Welcome back to my DTube Hebrew reading & language series.
The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.
This week - Genesis 1:28-29
This week's reading covers a couple verses where God blesses man and gives them dominion over everything on earth. He then gives them all seed bearing vegetation and trees that bear fruit for food. Interesting. Today we still eat apples and oranges for food as originally given, but we also hack up animals and love to eat that steak and fried chicken.
Today brings the original intention for our diet in our study below. Meat comes later when Noah exits the ark and animals rightly start fearing man.
What jumps out at me in these verses is the first time in the scriptures where anyone does something and talks about it.
I have given - to you (both)
The " I " is found when we see the ending "ee" as in nah-tah-tee (I have given)
We can tell that God was talking to the male and female that he made because of the "khem" ending in lah-khem
If he were talking only to ha-adam (the man), it would be written le-kha!
Recording this video took many tries. I read a bit faster than usual today. I found out how much I stumble over my own words when explaining - with no verbal backspace key. So I opted to read the verses and get my post done as apposed to trying all day and not getting it done.
Here are the links
Please click over to DTube and read the above passage with me in Hebrew.
▶️ DTube
▶️ IPFS #
We will be finishing the first chapter of Genesis next week!
This is pretty cool! The first milestone.
If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go, the sofit formations and numerical values. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here
Get your Hebrew Bible now!
Click here to obtain the book we are using. It is a free download - or browser usable.
Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.
You put another great effort and thank you!@hebrew,
Shabbat Shalom~
Wow great advice and very important ones. Your post has energies me greatly so thank you so much for your valuable post, Wish you a very beautiful time ahead my friend.
Good chapter to learn today perfect day you have chosen thanks for sharing and keep sharing more :) have a great day
I wishing you more success from my heart. Shabbat Shalom.It's more powerful strength indeed review and introducing. Your teaching best ans need to slowly studying. Sometimes video not working properly on my pc. But I'll try it much better. Good education work you already started @hebrew.
Veg is a human food and non veg is non human food . Shabbat shalom
Learning a lot sir,this is very much interesting,thank you so much sir.
Thank you for continuing to teach us throughout the week @hebrew friend, your lessons become increasingly interesting.
Great lesson and important language.this is valuable post.

Have a great day.
Thanks @hebrew
Buen post muy intersante hebrew, solo es cuestion de esfuerzo y dedicacion, para asi poder aprender este idioma,saludos.
Shabbat Shalom. Listening now....
Thank you. Another great lesson.
Shabbat Shalom
Very good. So much information revealed in the Hebrew ... this is so good to learn.
Wonderful work from you sir and i love your explanation which makes me to understand better.
Hiii Respected Shabbat Shalom / @hebrew
wonderful lesson as usual and glad to see this week's lesson for the promotion of this ancient and historic language. now there is much awareness of this language among more peoples through Steemit. Your efforts and passion for your aim to promote this language in whole world is appreciate able. I personally impressed with your teaching style and like to support you.
I have one suggestions for you that you should post 2 blogs in every week.
ancient language of ivrit is so cool,thanks @hebrew for sharing.
This is really awesome @hebrew loving it a lot,i am so glad,thank you so much and have a great day.
This is a new challenge for me sir,but you are making it so easy to learn,cant learn anywhere sir,thank you so much sir.
First time I saw your post & i am surprised to see I.e you are trying to learn a language .keep it up my friend ,you are doing a great job.
your way of conveying a a message is attractive .I don't know much about this language but I got some knowledge from your video
מאוד מנחה אינפורמטיבי שימושי ידידי היקר ואני אלמד more.Thanks לשיתוף איתנו פוסט נהדר שלך
Thank you very much lord has taught us about this, about a truly magnificent Hebrew language .. I love it because this language is one of the oldest languages in the world that is now increasingly difficult to know, even very few can master it. I love it my teacher @hebrew
There is an old saying, " The more you know, the more you know that you don't know. "
For me, it is the journey that makes it all interesting.
true once, the more knowledgeable a person the more it or that he did not know anything
Thanks @hebrew for sharing the post with all of us.
The ancient language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 14
Being Following you over the time and have learnt the past lesson in learning this Ancient language but never commented on your post but would like to say as this is the new beginning and you shared the Video on dtube this was very helpful to me you slowly read that which help me to learn visually and the pronunciation helped me really nicely
So thanking you for making a dedicated video on this and sharing your work with us i appreciate your hard work and wishing you all the best.
Thanks a lot again for sharing
Have a great day ahead
Shabbat ShalomThank you for taking the time to comment. I have seen @mrashik come up on the list of voters via steemd for some time. I am glad I was able to thumbs up a comment and give back to you for your loyalty.
It's perfect tutorial again & interesting you posted every weekends hebrew language. I have seen more steemians told this is a hard to study language like as me. Without any difficulties we cannot find anyone. Everything depend on your mind. Exactly this is a great tutorial including video and text. I'm studying yet.
I've learnt some of hebrew lessons through your kind lessons @hebrew. It's great video and contents lesson and will help to every steemians who prefer to learn hebrew language. Your content so powerful and easy to pick up. Thanks and shabbat shalom.
hebrew is the oldest language in the world.you take the responsibility to teach the people about the language.you are great @hebrew @upvoted
Genesis 1:28-29. It nicely mentioned by you. Thanks for every time you provided various language to steemians. Thanks to all effort. Wishing you best. Shabbat Shalom.@hebrew, That would be another great vocabulary pronunciation of Ivrit language. I listen to Dtube audio. Nicely taught there. Well explained today about
אני אוהב את השפה הזאת, נהדר לדעת את זה, כל האשראי הולך לך
You are the master of this rare skill learned a lot today,thanks for being my teacher.
Thank you very much for dedicating your time to teaching to all the people who want to learn, I just got here today, but I will look for your videos to learn from this wonderful scriptures.
Hey @hebrew this leason is really awesome,loving it a lot,thanks for sharing.
A very good chapter & great teaching. Specially with the video it's a perfect lesson. Thank you

