O título de Heroes of Might & Magic mais popular de todos os tempos está de volta em HD!
Quinze anos depois, redescubra a história épica da rainha Catherine Ironfist, quando ela embarca em sua busca aclamada pela crítica de unir sua terra devastada e reconquistar o reino de Erathia.
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Heroes® of Might & Magic® III - HD Edition on Steam
The most popular Heroes® title of all time is back in HD! Fifteen years later, rediscover the epic tale of Queen Catherine Ironfist, as she re-embarks on her critically acclaimed quest to unite her ravaged homeland and re-conquer the kingdom of Erathia.
Source: https://store.steampowered.com
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Download: https://store.steampowered.com/app/297000/Heroes_of_Might__Magic_III__HD_Edition/