An interesting question came up in the comments of my last post. It seems to be an important one for Christian readers. It also offers important evidence that the book of Matthew was not originally written in Greek. (one example among the many idiomatic, cultural and other proof). Likely none of the B'rit Hadashah was.
Thanks @offgridlife!
So I gave it some thought. I know I have read it - yes. It was on my phone. So I made a horribly graphic mess but accurate translation of the verse in Matthew 1:21 from the Hebrew.
- for the fast answer, "and you shall call his name yeshua because yosheah his people"
This kind of naming system does not work in Greek - end of story.
The names throughout the Tanakh meant something. They would say what they were naming the child and why - in this case, "call him Salvation because he will save his people."
The longer answer
... starts with the verb "to deliver" and ends with a full translation of the verse written in the Hebrew version of Matthew.
Here is the raw verb from strongs if you are interested.
It means to save. The word for word translation for Matthew 1:20 is below. This is with no words rearranged, word for word, from Hebrew, without trying to make it palatable in English. I wrote what I read in Hebrew (then the English meaning). This is from a screen shot of my phone where I have the Hebrew Matthew - then I used a browser based editor to add the meanings.
Pardon the huge Hebrew and tiny translation
I am not a graphic artist by any stretch of the imagination. Some of these Hebrew words you will already be able to read if you have been following my lessons.
Thanks for taking the time to read. Your comments are welcome. I have been getting a lot of questions and I answer as many as I can. This one is important to Christians I talk to, so I dedicated a post to it instead of placing my answer in the comments.
itneresting. you should make more posts like this.
here is another one one for you- why the prophet moses is called moses?
hint- שמות פרק ב' פסוק י'
Ah yes! "from the water מְשִׁיתִהוּ" - then I found this discussion....
Yeshua is salvation (exact meaning). Moshe seems like 100 opinions!
@asafb2k How would you translate משֶׁ֔ה?
the most common one is the one i hinted..
if you are intersted you should watch the movie i recommended
I am interested, and I will try to watch the movie if I can find it or buy it.
I am not sure if you are aware of the prophecy in the B'rit Hadasha which speaks of two witnesses that shall live in Israel, at the site of the temple, and cannot be killed or silenced.
its little hard to know about ancient things on movie maybe they had not all the details which are actually required need to be have deep look .
this so amazing as an israeli to see someone that have such an iterest in the hebrew language.
i have a lot of ideas for you! you can make posts about the hebrew slang! like the word מכתוב that used by the north african jewish community.
everything you need im here to help..
I am very interested in all that you are doing to serve your country and I am very glad we met! To me Israel is the center of the world and the apple of G-d's eye. (La niña de su ojo). Thank you for the offer to help and I look forward to finding any way I may bless the children of Israel in any way.
This is the second time I heard "Israel is the center of the world"! I still don't know I should believe it or not!@hebrew,
Thank you for your comments! Some posts get 700 votes and only 23 views, mine get 110 votes and 412 views. I wonder if that is a good gauge of content.
that's amazing its just bcz you had share extra ordinary ancient language which is from history congratulations for it
Yeah indeed! We like to read your post before commenting! And you are a true value adder to the Steemit community!@hebrew,
@asafb2k .... How is this word -- מכתוב -- used in Africa ? It means "From Writing? caption ? Lettering ? מכתוב
i meant מָּכְּתוּבּ...
it says that everything is written for you up there- your true love, the sex of your child and basiclly everything. now in hebrew because its easier for me.
theres a new movie in israel with this name:
steve&chuma , two criminals are the sole survivors of a terrorist attack at a restaurant in Jerusalem. They decide to change their ways and become flesh and blood angels. They go on a journey of wish fulfillment for people who write requests on paper and put between the sacred stones of the Wailing Wall.
הכוונתי למילה מָּכְּתוּבּ. היא נפוצה בקרב יהודי צפון אפריקה והיא בעצם אומרת שהכל כתוב לך למעלה. עם מי תתחתן, במה תעבוד, באיזו מחלה תחלה. ולא משנה כמה תנסה לשנות ולעשות הפוך בסוף יקרה מה שה' תכנן בשבילך.
