
How do I market on the Steemit platform?

I am still learning and have no automatic responce to your inquiry yet.
This question has been added to the @helpbot comment trail.
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"responce" should be "response"

I'm glad you pointed that out. I was just about to do it too... :)

Spelling mistakes in bots isn't good. :)

Haha that one was from my other bot , I fixed it in one place but it stuck its ugly head out again will fix thanks!!

What are you marketing?

I have coaching, photos, and books for sale and affiliate links on my sites. I'm doing posts to link to all that mass of info in various ways. Affiliates are fine here if you disclose like usual.

Sales-y posts will not work here. You have to be inspirational, informational, or tutorial in some way or you will be killed or ignored.