Please call me Jaro!

in #hello7 years ago

It's been a while since I last did this, so...

Kaksi koivua / Two birches

Hello! Happy to meet y'all!

This is my second official #introduceyourself post. I wanted to make another because I think there may be many new people who don't yet know me, and have just recently started following me.


Another reason for making this post is to notify and teach those among my own audience who are not sure what this Steem business is about, that it is mainly about being real authentic human being without pretense. (As opposed to something that can't even pass the Turing test.)

If you can do this, be genuine about it, you'll be much more likely to get recognition from me.

First of all, I'm a Finn (no matter what you may think seeing the Canada beanie, I got it from a Secret Santa from Canada). You might or might not know that about me by now. ;D I am however quite vocal about being one, so I guess the former...

Myllylampi panorama, Tikkakoski

You might already know that I'm an avid photographer, and that I specialize in landscapes, low-light photography both in and outside the confines of our flat, close-up photos of flowers, mushrooms and plants. I love photographing trees!

I also play Go. Some years back I watched an anime called Hikaru no Go, and then watched it again, and then read the manga, twice. After our boys came into picture, I've already watched the anime together with both of them and simultaneously translated it to them while playing it. Oh, and I translated/fansubbed the first episode into Finnish just for the fun of it!


Okay it goes without saying I'm also addicted to Go. So much so, that I founded a local Go club Saarto, and kept it alive by hosting it for about 6 years.


I am a father of two amazing boys. Leo is turning 12 in April, and his kid brother Miro is 7 since September. They are both very creative and always find new ways to both make me proud, but can often cause quite a ruckus by fighting among each other. Parenting is actually very challenging, and it does have a habit of draining the juices out of me. I often wonder how so many people can run both a family and a successful career at the same time.


Which brings me to the embarrassing bit. I am unemployed, or at least was unemployed, for the last 11 years, before the December of 2017 and Steem Dollar blowing up all the place. Before that I was nothing but a measly hobbyist photoblogger who had to resort to unemployment benefits. I was at times feeling I was not fit to be a father, or a husband, and I suffered from a somewhat difficult depression during those years.

I ended up not sleeping and stressing out, and in the end I was so tired, the school and kindergarten officials notified child services when I had overslept my "naps" for the second time when I should have been picking up Miro from kindergarten. The end result was I was put into a rehabilitation course early last year, which later turned into rehab work after last Summer, and I've been doing that ever since.

Things are looking a bit different today though...

Kiemurainen is a member of our family too!

Since Steem-Dollar got a boost, my rewards last year jumped from 3-4 euros per post, to a whopping 50 to 100 euros per post, for a short while. I took deliberate advantage from the situation and ended the at-the-time defunct delegation to @minnowbooster and used all my SP to boost my posts, and in the second part of December I grew a huge sum of SBD in a short while. It was the best Christmas ever! (I rewarded myself and redeemed the balance only after the year was over, for obvious tax reasons.)

I am unsure if I'm anymore qualified for the rehab, as it is designed mainly for unemployed people. I don't know if I'm unemployed, or if what i'm getting from Steem can be considered "return of investment", after all I have heavily invested into the blockchain too. I need to talk to the officials about this...


My other interests: Reading (Science Fiction, Fantasy and Political Thrillers), Music (singing, playing, listening... mainly classical, but also synth pop, ambient, various artists; Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Mike Oldfield, J.M.Jarre, etc.)

I have also produced a few photography, Go and game related videos on Youtube, and am thinking of moving or copying them onto DTube. Not sure about it yet, because I do have a couple of channels on YT and only one on DTube. I don't have a clue do I have to create new accounts for new channels or what.

Anyhoo, that's who I am. Can't think of much else... But hey the introduction couldn't be complete if I didn't tell you guys about my wife Vera! She's an exceptional baker, here are some of her creations:

Independence cake

Scotch Whisky Cake

Oh, and my brother was in the 2007 Finnish Idol competition, "Idols" and I think that was awesome! :) I'm proud.

I'll be posting mainly photography related stuff, and of course some Go posts too, and occasional rant about the modern culture wars and identity politics, maybe some gaming videos and of course there can be some surprises along the way. I haven't quite decided what to do if and when my "One photo every day" -project gets finished.

Btw. You may notice my voting behaviour has been evolving. I will now happily flag those comments that are evolutionary dead ends, as in don't pass the Turing test. And I will skip upvoting those who blatantly upvote their own comments as they clearly don't want my votes. I will however keep rewarding comments of insight, sense and wit, and also punishing copy-paste bots and spammers. If you think that is unfair, think again.