יש סרט חדש שיצא ממש עכשיו של שני כותבים יהודים בשם גיא עמיר וחנן סביון בשם מָּכְּתוּבּ. ממליץ לכם לצפות :)
its about two friends that live in jerusalem and working for some criminal. after a big miracle that happens to them they dicided to fullfil the wishs from the notes at the western wall ( ) . very good movie, a specialy if your in the jewish and the israeli Mentality.
heres the trailer-
Awesome. - We need more angels.
@asafb2k ..... Moses means drawn from the water... The child grew up, and she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became like her son. She named him Moses, and she said, "For I drew him from the water." יוַיִּגְדַּ֣ל הַיֶּ֗לֶד וַתְּבִאֵ֨הוּ֙ לְבַת־פַּרְעֹ֔ה וַֽיְהִי־לָ֖הּ לְבֵ֑ן וַתִּקְרָ֤א שְׁמוֹ֙ משֶׁ֔ה וַתֹּ֕אמֶר כִּ֥י מִן־הַמַּ֖יִם מְשִׁיתִֽהוּ:
@asafb2k ... Have you studied the Zohar, Bahir and Sefer Yetzirah ? I have many many questions about these books.
no, i havnt..
One of Judaism's great figures is the man called Moshe Rabbenu ('Moses our teacher') in Hebrew. The first five books of the Bible are traditionally ascribed to him. Moses is the channel between God and the Hebrews, through whom the Hebrews received a basic charter for living as God's people.
This is a hard language to pick up! It is important to me as a Christian. Thank you!
Thank for comment :)
When I learned that his name was Yeshua and could finally read some Hebrew I found this name, this word "Yeshua" on every page of the Torah. Jesus was pure Genius since he even gives reference to this Word his Name Yeshua (yud shin vav ayin) with his last breath on the cross. You will only discover this if you know the Torah and Tehillim (psalms) in Hebrew. I can show you this if you like....
Yes please .... I would like to know this.
In Matthew 5:17 Jesus says, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets (Torah); I have not come to abolish them but to FULFILL them." How then is the Torah fulfilled when Jesus seems to be abandoned by God to die on the Cross ? How is he "One with the Father" when he cries out in Hebrew .... "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me" ?? What has been accomplished ? What has been fulfilled ?
In fact, Jesus is not calling out to God, this is God calling out to you, saying these words to "YOU". If Yeshua is the Messiah, (Annointed), those in the crowd, or reading this story Now, if you know Torah (Old Testament) by heart you would know the significance of these last words. "My God, My God why have you Forsaken Me ?"
So, if you know Torah by heart, you know that here Jesus is quoting Psalm 22 (Tehillim 22).... and you would run from Golgatha and open your scrolls to Psalm 22:2 and read what it says. When you do this you will see how Jesus fulfilled the Torah as the prophesied "Moshiach Ben Joseph" ... Salvation (YshuaH/Jesus) the Suffering Servant.
Read Psalm 22 below (English and Hebrew)
Notice that the word YeShuaH /(yud shin vav ayin) Jesus is also there in the 1st line .... י שׁוּעָ תִי (Salvation)
My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? You are far from my salvation [ ישׁוּעָתִ - Y'ShuAH] from the words of my moaning.
ב. אֵלִי אֵלִי לָמָה עֲזַבְתָּנִי רָחוֹק מִ - ישׁוּעָ - תִי דִּבְרֵי שַׁאֲגָתִי:
Do you see it ? Can you see what he is doing here ? He is revealing his Name "Yeshua" to you in this very moment. Can you read the Hebrew ?
This is His name .... ישׁוּעָ
This is incredible. I always had questions about why Jesus cried out like that and this makes a lot of sense.
