Just wondering if a job, in the traditional sense, is really what you need. You're so talented and creative that it seems like you would put yourself in a box. While there's something to be said for the security that working for someone else can bring, often people who attain a certain level of talent outgrow the typical job market. When that happens, it's like the universe starts pushing you to call your own shots.
I hope you find exactly the right thing to fill your heart and your wallet with all the abundance that you desire.
It's not about finding a job, or not finding a job. Or about the security. Or about where my creativity should be. It's about literally making money somehow so that I can eat. It's where the real world meets how the world should be.
The problem is, for some strange reason the universe will not let any of my attempts to connect to jobs or work connect. It's like a wall springs up in every single direction I attempt to go. I continue to try and find work time and time again while doing my creative stuff, but for the life of me, and no matter how many times I attempt to find a way to support myself, it just doesn't happen. I have sent out thousands upon thousands of emails, called thousands of people, asked every person I knew for help, applied to countless jobs, pitches hordes of clients, I seriously live in the eddy of some universal karmic river. Just...stuck. Spinning endlessly. While every passes by not believing I'm where I am...
Thank you for those kind words :) I hope I do find the right thing to make both my heart and wallet full.