Hi fellow steemians!
As a member of the helpie club you get to participate of a special feature, every day a trivia post will show up on your feed, for participating of said trivia you can win an upvote from @helpie, its that simple. The next day the answer to the trivia will be revealed.
Previous Trivia answer:
c) it's a bot that looks for copy/pasted content in Steemit and alerts other users.
Cheetah does not downvote any post.
@luisferchav added :
''It was made by @anyx back before @steemcleaners came along, back then it was a downvote bot for spam and fake accounts :)''
Btw, Steemcleaners are a group of Steemians concerned with plagiarism, copy/paste, spam, scams and other forms of abuse on Steemit.
Today's Trivia Question:
What is @blocktrades, and what does he do for the Steem Blockchain?
a) He is the CEO of Steemit Inc.
b) Blocktrades Coded the Steem Backed Dollar.
c) It's a Witness and an Exchange Account.
d) It's a Steem Developer and Whale.
Hola queridos steemians!
Como miembro del club de helpie tienen la oportunidad de participar en una pequeña actividad, cada día se publicará una pregunta a manera de trivia, por responder de estas preguntas pueden ganar un voto de @helpie , es así de sencillo. Al día siguiente se publicará la respuesta.
La respuesta del trivia anterior:
c) Es un bot que busca contenido copiado y pegado en Steemit y alerta a los demas usuarios.
@cheetah no hace downvote a los posts que encuentra.
Pregunta del dia:
¿Qué es la cuenta @blocktrades y que hace en el blockchain de Steem?
a) Es el CEO de Steemit Inc.
b) Blocktrades codificó el Steem Backed Dollar (SBD)
c) Es un Witness y una cuenta de intercambio
d)Es un desarrollador de Steem y un Whale.

please consider voting for them Here
@helpie is an educational initiative supported by witnesses @ausbitbank and @gmuxx
Disclaimer.- Only registered users will have guaranteed upvotes from @helpie, anyone is welcome to participate of the daily trivia, as we have admins upvoting minnows you partake of the mini classes. You are not required to upvote @helpie 's post to participate, this will not give you a bigger upvote, this initiative is not meant to be a vote for vote operation, it's an educational tool only.
Palnet / MSP and participating actively of the community, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.If you want to be considered to join @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining
Creo que es C! :D
C) I know that blocktrades is an internal exchage platform that we can use to buy and sell steem....I did not know it was a witness though 😬
C. I would guess?
Haha same
c. not only those two things....it's really bloody helpful :)
Hi!... helpful how?
Moving SBD to other crypto.
Yea, but what makes it better than others?is it cheaper?
Not sure it is. But it is simple...as it's all tied in with Steemit.
There could be others that are better...but it's easy for me.
Got ya!
I believe it's also cheaper.
C! I think! Hahaha 🤘
The answer is C. They're the fastest and best way to convert steem to other crpyto. They're also better to use than other exchanges because the money stays within the steem ecosystem.
answer C
La respuesta es la C
Es un witness y una plataforma de intercambio de divisas.. pero más que eso no sé. Lo he oído mencionar mucho.. pero no sé nada más qie eso jeje.
C like the vitamin I lack of
Answer is C!
Es la respuesta c) Es un Witness y una cuenta de intercambio
C . I didn't know that was a witness either!
It's c) It's a Witness and an Exchange Account that rocks!!!
Under the boardwalk, down by the "c."
Yep the answer is c. I don't think blocktrades handles the internal market but if you go to buy or sell, like to buy Bitcoin or ltc or everyone's favorite, Doge coin, blocktrades is what is is used. Blocktrades is also a witness
I choose C) smile very usefull service ;)
c) It's a Witness and an Exchange Account.
@blocktrades offers many services for steem users, but as far as I know it's a third party website not actual steem dev account.
C. It's a Witness and an Exchange Account.
the answer is "C"
C. It's a Witness and an Exchange Account
It defintly C
I think, correct answer is D.