Does he say this in Hebrew or in Aramaic ? Eli Eli lema sabachthani. - I always thought this is Aramaic - Matt 27:46 "From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. About the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” 47When some of those standing there heard this, they said, “He is calling Elijah.”…
How do you say or spell Jesus (Yeshua) in Aramaic .... Is it Yeshu ?
Like this ...
Thank-you. Is it still pronounced Yeshua in Aramaic then ?
•°•♡ⓣⓗⓐⓝⓚⓢ♡ •°• comment my friend , i like
Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.
For ease of navigation, we include as Christian any group that sincerely regards itself as Christian, and whose beliefs are based on the teaching of Jesus.
I like that you take time to interact rather just posting for payouts!
What are you up to now, do you have regular classes of students? Is it private sector or university?
The level of interaction here is truly amazing.
Well now, would I like to see you show up? Sure!
Am I interested in languages? I am a language teacher myself. Better to learn something here if only by glancing through than to follow daily news. I do like to travel and I'm interested in Izrael since one of my friends visited and said we shouldn't miss it if we get the opportunity.
This is the most generous social networking site I see @done
@done, You, @hebrew, @btu made this high interactive and amazing environment! And I would like to say, I am lucky to write a reply to your comment! Actually I thought you were a bot :/ My mistake friend! Your inspiration and motivation helped @hebrew and also to us! I won't say lies! You have amazing Steem Power and it can change the things ups and downs! Great work you are doing and I saw you are motivating few other big whales as well! That would be a great thing too! @hebrew is lucky have a friend like you too!
But aside the steem you mean, this is the first time i see someone post about christianity and its history.
I agree.... best thing on Steemit
I agree
I totally agree. Great interaction. Have a good one @done
@done I agree with you.Steemit is wonderfull site.I am 20 days old and I have incredible money. I learned excellent new information. I am very happy to be here..
Thank for comment my friend
I love @done
Man is basically a social Animal and wants to interact with others directly or indirectly. Infact, level of interaction is really wonderful this Site is not only giving Financial Strength but also making the mass aware about the Technical side of the Globe.
@done I just want to say you a BIG THANK YOU for your generosity and kindness <3
Stay Happy Beautiful Soul
amazing @done, hopefully the future is more amazing again
I like that he interacts with comments and my many many questions. I have a little bit of knowledge but I definitely needed to find a Teacher of Hebrew... hopefully he can share these teachings on YouTube. The World needs to learn these teachings.
I saw a lot of youtube tutorial but they were not clear in their findings, maybe @hebrew can help you
I stopped taking new students years ago. I was in private schools and banking. Now, I am trying to learn the digital coin craze and pursuing my passions.
I will be your student on Steemit.... I am only here to learn the language spoken by God (no small task) and share what I have learned from where I am on this journey into his Kingdom
Do you have a discord? Sure would like to get in touch. There are several groups there, might get you more interaction if that is something you'd like.
I will get through the aleph beyt here. When it comes to reading practice, I will need to sign up for something audio-visual. I cannot believe the response to my post to begin with.
Thank for sharing @hebrew
Wow....another execellent post again about one of ancient language by @hebrew
Nice explanation there wonderful person you are :)
This is hard language. thanks for sharing
For your post propagation.
Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.1 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago.
For ease of navigation, we include as Christian any group that sincerely regards itself as Christian, and whose beliefs are based on the teaching of Jesus.
Yes, I aways thought that his name was Yeshua (yud shin vav ayin) or yeshu ? ... The reason I have decided to study the ancient Hebrew language is that I discovered many years ago that the oldest versions of the Bible, The Old Testament - Torah / Tanakh and the New Testament were originally written in Hebrew and later translated into Aramaic/Syriac, Coptic, Greek, Latin, English French German and all the other languages of the World.
If Jesus is God, One with God (Father/abba) as he says, and if he is the Teacher of the Way to the Kingdom of God, then wouldn't it be important to understand and study his words in the Original language they were spoken ?
