I hear you. I just think that my story is a little too well developed to be a tall-tale. Nevertheless, I am sure everyone has there own share of challenges. I could try to talk to some whales, however in the same breath, I could also just forget about what happened and move on. My whole life I have been a target for bullies and abuse, sadly that is what happens when you are a people pleaser and a push over. No one likes anyone who is visibly different and with neurofibromatosis, that is something I cant hide.
Sadly, some of us have to carry a heavier burden than others. Steem and other social media platforms have taught me that pain and suffering is subjective and that one persons misery, could mean nothing to another person. Thank you for the advice and thank you even more for thinking about where the hell I was lol :)
P.S I really never expected to raise anything for steem, like time past, I just used steem as an outlet to vent my frustration. The general population cares less about a single, white disabled man than they do about having a colonoscopy or an enema.