This is perfect, I will never stop saying it, this language is one of the oldest but I would say the most difficult to learn luckily we are with this online teacher that thanks to his videos and written lessons we learn more and more
Thanks, teacher @hebrew
...ee at the end means I.
As difficult Hebrew for me is, this one is very easy to understand. Along with other things I have already learned such as English using multiple words unlike Hebrew does and so on. This one is very easy to remember. Hebrew is beautiful and artistic language, but very difficult to learn and write at the same time.
Thanks for the Hebrew this post very important lesson and useful.
your good work and great work
For your post propagation.
Thanks for the information of the Bible. the very helpful language.
such a good topic & wonderful dtube video'
Genesis ends with Israel in Egypt, ready for the coming of Moses and the Exodus. The narrative is punctuated by a series of covenants with God, successively narrowing in scope from all mankind (the covenant with Noah) to a special relationship with one people alone (Abraham and his descendants through Isaac and Jacob), peculiarity of this verb is that it is always used with God as its subject, meaning that only God can "bara"; it is the characteristic verb for God's creative activity in Genesis 1.The origin of the term remains uncertain. The Biblical term Ivri (עברי; Hebrew pronunciation: [ʕivˈri]).
Awesome post sir. 🤗💚
Thanks @hebrew for sharing this post.
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks a lot for sharing your work sir,lot of people are learning a lot,hope we can see you daily sir.
Good information from bible , good article . So what you are veg lover or non veg lover ?
Shabbat shalom
Always feel nice to learn this language here @hebrew sir and your effort of making tutorial has really made it easy for all of us.
Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....
god creates his best creature human in the world.by tje knowledge of human they can do a lot of work.but you do a good work by teaching a language @hebrew sir
Thank you so much sir,trying to get my hands on this language.
It is generally agreed by historians that Jesus and his disciples primarily spoke Aramaic (Jewish Palestinian Aramaic), the common language of Judea in the first century AD, most likely a Galilean dialect distinguishable from that of Jerusalem. Hebrews were nomadic people.
Thanks for sharing @hebrew sir.
it is awesome language, i always prefer your lecture, your presentation is so nice.
Thank you so much sir ....@hebrew that you are back.nice post.following and upvoted resteemed.

This is a very valuable article.We are very useful in learning the language.
Thank you for great writing experience.
Hebrew is such a great language!!! .
It is valuable and very useful language.
Resteem Upvote@hebrew
The ancient language is awesome,learning something new sir,thank you so much sir.
Welcome back sir...👍 i'm waiting for you lessons sir from many days... you are really an inspiration to me sir @hebrew. ✌ Thanks for the amazing lessons sir...Thank you so much.☺
I love these classes, so far thanks to you and I learned a lot from this language
Another good lesson. hebrew reading is the best. thanks for sharing