Believing that the New Testament was originally written in Aramaic I started my studies with the aramaic/Syriac copies of the Peshitta (New Testament) until I learned that this was also a translation from a much earlier Hebrew original.
A scroll at the University of Bologna Italy is shown to be 800 years old. An Italian expert in Hebrew manuscripts says he has found the oldest known COMPLETE Torah scroll, a sheepskin document dating from 1155-1225.Luckily for me I have found @hebrew here on Steemit that is teaching the original ancient Hebrew language that was used to write the Bible. He blogs about each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet and how they are formed to created the spoken words of God.
There are fragments of the Torah scrolls and other books of the Bible that have been found in Israel, especially at the Dead Sea that are much much older.
To understand the complete Teaching of Jesus (Yeshuah) you need to study his words in Hebrew.
Image: Oldest Complete Torah Scroll in Italy.
This is Fantastic. I had no idea about this. I want to know more.
Shabbat Shalom!
Nice that you dug that up. What I am teaching on my blog is exactly that. That is the kind of Hebrew I study and teach.
Shabbat Shalom
I am very interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls and texts from Nag Hammadi. I wonder where Coptic fit into all this....
Me too. I believe the books found at Nag Hammadi and other places in Egypt are very important. Especially the Coptic Gospel of Thomas (The Twin)
The Gospel of Thomas may be the earliest record of the Teaching of Jesus ... as early as 40 AD.... Assigning a date to the Gospel of Thomas is very complex because it is difficult to know precisely to what a date is being assigned. Scholars have proposed a date as early as 40 AD or as late as 140 AD, depending upon whether the Gospel of Thomas is identified with the original core of sayings, or with the author's published text, or with the Greek or Coptic texts, or with parallels in other literature."
That is sure a lot of findings but i never knew the bible was written in Aramic, i thought it was strictly hebrew?
Most is in Hebrew .... but a few books in Aramaic.... ie: Book of Daniel, Ezra ...
Wow thats too amazing, all along i didnt know
The Peshitta is an Aramaic Translation of the entire Bible - Old and New Testament.
Yes, there have been many Messiahs .... David, Solomon but there is One Messiah Son of Joseph (Moshiach ben Yosef) and one Messiah Son of David. (Moshiach ben David) the Divine Son of Man .... These 2 are the same One. The Divine Son of Man has been described in Daniel 7:13, Talmud/Sanhedrin 98a and Zechariah 9:9.
Amazing video. Wow
This is in the Talmud ??????????? What ?????
Here: (From Talmud Sanhedrin 98a) So much is hidden in the Hebrew of the Talmud.
§ Rabbi Alexandri says: Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi raises a contradiction in a verse addressing God’s commitment to redeem the Jewish people. In the verse: “I the Lord in its time I will hasten it” (Isaiah 60:22), it is written: “In its time,” indicating that there is a designated time for the redemption (Salvation/Yeshua) , and it is written: “I will hasten it,” indicating that there is no set time for the redemption (Salvation/Yeshua). Rabbi Alexandri explains: If they merit redemption (Salvation/Yeshua) through repentance and good deeds I will hasten the coming of the Messiah. If they do not merit redemption (Salvation/Yeshua), the coming of the Messiah will be in its designated time.
אמר רבי אלכסנדרי רבי יהושע בן לוי רמי כתיב (דניאל ז, יג) וארו עם ענני שמיא כבר אינש אתה וכתיב (זכריה ט, ט) עני ורוכב על חמור זכו עם ענני שמיא לא זכו עני רוכב על חמור
Rabbi Alexandri says: Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi raises a contradiction between two depictions of the coming of the Messiah. It is written: “There came with the clouds of heaven, one like unto a Son of Man (Bar Enosh)…and there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom…his dominion is an everlasting dominion” (Daniel 7:13–14). And it is written: “Behold, your KING will come to you; he is just and victorious; lowly and riding upon a donkey and upon a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Rabbi Alexandri explains: If the Jewish people merit redemption (Salvation/Yeshua) , the Messiah will come in a miraculous manner with the clouds of heaven. If they do not merit redemption, the Messiah will come lowly and riding upon a donkey.
