I deal with a few people in so called repressive places, but stay away from religion and politics. I comment on the things they write about but never ask for their opinion on what their politicians are doing. If they want to volunteer their opinion without being asked, there is nothing I can do about that. Should that situation occur you can always claim to not know enough about the situation for a meaningful discussion and wish them well. Hope this helps. Greetings!
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When I read about someone who can't afford to buy knock off Chinese Oleos I just want to put "Thanks Socialism!" on there but I don't want them to get in trouble by agreeing. The problem with your and my solution is that we are then victims of the chilling effect that comes from limitations on free speech.
Maybe, but we are also dealing with 2 sets of laws at the same time. We pretty much depend on the other person to let us know what their situation is. I'd rather communicate on a limited scale than not at all and don't feel the need to blame socialism; it's not like capitalist countries have never gone bankrupt. The resulting unemployment and hunger feel the same regardless of a socialist or capitalist system failure. Greetings!
I blame socialism in Venezuela and corruption.
Well, you could, but not without some outside help like an artificially low oil price and some other shady dealings. Corruption is par for the course any time mega bucks are involved, some places just hide it better.
That's funny because I was considering a comment about how it can be propped up and appear to work when the oil prices are absurdly high.
Giggles! I remember banks adopting socialism with open arms about a decade ago when they needed to get their mojo back. I also remember gas prices being $4.30 in Mn, $3.15 in Ca, $1.58 in Tx, and $8 in the Netherlands at same time and at the same $100+ per barrel crude. Supply and demand, ..rotflmao! I don't attribute this to any political ideology but to manipulation and possibly corruption. Greetings!
The collapse in the oil price was very much manufactured, the Saudis saved up a few hundred billion dollars at the high price but then they opened the taps on their oil what costs them like $15-20 a barrel to pump and flooded the world with it in order to put all those folks who pay far more to pump a barrel of oil, putting a lot of their competition out of business. That's what really killed the XL pipeline a few years ago, by the time Obama took credit for stopping it the oil price was so low that it was stupid to pipe Canadian tar sand oil that costs like $60 a barrel to produce to Texas. The Saudis stopped their gambit and the price is back up so now it makes sense.