The Making Of A Culture Warrior

in #helloworld7 years ago (edited)

Offgrider, homesteader, survivalist, bushman, minimalist, midnight toker, ashamed millinial, thinker of thots, individualist, libertarian, anti globalist, prepper, politico, culture warrior, traveler, Deist, critical thinker. These are the concepts that define who I am, what I stand for, and why I choose to stand for the values and principles that I do.

We are facing the decline of western civilization, in terms of its intellectual justification, value system, pride & purpose. All of which manifests itself in our crumbling infrastructure, lagging education, economic stagnation as the machine of western societies grind to a halt from the rust of complacency that shadows prosperity.

Steemit is itself evidence of the fact that empowered individuals who wield their agency with benevolence and strength of character are the essence of a free and lasting society.


I've been active in online share forums for the better part of the last 15 years, with periodic breaks ranging a month up to 2 years one period. I got started, around 15, arguing against the Jesus Freaks. On their turf. I found early on that if you want meaty arguments, you have to go to where your opposition rests. Meet them on their territory. I, with many others, argued abortion, gay rights issues, creationism, patriot act, drug war, separation of church and state, and various other bush era cultural and political issues. As Obama was elected, I found myself more and more arguing with the left over various Obama era issues and scandals.

Now, throughout all these periods I was going through accounts left and right, a few hundred posts here, a few thousand here, a few dozen there, it all depended on the issues I was arguing and the particular mod or admin who I had caught the ire of and could only shake with a fresh pair of socks.


But as the Obama administration started winding up, I found that the reasons I was having to change socks was changing. No longer was it for violating the sensibilities of the pious wearing their Sunday best whilst preaching their digital sermons, but rather for offending the sensibilities of...gays and muslums and for any number of wrong thot crimes being instituted by the very left wing interests I had once been arguing with and for. People whom we had once argued, dozens to one, the case for gay rights - now labeling me (in another account) transphobic because I refuse to use their preferred gender pronoun. Calling me a bigot for pointing out the realities of homosexuality under Islam whilst they lambast the remaining conservative Christians, a minority now on their own forum, for refusing to bake the cake.

I'm not even 30 and I've lived to see the slippery slope argument Christians made regarding gay marriage be proven true. They didn't even wait 6 months after the gay marriage supreme court victory before introducing the new genders and the destruction of the male/female paradigm that all of society is built around.


In 2016, during the migrant crisis and all the horrible headlines swirling around, I found my way to the political groups on facebook where I found myself drafted into what would become know as the Great Meme War, carrying the water against Hillary to dozens of groups, comments sections on dozens of legacy corporate media pages, and dozens more leftist, Marxist, Islamist, islamic, atheist, college, activist pages.

During, and certainly after, the 2016 election, the tone of the national civic conversation has taken a drastic and undeniable turn for the worse. No longer do we listen to eachother and try to understand the others POV without ascribing negative motives as a default, knee jerk reaction. This is but just one more sign of the dire state with which we find ourselves in.

With this channel, as my others, I will seek to start and engage in the debates and conversations we desperately need to have in these trying current times.



Welcome to Steemit brother glad to have you here.