אמר ליה שבור מלכא לשמואל אמריתו משיח על חמרא אתי אישדר ליה
Yes it is from the Talmud - Sanhedrin 98 a There is a lot more there to see: Come and See .....
the @boomerang whitepaper.This post has received a 4.39 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @alexvan@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read
Wow amazing, a bit difficult but i try to follow!
Wow beautiful post
One of Judaism's great figures is the man called Moshe Rabbenu ('Moses our teacher') in Hebrew. The first five books of the Bible are traditionally ascribed to him. Moses is the channel between God and the Hebrews, through whom the Hebrews received a basic charter for living as God's people.
This is excellent research. I did not know this.
Nice question there very useful that too :)
I just checked out on Wikipedia and I found it Hebrew is the only living Canaanite language left, and the only truly successful example of a revived dead language! It's really to great something I learned from you! It's really not for easy me but sure will always checkout your post & trying to Learned this language!
Well done.
@done sir if u dont mind can you visit my work and let me how it is please
I find it very difficult to understand when spoken . Probably for this reason. I have a better time picking up words and understanding when it is sung slowly in a song ....
Are you into teaching hebrew too?
yeah cool
@done Sir I Have Tell You A questions
Just followed you sir i need a favour please have a look on work if u dont mind its about black and white photo contest please @done
done you are so powerfull
I admire you ,, if there is free time to play is to my post
hello done ,, good day can we greet each other,
@done please visit my profile for one time.
A very good post, because language is a communication tool that is needed by all people in the world.
When the people of Israel were dispersed, the oral Hebrew was still taught but was influenced by the cultures among whom they were living. When I began my studies, I found teachers who all seemed to have a tint of where they had learned from. You could say that they had an 'accent' in the way they read during class.
You mean like when they were living among the jebusite? Ammonite? Cannanite? Were they influenced also by their way of life?
It has been a while since I was in that part of the Bible. I thought they were supposed to take over those peoples and break the idols.
There are so many examples of Israel mixing and intermarrying with other peoples after being warned against it.
On many Archaeological sites in Israel they are finding small "Asherah" statues - in almost every home. So yes this Canaanite Female Goddess was difficult to purge from the idols that existed in this part of the World. However there are references in the Zohar that compare Ashera to Shekhinah - the Feminine aspect of the One True God. More study is needed.
that's the best use of steemit i have ever seen :) everyone can ask and find solution
I am still don't know what actually happened! But you won't ask apologizes, mistakes can be happened to anyone! That's why we called ourselves as "HUMANS"! So, don't worry friend! Keep it up! I want to learn this amazing language and you are the GURU of mine!@hebrew,
Comment section seems spammed :/ Motivation thought the comments is a good thing, but spamming everywhere for rewards can't be acceptable! Hope you concern about it friend! (Hope you will not get misunderstand about what I said)@hebrew,
I really want people to know that I appreciate their comments. I don't normally post this often because I do give the percentage that I feel a comment deserves. For that reason my voting power gets so low that it takes a long time to come back. I have very little voting power left and I know it is partly due to voting on comments. I am voting with 10 to 20% recently and nobody will get rich from that.
That said, I see very little spam. I am uncertain what these resteem bots and originalwork bots are about, but anyone who is only asking for a return vote from me will not usually get an upvote. Those who put a lot of thought or even add to what I have taught, in my opinion, are not spam.
Point well taken. Thanks!
Respect your way of thinking! I don't care what's the voting power you have or how much you vote for my comment! I am glad to say, I decided to follow you and you are giving me an enormous support to learn this ancient language and I wish to visit Israel atleast once in my life time!
Let's say if I have something to say, I will do comment as a comment (mostly) Sometimes I am replying others comments but mostly try to stay on my comment section, because I feel it like hijacking ours idea!
