Man... Don't know what to tell you, but you've made it this far. That was a heartfelt call to action .. ever think of doing it with the introduce yourself tag? Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Something to share your digital CV etc?
Man... Don't know what to tell you, but you've made it this far. That was a heartfelt call to action .. ever think of doing it with the introduce yourself tag? Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Something to share your digital CV etc?
Yeah, if you're trying to think of a useful website, I've been there and tried. LinkedIn is sitting at like 500 jobs applied to or something stupid.
I was tempted to use that tag...but I want that introduction to be a little more on the upside...not asking for help. My situation is not who I am. I never want it to be. As much crap as I'm wading through, I'm still who I am...though, it's beginning to slip...and that's why this post came about.
Thanks for coming by and reading :)