug' wasn't intentional.

I'd love to give stinc the benefit of the doubt.
Hell, if they get enough get right I might stop referring to them as stinc.
They have made moves in that direction.
I'm waiting to see how this new math goes before seriously considering that, though.

ain't gonna make me avoid your claims.

Welcome to the conversation.

Baah, you won.
We determined that I am full of sh*t and should never be trusted as a source of information.
Why you want to belabor that point is what keeps me coming back.
Most folks I have met that liked to rub things in had large hurdles in life to overcome.
Not least of which was being difficult to be around.
I'm hoping to smooth some of your rough edges so that you can be more effective with your interpersonal skillz.