Rewarding the comments is a great thing. Today I talked with few of my good friends and we all agree you are one of the best rewards giving person! I don't think you made any kind of profit via those rewards! Very rare to find that type of people! So, respect you ever!
Thank you, you didn't take my comment as an aggressive one! I just wanted to tell you some people jumping everywhere and trying to collect rewards made me confused!
I am taking an example:
Let's say I want to say "I Like Hebrew Language"! (This is what I need to say in the comment section).
Some people write it like this: "I" in one comment, "Like" in another comment, "Hebrew" under someone else comment, "Lan" in another comment and finally "guage" in another ones' comment :D
I hope they will not spam your comment section for rewards next time! After all, thank you very much! Thanks for you, I am learning world oldest language now! Have a nice day!@hebrew,
As usual a great theme
Hello @hebrew how are you @OriginalWorks will check the originality of this post and upvote accordingly. Upvote this comment and I may upvote your post as well!
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This is a hard language to pick up! It is important to me as a Christian. Thank you!
This is a hard language to pick up! It is important to me as a Christian. Thank you!
It's great that you take time to read and respond to comments and come back with post like this mate! I really appreciate you doing this type of informative post for us all to better understand and learn!
This language is really difficult to learn from my perspective but with some effort I am sure i'll learn it.
This is a hard language to pick up! It is important to me as a Christian. Thank you!
wow excellent.
Wow is a nice capture from you, are you using a Bible app for android on your cellphone is great you never need conection to internet for read wherever the holy writtings
I saw a lot of youtube tutorial but they were not clear in their findings, maybe @hebrew can help.....
Excellent- Thank you so much - this answers my question.
This is an excellent post. It really makes so much sense. His Name is "Salvation" -----Yeshua ----- What a beautiful Word. I Love it. The Word of God is "Salvation"
anyway, thank you very much for pointing out this kind of an interesting question about this "Book of Matthew". Really fascinating.. You are doing an excellent job as always... I would be highly appreciated that effort Sir..Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.@hebrew - "The book of Matthew ", is not much familiar to me Sir.. Because i am a Buddhist..But, all these information you have given can be taken as General Knowledge to anybody who seeks knowledge in every aspect..
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
I am very glad you answered the question with a great article and explained everything in detail and nice .. thanks for the great article friend @hebrew
Thank you for your explanation. An excellent answer is given.this great information .@hebrew
100% like and resteem
It was interesting to find out that the book of Matthew was not originally written in Greek!
Hebrew and Arabic come from a similar : both belong to the family of Semitic languages, both languages exist and are documented about 2 thousand years.
I have been trying to learn Hebrew for years. It takes time.... I am a very slow learner. But when every single Hebrew letter is filled with so much symbolism and Light it takes years just to learn the 22 letter Aleph-Bet... but that is just me . I get side tracked easily. Especially after I started reading the Sefer Bahir, Sefer Yetzirah and the 12 volume Zohar.
I am a slow learner also. I am just beginning to understand.
Agreed - good point.
Christianity is the world's biggest religion. thank you for sharing.
The Hebrew word "Yeshua" (Salvation) -- יְשֽׁוּעָ -- is found 72 times in the Tanakh (Old testament)
It is said that God has 72 Names. I believe they are the Word "Salvation" (Yeshua)
Here is one example from the Book of Isaiah 12:2,3
Here is the God of my SALVATION / Yeshua, I shall trust and not fear; for the strength and praise of the Eternal the Lord was my SALVATION/Yeshua." בהִנֵּ֨ה אֵ֧ל ---יְשֽׁוּעָ ---תִ֛י אֶבְטַ֖ח וְלֹ֣א אֶפְחָ֑ד כִּ֣י עָזִּ֚י וְזִמְרָת֙ יָ֣הּ יְהֹוָ֔ה וַֽיְהִי־לִ֖י לִ ---ישׁוּעָֽ ---ה:
And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of the SALVATION/Yeshua גוּשְׁאַבְתֶּם־מַ֖יִם בְּשָׂשׂ֑וֹן מִמַּֽעַיְנֵ֖י הַ --- יְשׁוּעָֽ --- ה:
And you shall say on that day, "Thank the Lord, call in His Name, publicize His deeds among the peoples; keep it in remembrance, for His Name is exalted. דוַֽאֲמַרְתֶּ֞ם בַּיּ֣וֹם הַה֗וּא הוֹד֚וּ לַֽיהֹוָה֙ קִרְא֣וּ בִשְׁמ֔וֹ הוֹדִ֥יעוּ בָֽעַמִּ֖ים עֲלִֽילֹתָ֑יו הַזְכִּ֕ירוּ כִּ֥י נִשְׂגָּ֖ב שְׁמֽוֹ:
I did not know this until I learned some hebrew.