This concludes my second #introducemyself post. I hope you found it enlightening, and educational! :)

If you have any more questions, ask them here during the week, and I'll answer them and revise the details of this post. When we are done, I will link the post in my coming articles so that it will act as a future one-stop info page on me and my art.

Steem On!
Steem On!

[Previous post: Project 365 // Thirty-first week in pictures (31/52)]

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Buy me a beer

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Yes for the first time I can see your pic here and I wish you more success and so far I know you for your professional photography.

Moi Jaro! Hyvä postaus, kiitos kun jaoit oman tarinan / tarinanne. Perhe-, harrastus- ja arkijutut on aitoa elämää ne!

Tuo väsymys ja stressi kuulostaa ihan tutulta! Täälläpäin ensiaskel pois siitä kuviosta oli irtisanoutua ja muuttaa maalle + luonnon oma rehab! Ihmisen voimavarat ovat rajoittuneet...

Toivottavasti menestyksesi täällä antaa sinulle enemmän aikaa perheesi kanssa! :) Perhe on paras! Ja hei, Veran kakut on superhienoja, postaa jatkossakin kakkukuvia :D

Terkkuja Kemiönsaaresta!

Nice to meet you jaro,,,You are very good photographer and blogger

Thank you. :)

It is great to have two beautiful children and you are really a wonderful person because you are one of the first people I have followed on this site and you always support us
Thank you and wish you many successes
Glad to you

It's nice to meet you Jaro! You've got super cool children!
Wajajaja Miro is so funny. He is exact your copy!
And Leo is a deep thinker as his mom??

Miro is indeed quite amusing. He was even more amusing when he was a few years younger. Now he is in school.

My daughter is two years older than Miro and two years younger than Leo. It has been fascinating to observe how each of the kids each pass the same phases of growth in their turn. Of course, there are differences, too, one of the biggest being gender.

Oon itekki miettiny, että mitenköhän noi verotukset menee, kun yleensä kryptoa verotetaan pääomatulona, muttakun Steemithän on käytännössä ansiotyötä. Kivahan se ois, jos se verotetaan pääomana, koska olisi pienemmät veroprosentit. Tuskin löytyy viranomaisiltakaan mitään selkeää vastausta tähän.

Ja se on kyllä hieno asia, että jopa suomalainenkin pystyy jo netin avulla tienaamaan elantonsa tai ainakin melkein elantonsa. Tunnen näitä henkilöitä monta mukaanlukien minä itte yhdessä vaiheessa :D

Ja vielä yksi kysymys ihan mielenkiinnosta: miksi luet tubecon -kirjaa? :)


You are blessed with beautiful kids! Great. Wish you all the very best

Jaro! You have an interesting story from the beginning to the current. I'm happy that you support those who don't vote their comments. Btw, your interest matches with my interests that is music and reading fiction.

We all have enjoyed your one post challenge every day which is finished now. You are really contributing too much to this community. Love it ❤️

What's your favorite fiction so far? And which music do you love most? Fantasy, pop, rock or something romantic?? ❤️

Thank you very much for the compliment, I appreciate that you took the time to write it.

But I haven't finished the one photo every day challenge, not yet anyway. After today I still have 21 weeks (147 days) to go. :)

I love the literary works of Isaac Asimov, Ursula leGuin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Ilkka Remes, Tom Clancy, J.K. Rowling, Terry Pratchett, William Burroughs, Stanislaw Lem and many others...

And music-wise I enjoy classical music the most, but I don't object to other styles, and I did mention a few in the post.

That's great means we are going to enjoy 147 days images further. Cool!!

Great choice for fictions! Classical music is really cool and take you to the comfort zone. ❤️

Your following has grown tremendously in the past year. A second introductory post was perhaps due. I think your photography has been evolving, too.

just read your post, found you a fascinating person who loves to capture nature behind the lens. it's in art that you are very good at. i followed you yesterday because i liked what you have shared till now in your blog. it's good to have people like you here in this community, i personally would say you are doing a great job and i can learn a lot from your posting. thanks in advance though

You do have a great family and moreover your wife does indeed looks like a great cook and your boys do look adorable as well !

ok its good to know about yourself and i also missed your first introduce post and its nice to see your lovely sons leo and miro i wish for them a good and happy life with you and for thier great success in thier next life ,,,more best wishes for your wife GOD bless your family always
also its better to make flagged to those coments who dont read post and make only some nonsence comentts only for rewards
good luck looking forward to your next posts and career in steemit have send so great article about your family.........your boys are looking so innocent ......and your wife,,,,,,i think ,,,,,,super are so lucky person...i wish,,,,always be happy with your family....and you will gain to your work place.....all the best...

ok now we cal you @jaro ....great thing to tell about yourself in your 2nd introduceyourself post
i always find your blog with good stuff and also your photography work is brilliant and now
i have no more question bcz i think your told us everything with your 2 posts and also your wive baking she is really a best baker and i dont see yummy and good looking cakes like this mostly bakeries

Hey Finn, Iknow you are professional photographer and sharing your photos one per day last week. I think it ends now. Isn't it?
I love the way you capturing images. We enjoyed your every post becaue you made stunning photographs and dtube videos. God bless your both kids Leo and Miro.
I'm impressed by your story that you were unemployed then how your life turning to the right edge.
What do you like to sing?

