more ranchers growing hemp today
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It's awesome to see Colorado leading the way on this issue in so many facets.
Hemp is perhaps more important than Marijuana in the big scheme of benefits to humanity and the planet as a whole.
I'd love to visit this guy's farm!
Is that last photo from Mr. Lyons facility? Or is it just a random photo? I'm interested in finding out how they grow hemp indoors, and stay profitable.
yup that's his operation, several indoor grows going on
It is amazing to read how more and more people are approaching this product for medicinal purposes, even as they are willing to change a lifestyle after knowing the healing effects.
I wish you a great day excellent information dear friend @doitvoluntarily
An assisted living facility sounds like a dream to me. Working with the geriatric population makes me ever aware of the huge amounts of pharmaceuticals listed to assist with one condition, but on their own or mixing with others, carry extensive side effects that make consistent care more difficult. I am excited to see what the facility develops into; it is and will make improvements upon the quality of life for many, with this vision.
Great informative post. Oh, I so wish that we could have something like that here, I honestly can't see our Irish government doing anything positive anytime soon.
We are now allowed to buy CBD oil which is generally very weak, but a start. Otherwise, it is most difficult to get any medicinal cannabis, which is sorely needed by thousands. Instead, we have to break the law.
I am super interested in the concept and the folklore that surrounds hemp cement. It is super hard to get any concrete (pardon the pun) how to or real true process to produce a reliable product. I have seen enough information from people who produce it but, I have seen a ton of in fighting about how to make it. The benefits from hemp concrete sound like the perfect building solution, but yet it remains a unicorn as it is super elusive to get proper technical data so that a person could actually implore the material to build effective structures...
Love seeing people discover this amazing plant and all can do. Great post!!
This guy is pulling it off. The dream and in Grand Junction I used to live there. Never did I think something like this would be taking place there!
Sounds like this rancher just got "woke".
As more and more people realize the potential of this amazing PLANT they will view the government, especially the DEA and police, with well deserved suspicion.
he sure did!
If only this was more common practice. Its so sad such a versatile and useful crop is deemed illegal. Its great too see this kinda of farm cropping up. I just hope its the first of many 💯🐒
they were selling CBD for dogs at the pet food store but I haven't given her any yet because I don't know if it will give her indigestion, has anyone tried it for dogs or as a human?
i've heard about it being used on pets
https://steemit.com/cbd/@doitvoluntarily/researchers-in-colorado-investigating-benefits-of-cbd-on-pets-for-treatment-of-arthritis-and-epilepsy https://steemit.com/cannabis/@doitvoluntarily/prominent-veterinarian-group-backs-move-to-reschedule-cannabis
cool links thanks!
Di daerah saya ganja tumbuh sangat subur tanpa andanya perwatan, namun pemerintah melarang nya karna penyalahgunaan nya sangat tinggi, informasi anda sangat berguna, terimakasih
What a great, great contribution you have given us, I think you are making known something very interesting and educational! It is a great help since you are giving us the explanation of everything, I support you and I hope that every day the cannabis is every day more successful
This is an interesting subject matter. In Canada, they are about to legalize it. A lot to think about for sure!
More strides being taken in the right direction... Make your own path.
20years ago USA had the most restrictive policy in the world concerning production of hemp. The american industry had to import all the hemp companies were using... Thus all this people in jails. Hopefully things changed in some part of the world...
Really very big benefits from marijuana plant. But many people have not realized it yet. Thank you for sharing a very good article. Good luck always for you @doitvoluntarily.
It's amazing how we change when our mind expands and we are exposed to information we deny or are closed to. That is why the human being continues in his process of evolution. We tend to change our minds when we are certain of another possible reality. Thank you for sharing this interesting article.
What good information have you given us friend is very interesting, happy night
in my area this hemp plant is a fertile growing, aceh province paradise marijuana, which is often in use its seeds for cooking ...
Highly rEsteemed!
This was a really interesting post. I am glad new types of people are coming around on cannabis issues. Up-voted.
Good work there. Thanks for sharing.
Change is good.