Fantastic research and contribution to this discussion. Wow wow wow
This was an interesting read. I just upvoted, thanks for the tutorial.
thanks for sharing the post
I like that you take time to interact rather just posting for payouts!
It's great that you take time to read and respond to comments and come back with post like this mate! I really appreciate you doing this type of informative post for us all to better understand and learn!
This language is really difficult to learn from my perspective but with some effort I am sure i'll learn it.
MinnowsPower listed your post "The ancient language of ivrit ( עברית ) Why Yeshua(h)" as one of the top 5 upvoted and commented posts of the day...!!! @hebrew
The best reference to learn Hebrew and it's influences to the Christian religion...!!!
50% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower
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Very important to understand about every details here :) Thanks for sharing this
"Sing to the Lord, all the earth; announce His Salvation (Yeshua/Jesus) from day to day". 1 Chronicles 16:23
כגשִׁ֚ירוּ לַֽיהֹוָה֙ כָּל־הָאָ֔רֶץ בַּשְּׂר֥וּ מִיּֽוֹם־אֶל־י֖וֹם --- יְשֽׁוּע --- תֽוֹ:
The word "salvation" occurs the following number of times in the following translations of the Bible...
English Standard Version (166)
American Standard Bible (159)
King James Version (158)
New King James Version (156)
New American Standard Bible (156)
Revised Standard Version (127)
New International Version (118)
Going to look now.
You are a machine! I like your passion for the Word and for the Truth.
You separated this word above - when all together it says, "y'shuato" and means "his salvation" --- יְשֽׁוּעתֽוֹ
Clearly it is talking about the Salvation of יהֹוָה֙ which actually has all it's vowels - they normally skip writing the middle 'o' --> הֹ in the Name. It also bothers me that many English bibles have completely removed the Name and replaced it with Lord, a word describing a British land owner :(
I get carried away.... Yes - that is True .... "His Yeshuah" ..... I placed the -- yud shin vav ayin --- so that it could be seen. How would the English Translation write the word .... YHVH or HaShem ?
That is the 64 million dollar question. It is also a huge argument across the web. The one you pasted contains all the vowels, and you have been following my lessons... So, you should be able to pronounce it as it is written.
When you read it in Hebrew, then you will not need an English representation of the Name!
The simplest solution then is that we all learn to read and speak in Hebrew. Problem solved
Whatever source you used to copy the Hebrew has all the vowels (the same *vowels I have seen in very old writings) and your translation has "to the Lord".
*arguably the correct niqqudim
לַֽ י הֹ וָה֙
vah <-- ho <-- yeh <-- leh <--
'leh' being "to"
and the others being YHVH
I use Where they used the word "Lord" in their English Translation ... .... you will have to contact Chabad to make the corrections.
That is a nice work you are doing and thanks for the post .
Keep it up buddy ,learned sth new today :)
Nicely explained buddy
i really wish we can learn each others languages
I also found this online lesson for Galilean Aramaic which may be closer to the dialect of Yeshu(a) [E-Sho] and those living around the Sea of Galilee in the 1st Century ....
you tried you very best their and it is nicely explained too i appreciate your effort in making such a valuable post