My Thoughts About

in #hede-io6 years ago (edited)

Many of you may have noticed that lately I've been posting entries into this thing called I first found out about when I saw an entry made by another steemian on (That link is a referral that helps me if you use it to join. If you want a non-referral link for steemfollower then use this link).

Photo Source: is kind of like Wikipedia but thankfully not as pedantic. Its entries tend to be shorter like urban dictionary and anyone can contribute knowledge to

As we all know when smart people like those on Wikipedia make up hard rules that must be obeyed by everyone no matter what either innocent aliens die due to Prime Directive or lots of time gets wasted debating about a picture of a cow. Yeah, that happened on Wikipedia.

In a few categories such as accuracy Wikipedia works well but Wikipedia also has a lot of problems. For example, censorship. I am not referring to political censorship even though there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that political censorship is pretty much an everyday occurrence on Wikipedia. What I mean is censorship of knowledge itself. Wikipedia editors make decisions about what knowledge should or shouldn't be on Wikipedia. Their decisions affect what people get to know.

Photo Source:

Don't take my word for it. Here is the link for a great article from titled, "Wikipedia Erases Paleontologist Günter Bechly".

The damnatio memoriae of Wikipedia aside, other knowledge is removed from Wikipedia just dealing with ideas.

Take for example scalar electromagnetics. If you try to research scalar waves on Wikipedia the links redirect to the physics concept of a scalar field. Websites such as quote the old entry for the pseudoscience concept of 'scalar waves" promoted by people like Tom Bearden. Does Tom Bearden have a Wikipedia entry? Of course not. He is mentioned though on Wikipedia's "History of perpetual motion machines" page. At least that is true at the time of this writing. Saying something is on Wikipedia tends to be like saying the sandcastle you made on the beach two hours ago is still there.

Even if a subject is pseudoscience it is still knowledge. Phrenology still has an entry on Wikipedia. Sometimes bad pseudoscience makes great science fiction. A potential writer might want that information but some volunteer editors on Wikipedia decided no to sharing that information on behalf of everyone. Sites like might quote from those deleted entries but if those websites stop getting hosted than that information becomes more obscure and arcane.

Photo Source:

How Does Go Beyond Wikipedia?

On's page it states,

"HEDE is an open-sourced friendly Wiki Platform where you can share information about anything in the universe by first defining it. Unlike traditional edit-based Wikis, we let multiple authors add entries into any HEDE topic without any approval, so it becomes a fun and fast way of creating wikis." is more The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy than The Encyclopedia Galactica. What I mean by this is that tends to be entries without scholarly merit and more focused on the entry poster's knowledge and experience. Sometimes adding experience is easy when it comes to an entry about a TV show or an opinion about a person who is the subject of an entry. Other things such as scientific concepts are a little more tricky. If I make an entry about series-parallel circuits do I mention one of the questions I answered on the question pool to get my amateur radio operator's license? Do I connect some resistors series-parallel to a 9V battery and put my tongue on the bare circuit? I really don't have any subjective opinions about the transuranium elements but if you read my recent entry for David Charles Hahn I am sure you would agree with me that Mr. Hahn could have written a very loving entry about plutonium for

At first it may seem like a bad idea to let people be free to post entries on without citations to verify accuracy. Wikipedia would never allow that. However, whether intentional or not there seems to be safeguards in place for

Let's say hypothetically there are six entries about the planet Earth on Of those six entries five state within the text that the Earth is oblate spheroid or round while one entry states the Earth is flat. Even without sources based on the contributions it can be inferred that the Earth is not flat and the one entry claiming Earth to be flat is an outlier. The more different contributions to a specific subject the more confidence in certain facts can be inferred. If those facts can be inferred to be correct than the entry containing those facts is also likely to be generally correct.

There is also the matter of reward. @hede-io will often upvote good content. Bad content wouldn't be as rewarded. Misleading and false information would result most likely in gaining a bad reputation both on and/or

As a final safeguard for there are always pathetic losers with no life who wouldn't tolerate others messing with their pet topic on

Nobody libels holograms. NOBODY! Got it?

I think it is safe to predict that as more people discover it will become more popular and other future blockchain wiki projects will emulate In the present time it is a fun way to get motivated to post on more often.

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While this post certainly showed a great deal of passion, I was sad to see that much of it was negative. At Utopian, we are about promoting open source projects, and in a post that's meant to elevate one project, you seem to have spent most of your time attacking a different open source project - one of the most successful open source projects ever, in fact.

Your post mentions wikipedia more times than it does, which I found to be telling. Comparisons with other projects are always welcome, but the focus of the post should the project you're writing about. The post could have used far more detailed information about, and would have benefited from graphics illustrating your points about, rather than your issues with wikipedia.

In addition, we require posts in the Utopian blog category to include a link to the project's repository.

I think you're a good writer, and I'd like to see more contributions from you on the Utopian blog category. But I would hope that future posts are more positive, and more in line with our guidelines.

Your contribution has been evaluated according to Utopian policies and guidelines, as well as a predefined set of questions pertaining to the category.

To view those questions and the relevant answers related to your post, click here.

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Fair enough. At the time I was writing that post I wasn't even aware of's existence. Now that I am more aware and less ignorant I can assure you that future contributions will be much more in line with what is expected. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for your review, @didic!

So far this week you've reviewed 8 contributions. Keep up the good work!

Amazing and right to the point explanations of Hede with reasons of why we have created the platform and telling how we expect authors to use it. You should have a mind-reading power:)

"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is the source of this platform and the one we inspired from.

Our users might get "Wiki" word very seriously, so we now want them to answer "What is X?" for anything in the universe without anybody asking it beforehand. However, the difference from Q/A sites is that we allow detailed and non-duplicated knowledge consisting of experience based or opinioned information with using "links to topics" which allow topics to be interconnected. In this way, readers can learn related things in detail on their own topic, and we can use this for machine learning in the future. According to me, every information (short or long) is valuable, nobody has the right to measure this. Information mixed with opinions are a more natural way to absorb the content. Thus we can say that is a mix of Wiki, Quora, and Urban Dictionary by current trends. We plan to make information and opinions more accessible, structured and quick to be shared and show the world this will work.

We are not afraid to have incorrect information, as we trust the community, by entries, comments and re-ordering entries by vote count and using machine learning we can solve it. This is one advantage of our platform to the Wikis.

I will be publishing posts about our Topic guidelines and Posting guidelines then I hope the confusions of will be easily understood. For now, I just update the entry on the homepage for authors:


42 may be the answer to the Universe but I guarantee you it is never the answer to when a woman asks you how old you think she looks. Never, never ever.

I've been thinking about the implications of applying deep learning/machine learning to That's definitely another post I can do after some more research. Probably in a month or two I can make a post about that.

Thank you! I will be waiting for that to learn from that post, to see what could be done in that area. I am not a machine-learning developer, only have the experience from my bioinformatics thesis before deep-learning got popular.

The platform's success depends only on the collaborators on it, so we have a long way together as a community. With the community and other developers, we can shape the future of the project to have a place.

Nicr! Can I translete to indonesian language?

Yes. You have my permission to translate "My Thoughts About" to the Indonesian language.

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Wow. Thank you so very much. With an upvote like that it's guaranteed there will be another contribution. :-)