Noo, I'm not abandoning the #onephotoeveryday -project yet, I still have 147 days to go. ;)

I like to sing those old Beatles songs that I still remember.

I see you! Wow this is the first time I see you on STEEMIT! I had different image about yourself! I thought you were bold and fat :D But I was wrong :D Nice introduction friend! Sometimes in tomorrow I will do the same! Coz it's my B'dy!


It's quite awesome how steemit has changed peoples lives. I'm happy to hear that things have become better for you :) Btw, Vera's bakings looks beautiful!

That's serious stuff to have kids and be unemployed. I'd work my ass so hard to provide them with a good education and comfortable life.
Well... but now you've fixed your sht and become number one dad. So it doesn't matter anymore.

hi jaro you got 2 giants around you. they are your kids & they got their alpha behind them. it's you. nice to meet you on steemit @gamer00


Always knew your kid’s names from your posts but never yours Jaro! Nice job on focusing on flagging the BS around here too.

Good to see the face behind the name. 👍 Thank you for the intro post. Your wife makes fantastic cakes. Love those.

your story has made me feel sad man. I've been with you for over four months, but never knew that you've had suffered so much. But it's great that you are doing well now. And i don't think that you're any sort of unemployed - you have the best job here on steemit, and if the predictions are right, we all are going to be rich soon enough. i remember days when i didn't have a penny in my pocket and in our country, there is no such a thing called unemployment benefits! it's a corrupted country with pollution all over, but i'm hopeful that this platform is going to change my life. I know how hard life can be, learned it the hard way - and sometimes, i feel low - but, hope always come back. I always enjoy your posts, they inspire me a lot - truly! In fact, the greatest inspiration on this platform so far, i got from you!! And, I am really happy to finally see your face Jaro :) thanks for introducing yourself for the second time. You are one of the best people I follow, there's no doubt about it. may Allah bless you for eternity :)

Wow!! This is the longest post I've seen from you and the introduction was nice. This is the time I get to see your face, it has been shadows all the while. Sorry, I saved the image, lol. Nice re-introduction

You are not unemployed. Only using your time in personal employment.
I am also a father, and I understood the situation you went through. But the dedication to steemit was a prize.
I also have two daughters, and for them I am capable of everything, Here in Venezuela, even though I have a job, the payment does not reach me.

In a previous publication I made a comment about the sunflowers that they planted and I sent you a photo.

I really liked your new presentation, excuse my English the translator does not do it as I want .. Regards

it's so good to meet you again jaro the truth that you are one of the first steem that i followed and I dont remember how it was that I found you, actually I'm not a very old member of steem community but after following you for a couple of weeks I really appreciate some of your work and you deliver in carrying out your projects,
We never met officially but I can tell you that my name is Andres I'm from Venezuela, now you know that you have followers from many parts of the world, including South America, for now steem for me is rather a hobby but after reading your story I see that can be a tool of change for you and your loved ones, that is kind of cool. I do not want to extend more but I really like your posts and I will keep stacking for a while more.

Now I know you a lot better. Thanks for sharing. Your boys are cute too and the cake looks yummy.

I was glue reading your second introduceme post. I obviously met you on this platform, However, since I have been following your updates and posts, I knew many things about you. But the part I didnt know is this.

I suffered from a somewhat difficult depression during those years.
I ended up not sleeping and stressing out

However, if you dont mind you can check @abigail-dantes blog, she is a great psychologist.

But hey the introduction couldn't be complete if I didn't tell you guys about my wife Vera! She's an exceptional baker, here are some of her creations

Its always good to see Vera's creativity being showcase here by you.

Its been wonderful knowing you and having you as a steemian friend.

Cheers. Welcome to steemit. Lol:)

Hey Jaro, I didn't read your 1st introduction post but I get a chance to read your 2nd Intro posts. You really well-explained about your story and I'm enjoying reading your post without pause.

