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RE: Please don't change Bitcoin, you'll break it!

in #hero7 years ago (edited)

The hero will probably start out as a safe haven for stashing your money when you want to take your eyes off the market for a while - or to sit on the sidelines during a secular decline. Eventually, it will be used as a savings account like my boyhood passbook account that paid 5% in the sixties. It still didn't stop me from tapping that account for a new bike. Once people learn that their savings account is also a checking account that can pay anyone in the world in three seconds - it will become a "medium of exchange". Offramps like will let you spend it with your debit card - just like cash. Blockpay is a mobile wallet that will, no doubt, support it as it gains traction.


Hopefully, the HERO marketing will include usage explanations so everyday people like me can have a reason to get on board.

Thanks for clearing this up!

Hi @stan, Blockpay looks amazing! But how safe is the Blockpay POS? Is there any need for cold storage?