Well, I already know you are an avid photographer, your all pictures are worth seeing images on steemit. I also liked to play Go sometimes twice a week. I have seen many of the videos and pictures of your kids, both are charming by look and I hope they will have got bright future.

I'm shocked you were unemployed for 11 years and now you returned back with steemit. Applause!! I can feel your depression because I'm also suffering from the same situation right now but now I have a ray of hope to live happily because of steemit.

To cut in short, you're an inspiration for all of steemians. You are contributing to this community so well and efficient. Steem On always!!!

As a photographer just jumping into Steemit I appreciated the insight into your life the last couple years. I've been a full time photographer for 10 years ... so welcome to the life of the self-employed. Cuz that's what it sounds like you are.

And if you find your way over to West coast of USA let me know.

Welcome to Steemit gam... xD just joking (bot joke)

I don't think anyone can tell you what success in life means, but i am sure all would agree that, it has something to do with doing the things you like while earning a good income of them, so you can enjoy the other aspects of your life to the fullest, like your family and your hobbies, sigh, but even with a "normal" job things don't become any easier.

It is a great history Jaro, that motives me to keep moving forward, I hope to someday to reach the same heights as you are right now, for my own happiness and my own future...

Hi Jaro! I follow you for a long time and I feel like we've really met now! Thanks for the introduction post. By the way I'm Cem :) I have not written my introducing post yet, I will let you know when I write it! All the best..

This was a good idea and an interesting read. Some of the stuff I knew, so was new to me.

Hi! Old friend! That’s how I feel about you since I have been following you on Steemit and doing the Oped project.
I always wonder what kind of profession you were in, you seem to have lots of time. I thought you were a writer or artist of some kind because your photography is very good and your brain is definitely superb!
Thank you for sharing yourself with us in this post!
I must say this post makes you sound like a school headmaster!! Hahaha!
Your two boys are so sweet, especially in photos on decorating Christmas tree! I was amazed by your lovely wife’s cooking ability too, I still remember her cooking recipe you gave once!
I think you are a very kind and patient person. You had done very well going through life’s difficulties while preserving your own humanity and integrity. I must say you do look more handsome than your avatar!
Wishing you lots of happiness and prosperity!

I'm glad you wrote this as it makes it much easier to understand who you are and who I'm talking to at times. You have a lovely family. I was also very interested in Go at one point (and still have a small collection of instructional books) but I found I just didn't make much progress. I am an avid chess player, however. Nice to meet you again.

It's a great post.Really, I'm encouraged by you. You are very wonderful person with great father. Your children are too cute. I agree with you that parenting is a very challenging job..that you have been able to accomplish a great deal . Respect for you. Thanks for the post..@Jaro...God bless you.

very incredible your presentation, Your children are very beautiful, and they are already something big,I read your presentation twice because I was looking for something,and I thought maybe I happened to, it was your age, I knew you were a little older person, with enough knowledge, and of course quite interesting- You already know that I am a new follower of yours. and I did not know much about you,I really liked your presentation, I hope you succeed, that you have many successes, and that your children are good people

wow even you also donate your steem doller to the poor people.nice thats great.i saw your image.thank you very much…

Well not exactly donate, but I can help out some minnows by upvoting.

You are blessed with beautiful kids! Great. Wish you all the very best ...good luck looking forward to your next posts and career in steemit.....@gamer00 (63)

Nice to meet you Mr Jaro this is my first time that I see you and my first time I know that you have 2 children , Now I know who is @gamer00

Thank you for introduction , I'm proud to know a kind person like you here on Steemit.

I appreciate your kind words, thanks a lot! :)

Let's thank steemit who gives us the way to help us with our accounts,
we have work daily, work that is enjoyed, we share with other people, we help each other with the votes.
Thanks steemit.

nice photografhy n thanks for your support 😊

Thank you for this insightful gift for you and your family.
I recently knew you through the photographs that you have posted and sometimes you have seen the wonderful pictures to be published.
You are not unemployed. You are making a great effort to do different types of photos and to change the effort to publish them in your account, according to what I think.
I wish you happiness and your family.
Accept my traffic this.

I thank you sincerely.

We are honored to meet you my friend @gamer00

Nice to meet you jaro
The first time I see your picture and the pictures of your children are really handsome I wish you happiness and your family.
Thank you for the beautiful pictures published in this wonderful Steemit community

Excellent photos, autobiography. Really Steemit changed the lives of many people for the better. I think that the new year will be interesting too. Thanks for the excellent post.

well i think its long and it will take time s yeah i will read it after a time couse i really like your posts each time and i think it will be good to

that photograph somehow made me want to be there now.right now !great shot i must say !

Where? You didn't read the post did you? Maybe you should.

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